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Everything posted by songofthewind

  1. “Time controls”? Jeepers, these basses are too cheap!!
  2. I use my Zoom G3 for bass and guitar. The choruses and tremolo FX are fine, as are the delays and reverbs. Good compressor too. The amps and distortions are of no interest to me, but your son might like them. They are all far too bright and need dialing back, as do the distortions. Plus it has a DI out which many find convenient. I put it after my Zoom B3n when I fancy a bit of ambient! I've had two of them.
  3. If I win the lottery tonight I will have this, mark my words.
  4. White Jazz with a tort guard. The mark of a true gentleman.
  5. Sterling Sub Ray 4. Cheap as chips, and really good basses. I got one because I wanted to explore the Ray vibe, and I think it sounds and plays great. If the colours don’t please you, spray it.
  6. Absolutely lovely work. I can’t wait to see more of this!
  7. I just bought some knobs from Chris, and he sent them to me at warp speed, with a camo strap thrown in as well. And all well packaged. Thanks a million, Chris!
  8. The shape is reminiscent of the Lakeland Daryl Jones model, no?
  9. Very handsome! I’m inspired because I’ve got some bits that could easily become a very similar project. The Jazz pickup idea has got my attention in a big way. Onward!
  10. Crikey, that does look good!^^^^
  11. Ambassador, with this cherry burst Sterling thingy you are spoiling us!
  12. Is that gold hardware I see in the first pic? I likes me some gold hardware!
  13. I find Zoom pedals to be finicky. I think Rushbo may be right, and you should give it a good 500mA right up the jacksy.
  14. YouTube, Greg Fairweather, Lowdown, Request.
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