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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. I'd highly recommend watching this video, which explains all the design decisions made in the evolution of the Jazz bass -
  2. The exact reason I can't take this off your hands now, even though I've been coveting one for years 😩 Glwts, she's a beaut 👍🏻
  3. I've heard it's for attaching the strap to when the bass is in its case, keeps it tidy apparently 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Has your guitarist given a reason as to why you should change your technique?
  5. I've got three, 2 straight up P's (70s MiJ & Squier VM) and 1 PJ (bitsa) and I love them all. They're definitely not one trick ponies, but being honest, I do get more tonal variation from my PJ. I find I can dial in more bite for cutting through the mix.
  6. Believe it or not, they do! They're called Rat Rods... Not my thing but some people like them. Don't forget there's also the Shabby chic furniture thing. Rat rod https://g.co/kgs/EdQNN2
  7. If you can afford £250, for my money you can't do better than a Spector NS2000/4. Not sure if Mick is keeping this one if he sells the NS94, but if you can persuade him to let it go, buy it (the orange one)
  8. Something pointy or a bit curvy? What sort of noise are you hoping to get out of it, what music are you playing? What's your max spend?
  9. Bought a Gator gig bag off David. Great comms, nothing was a hassle, very friendly and helpful guy. Top BC'r 👍🏻
  10. Before you start rubbing down, it may be worth researching using heat (and I think moisture) to expand the wood and swell the dings out.
  11. Its most definitely a temporary measure. Once out territories have been established, I'll begin the encroachment war, one hanger at a time 😂 Thanks mate, we can't wait. It's been 2 years in the planning so hoping for the best 😊 You know, I didn't think I did needed that many basses until I didn't have them... 😁
  12. Thanks Dave We're moving to a slightly smaller home in the coming weeks and I'm losing some bass space (but are gaining a beach!) so I've had to take a few of my basses to my mums. It didn't cross my mind to take the batteries out of the active one!
  13. @TrevorR thanks for the reply. As I mentioned, I pull the lead out as a matter of course, so it was just a question out of curiosity more than anything. Tbh, I'm as likely to forget to pull the volume knob to go passive, let alone to save battery! 😁 I've put a couple of active bass into storage for a year or two, should the batteries be removed altogether?
  14. I've had "remove the lead" drummed into me, but out of interest, would the push/pull active/passive volume controls do the same the job?
  15. The NS2000 used to be mine, absolutely awesome bass. Only sold this one as I have a slightly older one. I'm seriously tempted to buy it back, they're as rare as rocking horse poop and at this price is an absolute steal. Glwts mate!
  16. What are tapewounds all about? I've never tried them (or heard them for that matter!) 😁
  17. A 15 year old is a child and still has a number of inches left to grow. You have no idea how tall the girl in question is, but given that the OP has already identified the issue as being her having trouble with neck length and fret size (probably because he's her Dad and has watched her play and spoken to her about it) I think it's a safe assumption that, with his 25+ years experience of playing guitar, he may just have better understanding of the problem and solution. If you were a small child and were using adult clubs, that may just be the problem. You would go the the pro shop and be measured for a set of clubs suitable for your height.
  18. I don't believe this is a technique issue, rather one of physicality. You wouldn't expect a child to ride a full size adult bicycle, nor would riding lessons improve the situation, same thing with a large instrument.
  19. Spend a grand and buy this... https://www.bassbuddha.com/product/sandberg-california-ttp4-matte-black/
  20. Got it, LTF4As it is. Thanks mate 👊🏻
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