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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. Mrs S is luckily, very understanding Double bass in the lounge (she says the place looks empty when I'm out gigging it!) Ashton battery powered busking amp in the lounge too (small and fits under table-unit-type-thingy) Bass guitar also in lounge! (for noodling, rehearsing with MP3 / Cds) EUB in spare / box room Basses under bed, plus fretless in corner of bedroom! Amp gear in garage (2x10 combo, 4x5 cab PJ Valve head, plus 200W 1x10 combo) Gosh, as I'm typing this, I realise just how lucky I am Mind you, she's quite a hoarder with it Not hundreds of pairs of shoes, but quite a few And she has 3 double wardrobes and a trunk full of clothes (plus plastic storage boxes under bed) and in the garage, alongside my amp gear, she has what I can only describe as baskets full of dead twigs, which have been sprayed gold.... I've never figured out what these are for, and they can't be "decorative" because they're essentially in a very big cupboard But if she complains about my stuff, I always reply "When are you going to do something with your dead twigs then?" I'm not quite sure what her reply is, as I never quite catch it all
  2. Yes, it certainly looks lovely But as others have said, only you can decide on whether it's worth the price especially as you can't identify the maker But most importantly of all, you really should play it first Give it a good try-out, just to make sure a). It's a good quality instrument . It is worth the money c). It's right for you Good luck anyhow and let us know what you decide
  3. I haven't tried a Tanglewood personally But I wouldn't mind giving one a whirl I had an Ashbory, and didn't really get on with it It sounded good - much beefier than it looked But I didn't like the rubber strings, which also seemed to continually go out of tune I had gone off this sort of instrument, until I played a Kala U-bass the other day It handled much better than the Ashbory, and I much preferred the strings on that The ones on the Ashbory were thicker, white in colour and felt far more "rubbery" Whereas the ones on the Kala were not quite so thick, and stayed in tune better and felt less rubbery and easier to play I think these can be quite useful, sound a bit like a double bass and are very handy to cart along to open-mics and such.... Edit: depending on how good the Tanglewood model is, of course
  4. Looks fab. Yes the P/J arrangement is great If I was looking for another bass....... Lol GLWTS
  5. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1430950297' post='2766334'] Pop. Drain. Superglue. [/quote] Lol Actually, you can buy a finger tape, marketed as "Double Bass Finger Tape" Got a roll from ebay, after following a link on this forum When I started playing (and indeed now, if I haven't played for a while, I end up with blisters, or at least, very sore finger tips Before I bought the tape, I wondered whether I'd be able to play with it on but after reading of a few BC'ers who recommended it, I bought one and I have to say, it's relatively comfortable and I can continue playing..... after a fashion and it does seem to stay put as well, unlike plasters I suspect that it's actually a medical product, maybe "primapore" or some such like But I keep my roll in my DB case - in case I get a paper cut etc Personally, I think it's good stuff, and very handy.... Glad the gig went OK EDIT: This is the stuff [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Double-Bass-Finger-Tape-/321740151750?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4ae9351bc6"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ae9351bc6[/url]
  6. Hi Phil, Sorry, no suggestions Though if you like what you already have on the Wal, why not keep it that way? Or maybe just keep an eye open for another bargain, and experiment then.... Just wanted to ask, Do you find the TI Flats are very low tension? I've got a set of Steve Harris Flats on my fretless, and they're good But ideally, I wish they were a lower tension.... Good luck with your string search
  7. Glad to hear you're on the mend dadofsix A friend of mine recently had an op on the tendons of her hand she couldn't play guitar for about a fortnight, and that was driving her mad! So she played Djembe, and some other percussion instruments for a while Slowly, her hand has been improving, and she reckons that playing guitar is good physiotherapy though initially, it was a bit painful.... she took great care not to overdo it, or overstretch... Hope you're 100% back in shape asap
