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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. There is a simple way of dealing with this. Cut out the middlemen/women so that the amps/cabs/pedals actually sell pretty well in the UK etc. I am pretty certain that TC Electronics decided to go directly to shops which resulted in a drop in prices. This was maybe late summer 2018. I understand they cover warranties, but surely the cheapest/easiest way to do this is for Mesa/any other brand to just get in touch with a well known repair hub and say they will be their repair centre and work out the basics. No need to 'store' gear and deal with things at a middleman/middlewoman dealer. It's adding costs. It is 2019; communication is possible for free via video call...we can ship things securely, etc.
  2. Stingray Pino P Bass Xotic Jazz Out of all of the Jazz style basses, they all sounded similar, but the Xotic just seemed to edge it. Could be the strings though. I DID like the sound of the MTDs but I would not spend £5k on a bass... The Dingwall Lee Sklar was also pretty awesome. The Ken Smith and Fodera basses didn't wow me at all.
  3. What exactly does a distributor do in 2019?! Stores products and redirects repairs?
  4. They make lovely looking instruments, but as far as I know, they are made in Korea (?!) then shipped to Germany (?) for inspection. You are paying a LOT for a Korean built guitar (they make great guitars btw, but the prices are usually £600-£1000).
  5. Unfortunately, I am not shocked about Dawsons. Shame.....but you could see these stores closing a long time ago. The Altrincham one is only down the road from me at the moment....might pop in.
  6. How about just selling direct to stores...because the old style distributor model doesn't work if you ask me. I'd love to own one of these amps but unfortunately it is extremely expensive in the UK. Massive shame.
  7. They might be phasing the whole line out now...it's been some years since that setup came out. I still like these amps and cabs...the 2x12 at that price is a bargain.
  8. I had buzzing/weird overtones or something on a Ray 5. Changed strings, never did it again!
  9. I'd love a G&L bass....when they are more readily available I'll try one. It seems the Andertons/PMT/GG buying consortium are ordering more stuff.
  10. I would say it is my favourite Jazz bass I've owned or player. I have a USA Jazz sitting in it's case barely being used because the look/feel/sound of the Flea Bass is so raw and interesting. Mine is certainly that Jazz tone I always wanted. It's aggressive but it can easily be tamed. I also find it is pretty damn bright, contrary to the other owner above... The finish is absolutely lovely. I am a sucker for shell pink and the relic job is great. They have gone up around £150 since I got mine, but they are still worth it. A really really good spec. Don't be put off by the fact its Mexican.
  11. Now I don't have time to gig etc (although I'm hoping this changes) I wish I'd kept my old GP12400SMX. That amp was fantastic. But, my word, it was SO heavy and awkward to move.
  12. It's ridiculously cheap. Cheaper than a hell of a lot of single effect pedals.
  13. Yamaha have bought Ampeg so expect new amps and an overhaul soon.
  14. These seem to be settling at around £429 now... https://www.gak.co.uk/en/line-6-hx-stomp-guitar-processor/921163?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlZ2Vr6yp4AIV7pztCh0HhQn6EAQYASABEgI0zPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  15. Aye he's a nice dude. Where is he?!
  16. Those Bongo colours are fanastic. I've noticed they have also kinda remarketed the Sterling bass with a few upgrades.
  17. One of your vids is on the Bass Direct page for the s/h one...!
  18. The marketing dept need to be given a stern telling off about cheesy lines. Gold plated circuits?!
  19. I agree the Little Mark Vintage could be a nice amp! Good feature set. Markbass seem to churn out new products all the time. It's crazy! Although I still don't see many in music shops.
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