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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. Wow! Just wow, again I've gotta stop looking at this thread It's giving me serious Limelight GAS Just had a thought, I don't think I've yet seen a Limelight that I didn't like at all.... ..... plenty I've had a burning desire to own......
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1435308683' post='2807428'] I've played a Squier Jazz in a shop and for £300 ish it was way better than the £600 Fender Jazz they also had on the wall. I've modded basses before and everything depends on how good a bass you start with. I'd sell the MIM and try as many Squires as you can. You might be pleasantly surprised. [/quote] Yes, that's happened to me too I also recently played a MIM Jazz but it felt like it wasn't finished too well on the edges of the neck and didn't sound as nice as the Squier Jazz next to it in the shop either (and the MIM was quite a lot more expensive) Also meant to say, the Squiers I've played have all felt comfortable, and quite light
  3. I've owned quite a few basses over the years and own too many now, TBH It's taken me a long time to find my "ideal" bass But this is it. A roadworn Fender Jazz Built in Mexico, it looks, sounds and feels like a really old, worn-in '62 bass Love it to bits. Ideally, I'd like one in Fiesta Red too But I've already got way too many basses, and a US Jazz I hardly ever use! The only way I'd ever get rid of it, is if I got a RW Jazz in Fiesta Red that felt even more comfortable..... And even then, I'd be torn EDIT: I know many players don't like "Roadworn" or "Relic" basses and guitars I wasn't particularly a fan myself. But I've said this many many times, and I'll say it again There's something of a liberating feeling, playing a Relic instrument You are not so precious, or worried about it getting a scratch or bump, when you're gigging it so IMO it "feels" more of a working instrument or tool, and I've gigged mint basses in the past So I do know how it feels to be over-protective of your shiny new bass....
  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1435259856' post='2807127'] reputable brand? Try one first... see if you like it, and ignore what the headstock says. Some Fenders are dogs and some Squiers are fantastic. In general, modern Squiers are pretty decent. The VM Fretless is pretty tasty. [/quote] Spot on! Honestly, I don't think I've played a bad Squier recently I had a Classic Vibe 60's P bass, and wish I'd kept it Though I haven't seen a fretless CV - there must be one out there somewhere.... The Vintage Modified series are great though (poss not quite as fab as the CV series) but still a fab bass for the money. I've played a few fretless VM's and own one Every one I've played has been great Good luck with your search, and don't worry about the badge on the headstock A good bass is a good bass
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1435236651' post='2806822'] My dad always used to take a spare power amp to his gigs. It's not a huge thing and can be used on any instrument in an emergency. Nowadays a DI into the PA will get most of us through a gig. [/quote] Me again! lol My spare head was once used by our bands keyboardist Who never seems to carry a spare of anything For some reason, he couldn't play through the PA (house PA, I think?) So although I didn't need my spare - the band benefited from my obsession
  6. [quote name='smaz' timestamp='1435236074' post='2806808'] I don't have backup instruments in that way...... I do however have extra guitar cables, speakon leads, power cables etc. - don't have backup strings at the mo (need to sort that out!)..... [/quote] Yes, I always carry a spare mains cable, jack lead and speakon lead too I also take a spare set of strings to a gig - often, if I don't have a new set I'll take the last set from a string change - that way, the strings may be a bit on the dead side but it'll be pre-stretched....... In my earlier reply, I meant to add that when I first played, I didn't carry a backup of anything! Living by the seat of my pants, or what? I once played a gig, and the lead guitarist snapped a string, first song! Picked up his backup guitar, then another string snapped BTW. Re your comment on justifying your bass collection Some friendly BC'er once said "You don't have to justify anything..... least of all to yourself" A mantra I now live by lol
  7. When gigging, I always take a backup bass these days Though I have quite a few basses, none of them are instantly swappable with each other This is because although I have 2 J's and 2 P's - the pickups in each are quite different My obsession has gone a bit far though as if playing at a big-ish, paying gig I take a spare Amp head.... just in case Is that obsessive? Never had an amp break down during a gig..... PS. Only got one fretless bass, only one 5 string, and only one acoustic bass too but I've got a DB and an EUB - maybe I'm obsessive after all lol EDIT: Who am I kidding? Of course I am
  8. Whew! Both absolute and utter bargains! Why do I never come across such mind-blowing bargains as this? I'm obviously looking in the wrong places The 2nd bass also reminded me of my Shaftesbury Which was in the same colour as yours You lucky bassist!
