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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. I have to say, I think my initial guess of "fake" is wrong. Judging by the heal, correct truss rod adjustment placement and, most importantly, the pic provided by @NJE, it would appear that the one for sale on eBay is a genuine (albeit butchered) Overwater. Having said all that, the listing has now ended (showing as unsold but maybe sold elsewhere?) so unless the buyer is on the forum, we're destined to never know for sure. Ahh we'll 😁
  2. Hmmm... Yeah, good points. Not so sure now. πŸ€”
  3. Yeah, I've seen this. Not an Overwater for me.
  4. @Reggaebass @BassTractor yep, definitely going to put some padding on there. Tbh, my local homebase didn't have the one I wanted so will order some from tinternet. Not sure if I'll be using this one, it was just a demo really, the 5/6 rack will be finished to a better standard (hopefully!) 😁
  5. I've decided to have a go at building a rack myself, based on this one I've seen on ebay. Built a single guitar one as a practice run this morning out of cheap timber. Looks and works OK, so will choose some better wood and build a 5/6'r to fit in the space where my 3 guitar rack sits. It's a bit of a tight fit but hopefully it'll be fine.
  6. Following! I'm after one of these too!
  7. Interesting comment. Not sure I fully agree with the "woman as potential friends" part, I'd be more inclined to put forward Jordan Petersons view which suggests that men have much more of a threat of physical violence than woman do. Woman's expression of violence tends to be verbal. This is probably best demonstrated by types of bullying behaviour children engage in. Boys will bully by pushing, shoving and hitting, girls bully by causing reputational damage by spreading rumours or social exclusion, which is very evident in how girls are affected by (and are perpetrators of) online bullying much more than boys. With this in mind, it offers an explanation as to why men tend to be on guard around other men, basically in case it kicks off, whereas woman will be more to be "friendly" to each other, then talk about that person when they aren't present.
  8. Yeah, I don't disagree, it's something I've often wondered about myself.
  9. Pretty good (albeit unscientific) article on the subject here They've given the list of tasks performed by each hand and believe the dominant hand has more complex tasks to do -
  10. If it is arthritis related I suspect the increased frequency is due to the cold weather. I have arthritis in my spine and its brutal during the winter. The only options I've been given (and I'm following this thread with interest for any more ideas to help) is pain killers (which I'm avoiding due to concerns around side effects) but mainly stretching and exercise.
  11. Congrats mate. Time to get that order in with Holger πŸ˜‰
  12. I too have joined the lidl daisy chain extension cable club (the club name needs work)!
  13. Don't know what the pups are in mine (bought it from The Bass Gallery and they didn't know), but I've added KioGon stacked knobs and it sounds spot on. Bridge pickup adds a nice bit of bite when needed.
  14. Good shout. I was looking at an anglers backpack with a built in seat for when my back is especially bad and I need to sit, but don’t want to carry any more than I need to. bought a drum throne in the end though πŸ™„
  15. Nice little bass solo in this too πŸ‘πŸ»
  16. Yep. While you're sleeping your brain is "playing" the bass line over and over again at a much faster speed. Seem to remember hearing a doctor talking about it on a podcast.
  17. Funnily enough, I was going to suggest a chambered Maruszczyk. I've owned a Jazz Maru in the past (albeit not a chambered one), the build quality was exceptional and the tone from the stock pickups was fantastic. I had a Sire at the same time and the tone was night and day. I'm also a massive Sandberg fan, so have a look at the Superlight series. Not sure if they do a P version though.
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