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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. Totally understand where you're coming from and of course, you're absolutely correct, it's impossible to please a wide ranging audience. But... There were too many acts on the show were of a poor quality. Past it singers who could barely sing in tune (Melanie), the 3 screeching ladies, the band with the female singer who looked down to the floor when singing and stepped back and forth when not. That isn't not pleasing a wide ranging audience or pleasing oneself, it's fosters poor booking by the production team who don't seem to have a clue how to save this dying duck. I honestly don't think it's OK to just excuse such poor content because it's a music show so "that will do". This is the BBC's prime program for New Year. It's just not good enough and will only get worse if apathy is the overriding emotion from the audience. What's the motivation for the production team to do any better? Let's be honest, if the people in the crowd can barely be arsed to look like they're enjoying it unless the camera happens on them, what do the producers think the viewing public at home are doing? And that's without bringing up the painful "interviews" with drunk "celebs" who have nothing to say except to promote whatever "project" they have coming up in the coming year.
  2. Nope, you have to roll it in glitter Edit... Posted before reading the full thread. Joke already been told! 😳😁
  3. Its not different at all. What do expect the content of a thread entitled "Jool's Hootenanny constructive criticism thread"? Surely you know beforehand it's going to be people being critical, so why bother to read it or comment on it?
  4. The same can be said about criticising those who are criticising the show on a thread set up as a place to be critical. If you don't want to read criticism, don't read the thread. But you have been, all day. It's no different.
  5. I did the same, my NS saw off a very good ReBop
  6. Whatever you do, don't ask to borrow a Pixar movie from Rick. He's never gonna give you up.
  7. This forum is weird. It goes from people arguing over the differences in tone that you get from maple vs rosewood fretboards or different body woods, to all Precision & Jazz basses sound the same... Make your minds up people!!
  8. Interesting. They do seem to push the metal guys on their SM, at least the posts I scanned following this thread being posted.
  9. Yeah, now you mention it I knew about that. I seem to recall that was mentioned at the same time as the investors buying vintage guitars but not renting them out, which annoyed the guy telling me.
  10. Now, I may well be making this up or recounting a made up tale, but I've heard that there are a large number of Asian collectors who buy anything old and American and keep them in temperature controlled vaults as investments. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Fully agree. Maybe it's a European thing and Warwick is the preferred weapon of choice, though I can't help think even they're a bit out of fashion at the moment.
  12. I've had a bit of a scan through Spectors official insta feed and, with the exception of Doug Wimbish, Spector artists so seem to be rock or metal. Maybe it's something to do with the famous Spector growl?
  13. Having moved to a new area last month, my 2020 resolution is to get into a new band. I made contact with a drummer on JMB the other day, we're meeting for a coffee after xmas to chat music and see how we get on. We're the same age, seem to have the same taste in music and see it as fun first and foremost, so the signs are good. We'd also like a big band (horns etc) but not sure how realistic that is with the fun before cash mindset, but who knows? Tbh, I'm just gagging to get back in the studio after almost 12 months out.
  14. I've bought a Maruszczyk from Poland, no problems at all.
  15. Aye, that's the one down the road from my old house!
  16. They have a store just down the road from where I used to live. Big showroom, decent stock, think you'll be fine. What ya buying?? 😁
  17. Nice! Been eyeing up this one myself, Merry Christmas! 😁
  18. Almost done. Just need some thin neoprene strip for the neck holders and it'll be job done! Soz for the rubbish pics, it's really dark today. The varnishing is better in the flesh. Honest. 😬
  19. @Stub Mandrel great post and agree 100% 👊🏻
  20. This. 100% Then definitely this 😁
  21. This is a pretty definitive statement from the public about what they want. Prehaps a level of introspection is called for.
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