  9. I had the Squier P bass, Classic Vibe 60's in Fiesta Red I only sold it cos I just felt I had too many basses Instant regret! Really should have held onto the bass There was just something about the look & feel of the bass Possibly the best P bass neck I've played - maybe only marginally compared to my USA P bass, but it really felt so comfortable, and somehow, it also felt aged..... As you say, it's being picky re the sound To me, my Squier sounded typically P bass-like but perhaps an upgraded set of pups may have improved the sound slightly I keep looking around at them for sale second-hand As I have too many, I really shouldn't - but I know if one came up at the right price I'd be sorely tempted
  10. Hi curacao, Have you seen this one for sale on this very forum? I don't know what it's like, but I've found buying second-hand you do get more for your money You could ask whether a friendly local DB playing basschat member could come along + offer an opinion? Anyways, it's 400 quid, and is fitted with a pickup, ready to go Just thought I'd give you the heads up http://basschat.co.uk/topic/264678-double-bass-with-pickup-suffolk/ PS. Not much love for G4M on here either Although I never bought a bass from them, I did buy a case and they didn't half mess around - esp with delivery It was a nightmare! Good luck with your search & purchase
  11. Oh Karlfer, why did you let this go? Buy it back, asap - so I don't have to agonise over buying it Lovely colour Great matching headstock Bump for a superb Limelight
  12. [quote name='Oneandfive' timestamp='1420922572' post='2655170'] ....my Shaftesbury R&&&Kfekker copy with grafted-on Gibson pickup. (Classy guy, me).Much better than you might think. [/quote] I had one of these, in my first spell of bass playing (far too many years ago to even think about now......) I picked it up for 70 quid at the time Absolutely loved it - really nice player, great sound It was more comfortable to play than the genuine Rick I later owned My reason for selling it, was that it was due a re-fret, which was a costly process for my younger self So I traded it in, against a Westone Thunder Jet (the 1st 24 fret bass I ever saw at the time) Really wish I'd kept that Shaftesbury - they were fabulous, or at least mine, and another one a pal owned were Would like another - but I now have too many basses anyway.... Wish I could find my old one EDIT: Mine had original pups, and these were good
  13. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1434214682' post='2797730'] Hope the cat enjoyed the massive box. [/quote] .... or did you get a free cat with the bass? If I tell my wife she gets a free cat with every bass I buy, I can have as many basses as I want Somehow, I don't like the idea of the fingerboard being separate Hope that was easy enough to fit properly & permanently? Enjoy your new DB Mr walbassist
  14. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1434529670' post='2800375'] Gents,I am looking to buy one too but can`t make up my mind which one? [/quote] Just try a few, and pick the one you prefer SH73 I tried several Mex Fenders over the years Some of the older ones didn't quite "feel" right In that the neck edges weren't too well finished Others felt much better Recently played a new MIM Jazz, and didn't like that as much as a 2nd hand one around 6 or 7 years old So I guess, the same as every other manufacturer, there are good years and bad years and good & bad batches... I'd say if you're on the hunt for a Mex Fender, my own recommendation would be to try a Roadworn I have a RW Jazz, and it's the best Bass Guitar I've ever played Of course, it ticks all my boxes, and is comfortable for me..... mightn't be to everyones taste But it looks, feels and sounds superb IMO I haven't tried a RW Precision, but they are highly regarded and if it's as good as my RW Jazz - Just get one is all I'm saying Good luck with your search try as many as you can, and don't just buy the 1st one that comes along ... unless it just immediately smacks you in the face as the best you've played
  15. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1434408540' post='2799378'] It definitely has a cool 70s punk vibe about it, which is never a bad thing! Si [/quote] Never a bad thing indeed Pure Simonon / DeeDee there A classic look Looks a real nice bass Great job PS. Scratches & dings are just part of life, for a working instrument once your bass has a few, you're less precious and not so over-protective about it Which is also quite a liberating feeling EDIT: I say that, in full knowledge that next time I take my near mint white P bass out I'll be having kittens everytime a cymbal stand gets kicked / knocked anywhere near it .... or everytime our guitarist even walks past it
  16. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1433863027' post='2794658'] Fretted or Fretless - dunno, but I witnessed one being played recently; it was fretted and it sounded fantastic - in fact it caught me completely by surprise, the owner said he preferred the fretted version for reasons of intonation. [/quote] Having played both recently, and having gone for a fretted, I chose the fretted for intonation reasons too.... I found hitting the right note easier on the fretted With the fretless, I thought I'd be hitting the wrong notes i.e. overshooting the mark on my left hand more, as I get used to the smaller differences between notes (sometimes, switching between DB and BG is enough hassle lol) Having played the fretted for a little while now, I'm glad to say, I think I made the right choice For me anyway, it seems to make it simpler when switching between 3 different scaled instruments I tend not to play the highest notes on the Uke bass but when I do, intonation seems fine Also, I haven't noticed any of fret buzzing issues that fretlessguy has come across.... However, if fretless is your "thing" then I'd recommend just getting one of these little beauties anyday It really is an immense sound, and I've had loads of comments and observations by musicians and non-musicians So many people just seem blown away by the huge sound PS. Any thoughts on other brands than Kala? PPS. Any thoughts on other brands of strings?