  8. As Machines says, you really have to know what you want from a bass And I suspect. like many of us, there is not really One bass that does everything you want in one instrument This may be because you are also playing different styles of music, or are after different sounds, or a different "feel" when playing..... I'd just say, before you sell anything, then later maybe regret it! Make yourself a list of what you want from that "one bass" Try as many as you can, to find out exactly what the ideals are and what compromises you may need to make, and whether those compromises can be overcome, or lived with.... For me, my RW Jazz is the best I've played, in most respects Although, if I'm honest, I sometimes wish it had a P/J pickup arrangement I've got a couple of P/J's (a Squier and a bitsa) and I wish my US Precision had the pickups from my Bitsa lol However, I can live with things the way they are, and generally get pretty much what I want from each bass when I choose which one to play (which will also depend on which band I'm with... groan!) A custom build might be a way forward, but you're going to have to be really careful with your specifications perhaps someone like Mark at Limelight would do a P/J custom build? You specify the neck profile, body etc - but maybe a very light relic (if you don't like relics too much) If your P plays like butter, and you really like it, maybe you could get a professional job done to add the J pickup? - I think that's what I'd be tempted to do, I must say Don't see this as a "task" as such - but as an exciting journey! lol I stumbled across my RW Jazz, and I only did this because I wanted a bass with a "vintage" look & sound for a particular band / project - I tried several basses, and the Jazz hit all the buttons and I'm so pleased I tried a bass I would never have done, were it not for that band... Enjoy your quest and let us know how you get on Cheers Marc
  9. Free bump for FuNkShUi, and this rather nice looking bass He's a top bloke to deal with, an all-round good guy you can deal in confidence folks and if you're trying out the bass at his place, you may even get a nice cuppa GLWTS matey, and hope the move goes well
  10. Sounds like a grounding or shorting issue How simple it is to repair may depend on where that's taking place Is it easy to get to the electrics? As it's a cheapish guitar, I'd say, take a look, in case you can see anything obviously shorting, or a loose connection At risk of sounding like I'm also stating the bleedin' obvious Also try a fresh battery, and a couple of leads A guitarist pal of mine had some awful buzzing, with one of his guitars He tried other guitars, then different leads.... Turns out, this guitar only buzzed with one particular lead... ... and that lead was fine with other guitars! Check the jack socket too.... Good luck
  11. [quote name='Christian Houmann' timestamp='1430678298' post='2763651'] Hahaha! I also love my Limelight P bass. I was close to pull the trigger on this bad boy But now a friend of mine is having it [url="http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Houmann/media/Limelight%20P%20with%2066%20neck_zpsbslxjecz.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Mmmm, nice Love the bound neck
  12. A few years back, I bought a Stagg, and I've never looked back since It was never quite like an acoustic DB and from what everyone else who owns or plays both tells me an EUB can never quite feel and sound like a DB But as a first foray into the world of upright bass and for portability, then an EUB is a fab instrument in its' own right and the most convenient alternative for many players I've now got a lovely Eminence EUB, and that's the closest sounding and feeling EUB I've come accross My Stagg was a brilliant starting point, and many people continue to love & play theirs for years I haven't tried a HB myself, but I'm sure they're fairly similar Good luck in your new venture But beware, as others have said - you may well end up wanting an acoustic DB - even if you can't transport them around easily You may even just feel the need to play a DB after a while with your EUB ....It's just a bug, which bites and won't let go A few tips from me. My Stagg came with awful strings - change them asap Strings - now there's a whole new topic, which is worthy of a forum all of its' own and if you intend to bow, that can have a huge effect on which strings you should opt for..... Don't try to play your DB the same way you play a bass guitar You won't be able to play those Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden riffs straight away! Get some lessons - even one or 2 to get you going, and give you a couple of pointers before like me, you develop too many bad habits Lastly, enjoy! It really is a whole new world of playing Let us know how you're getting on EDIT: To anyone thinking of trying a foray into the world of DB A stagg is a great starting point. A second-hand one on here will set you back around 250 notes and you'll easily get that money back, should you decide to sell later
  13. [quote name='Kempy535' timestamp='1430464261' post='2761587'] Does anyone know what the bass are made out of and what electronics are in them? I cannot decide if going this way or ordering something from unfinished Warmoth and paining it myself is a better idea. [/quote] You can ask Mark to build a bass to your own personal spec He's reputed to use only high quality components Maybe drop him an email, and he'll let you know what the components are, or specify your own, for a custom build EDIT: I think the necks are licensed Allparts..... I gather he winds his own pickups I do know they have a great, vintage sound Hmmm, a sherwood green P/J ..... dreams
  14. .... wonder how many people had to hold the camera?
