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Everything posted by DoubleOhStephan

  1. Yeah, I know what you're saying, just messing really πŸ‘πŸ»
  2. Ahem... I see your quote and counter quote you with (from The Guardian interview) - "The band’s eager display of their bodies gave them a homoerotic frisson from the start ... Early in their career, the Chili Peppers did so in a daring way by posing for the Los Angeles-based gay porn magazine In Touch. β€œI felt honored that they wanted us in the magazine,” Flea said. β€œThe gay community in Los Angeles were the first ones to really embrace the Chili Peppers.”
  3. Thanks for this, definitely one for the reading list. BTW, Anthony Keidis' book is also well worth a read πŸ‘πŸ»
  4. Completely agree with this. I've got a one in natural, it's an absolute tone monster, super versatile and a dream to play.
  5. I didn't say they shouldn't do it, I was simply saying the reason it doesn't appeal to me is as I've seen it before.
  6. 100% Just another form of rap I reckon. I've been thinking on this today, and as far as I can tell, the last truly original new musical innovation was dance music back in the 80s/90s. A new form of technology came along and created a whole new form of music. I may well be wrong, but I've been wracking my brain all day and can't think of anything else.
  7. I can only speak for myself, but I think that, (along with other people of a certain age, around 40s onwards) it's not necessarily that I don't like it, it's just that I feel like I've seen it all before. So it doesn't feel like it has any real originality, rather, it feels a bit contrived or manufactured. I tend to find it a bit boring and uninspiring, which for me, is the opposite of how I want music to make me feel. I completely understand that it's nigh on impossible to invent a new mucial genre, so it's inevitable that new bands will sound/act like those who've gone before. So I don't think it's just a case of noisy band bad, or rapper in pants talentless, it's more that we were there (or thereabouts) at the birth of these genres and bore witness to true innovators create something completely unique. When punk came out, it was completely new, no one was doing anything like it, no one had seen anything like it. Same with rap. Now though, an angry lady with an average, noisy band? Seen that already 40 years ago. Angry rapping man dancing in his pants, yeah Mike Patton & Anthony Kiedis were doing that 30 years ago.
  8. Haha yep, unfortunately the buying bit has hit the pocket hard 😜
  9. Is every comment made on this thread completely unique? The information I shared showed he had 100% positive feedback, which he does. The ONE comment out of 165 you've highlighted does indeed say it is poor workmanship, it also says he liked the concept, which is why I expect the feedback he left was positive.
  10. Well, I suppose so, but I wouldn't really expect a load of Russian bots (or his friends/family/stooges) to be leaving fake feedback. The logical assumption is that, as eBay feedback is requested following transactions, it is from people who have transacted πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  11. I suppose that's a compliment. Although, again I can't help but detect a note of snark. Look, this thread was 8 pages long before I made a very simple comment in response to a couple of points. A debate was already well under way by the time I contributed and since then, all I've done is reiterate my point, which is very simple and requires very little thought Where have I been contrary?
  12. If your idea of trolling is sharing information relevant to the conversation, then I guess I'm guilty πŸ™„
  13. I don't have any horse in this race, I've simply shared some further information which offers a different perspective. I've not even offered an opinion on what he's doing. Its pretty weird that you seem to have taken my sharing of this information so badly. It's also odd that, on a forum designed to encourage debate, doing so is annoying to you. That's twice you've been snarky towards me yet I'm the high school debater? Righto champ.
  14. We can agree to disagree, but I posted his feedback score in response to a couple of comments related to feeling sorry for his customers, but as his feedback shows, his customers are overwhelmingly happy with the product he's supplied. Since then, his feedback score has been dismissed as being from people who don't know any better, beginners, that it's been curated by friends (faked) or from his wife (also faked) or just not interesting. So, which of those are logical assumptions, or is it only your assumption which is logical? What I think is irrelevant to the point I'm making, which is actual real customers who've bought his products aren't unhappy with them.
  15. I really don't know and neither does anyone else. It's probable, but unproven so therefore can't just be dismissed. Maybe. But again, that's just supposition. You don't know who the buyers are, the only fact here is, in the last 12 months, no one has left negative feedback. To suggest they're all novices (or any other dismissive description) is just an opinion to support your view.
  16. Well, that depends doesn't it. If you don't want to see different perspectives in a debate so that your views don't risk being changed, then it's absolutely fine. Doesn't change the facts though.
  17. Which is exactly what I would say. But that's not the point I was making. I've simply said, he has 100% positive feedback from people who have actually bought what he's selling. Their opinion has to count for something within this debate. However, even that's being dismissed as being left before the product been received, or if it has been received its from someone who doesn't know any better, because it's contrary to the case being made against him. That just strikes me as dishonest and there's no need for that.
  18. Theres no evidence for that, it's simply supposition. Indeed.
  19. People should exercise caution when buying from ebay. And, just like every single thread that I've seen from beginners asking for advice, try before you buy and if possible, take an experienced bassist with you.
  20. Call him out all you like, that doesn't change the fact that 1. It's impossible to confirm if all his customers are informed beginners and 2. (which is the only statement of fact which I've made) he has 100% positive feedback from 164 customers in the past 12 months.
  21. That assumes all his customers are uninformed beginners. It's impossible to confirm if that's the case, so this is a bit straw man argument.
  22. I've not made any comment on the quality of his workmanship, I've simply shared his 100% positive feedback score. Clearly, this customer should have left negative feedback, I don't know why they haven't.
  23. He's had 164 sales in the past 12 months. I presume at least some of them would be buying from an informed position. I'm not interested in buying anything he has for sale, and that doesn't change the fact that he has 100% positive feedback. I haven't mentioned anything about mental health. With 164 happy customers in the last 12 months. I don't understand how this effects you or anyone else on this forum unless they've bought something from him and are unhappy. I agree. I also think the opinion of how actual customers is just as, if not more, valid and should be taken into account. I appreciate it doesn't suit the general tone of this thread, but that doesn't change the facts.
  24. Great thing about ebay is every customer gets to give an honest report on the item they've bought and it's there for everyone to see. Probably worth having a look at his, as all of his customers seem happy πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
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