  17. Awesome act of kindness It restores faith in human beings, .... well bass playing humans anyway
  18. Hmm, tempting. I'm looking for something to replace my Steve Harris sigs, on a Squier PJ fretless I like the SH's - but I'm looking for something with slightly less tension.... These sound like they might just be the ticket Is there much "drag" with the nylon surface? Marc
  19. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1434298844' post='2798436'] Entwistle? Cheap and great. Company is British as is design although I suspect actual manufacture might be China though [/quote] I was about to suggest Entwistle I heard a P copy bass with the cheaper of the 2 Pup versions recently It sounded great, and I'm left wondering how much better the more expensive (PBXN?) pickup is EDIT: I say "more expensive" - but they're still really cheap, compared to most other makes
  20. OMG! I can't believe this price Have another free bump on me I'm so glad I bought mine a few weeks back It's identical to this, and I'm blown away by how good it looks, sounds and feels to play GLWTS There are some crazy low prices on quality basses atm and this one's really low Someone grab a bargain, quick!
  21. [quote name='peety' timestamp='1432734297' post='2784386'] Limelight in shell pink with tort and rosewood [attachment=192947:LIMELIGHT.JPG] [/quote] Saw this shell pink on the Limelight thread and I have to say it's possibly my favourite looking bass...... ever! I really like the colour, and I have to agree with a previous post in that I think it somehow just works better if slightly roadworn I can't put my finger on quite why that is, for me it just does My first thought was that the tort plate wasn't the best and I normally like tort best of all But it can prove difficult to photograph, and accurately capture the colour So maybe, in the flesh, it looks fine That shell pink Jazz with the tort plate looks fab Maybe try a white one? But ultimately, it's up to you You don't have to justify your choices to anyone, least of all yourself (stolen from another BC'er!) PS. Let us know what you opt for PPS. Whatever that is, it will be "right"
  22. Hi Alex, Sorry, don't know too much about these cabs So I will take a look later (promise) But what's the impedance and Power rating of these? Cheers
  23. I'm not a fan of the older, more chunky P necks I veered more to slimmer necks, and back again to find the Jazz profile neck is much more suited to me However, if the chunkier neck suits you - it's your bass and your choice I must say the colour is superb, and the plate, control knobs and maple board add to it hugely Really nice looking bass Having not been bothered about roadworn / relic basses before I got my RW Jazz I'm a complete convert now. You'll find you're not quite so precious if your bass already has a few scratches and dings and any more just add to the basses mojo Enjoy your NBD EDIT: Great photoshoot BTW I think my wife would be sold on that bass, cos of the location, flowers etc PS. Can you come & take similar shots of my basses?
  24. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1433930034' post='2795098'] I'm not buying it but have a bump for the "tiny fascists" logo. Love it! [/quote] Same here - loved that touch
  25. Yes, as SubsonicSimpleton says, The choice of bow is also important and maybe it's also down to technique and strings would certainly effect the sound & tone Some strings like nylon coated or wrapped can sound dreadful when bowed.... Lots of research is needed before big purchases in the world of DB Re your choice, I've heard good reports of both Thomann and Gedo But I think a lot of BC'ers really like Gedo Good luck
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