  15. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1430362812' post='2760663'] When I'm away without my bass , I run through the things I've been learning recently, in my head, sometimes accompanied by the fretting hand movement. Sounds odd but I've found it really helps things I'm learning to really sink in. Sometimes just looking at tabs or sheet music for scales or songs I haven't played before, it really makes a difference for me the next time I pick up my bass. [/quote] I was going to suggest this sort of thing Just play along, unplugged, and do the actions with just the one hand If you are able to, that is.... Maybe pick up a small drum, like a cheap Djembe, and tap along to music with one hand? - that's something, I suppose Sorry to hear of your accident Not being able to play would be a real downer for me but it should heal in time - sad to hear about blue's friend, who will never be able to play again Hope you're up & playing again asap Cheers, and best wishes Marc
  16. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1430375445' post='2760688'] all fixable, go for 250 because it needs a proper set up [/quote] Worth a try anyway.... Does look like a Fender to me.....
  17. These CV Squiers are absolutely fabulous Great build quality, great feel & sound and IMHO, the Fiesta Red P is the best looker (esp with tort plate) Had one myself, and sold it, to get a Bitsa P/J which is great, but not quite as good, quality-wise as these CV's You're right about the necks on these. They're not as chunky as a US P bass Just a tad wider than a Jazz, and they feel superb, with a great finish and are a joy to play Lucky you, to get it for a song Now, play it, enjoy it, and hang on to it
  18. No worries matey I meant to add; from what I could hear (albeit in a shop) the Japan P I tried did sound very P-like to me
  19. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1429738439' post='2754553'] It's Barbie's bass ! [/quote] Lol This bass looks amazing! I thought at last, I had all the basses I could ever want .... but this has made me think again How good are Retrovibes? What's it sound like? What's it like to play? Great stuff. Glad you like it
  20. Not tried the '57 reissue specifically, But I've heard they are pretty good I don't know the BC'er selling this, but there's one for sale on here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260513-fender-51-p-bass-reissue-mij-butterscotch-blonde/page__hl__fender+japan__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Could check it out.... EDIT: Though this is a '51 from the description.... I recently played a Fender Japan P in a shop (though not a 57 - think it was a 70's reissue) It certainly felt and sounded like a really nice bass I was sorely tempted, and it looked absolutely stunning too with maple board & block inlays Seemed a superb quality instrument I played another JapanFender P a couple of years back, and a Japan built Jazz. They all seemed to be top quality basses to me I've heard folk say that the electrics and screening are better in Japan Fenders though I don't know this for sure myself.... Good luck with your search and let us know what you decide
  21. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1430209720' post='2758848'] As with most things it's a matter of moderation. I usually get a pint in after setting up and that lasts until the end of the first set. I tend to go for weaker strength beers when I'm playing anyway (under 4% usually) and maybe a half in the second set, so over the time I'm at the pub 1 to 2 pints by the time I'm cleared away isn't going to affect my playing nor trouble the breathaliser. [/quote] I'm usually driving when I play So this reply pretty much sums up my evening at a gig It's usually just the one pint, after setting up and maybe a half at the interval I once gigged and had 3 pints beforehand (someone else drove) and it definitely affected my playing, albeit slightly - but I was aware of this ....so I won't do that again
  22. bonjour bigyouth, Welcome to basschat I'm left handed, and I play right handed! And there are several of us who do this..... It's not particularly common, but I do know other musicians who are right handed, but play left (including my lodger, who plays guitar & sings) Nice bass collection you have there Enjoy the forum No-one will judge you on your English Because it's bound to be better than most of our French Marc PS. Je Suis un Gallois
  23. I'm not a big fan of BC Rich basses particularly But this is a bargain Glad you like it Like many of the other replies, I never seem to find those sort of bargains in my local Cash Converters I've heard several people who have got bargains there But I tend to just see cr@p whenever I pop in ... and it's usually overpriced cr@p at that Nice one EDIT: And yes, pics please
  24. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1429880048' post='2755928'] Just acquired this form a fellow BCer. I'm not a natural Fender fan, but this has the potential to radically change my perceptions.[attachment=190370:Fender Jazz.jpg] [/quote] My RW Jazz certainly changed my perceptions I wasn't particularly a Fender fan before I got mine either I bought it for one particular band - now I use it most of the time Lovely basses - enjoy it ead I couldn't be without mine now
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