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Everything posted by Twincam

  1. I never thought I would have a favourite song, but to me, I heard it through the grapevine ticks all the boxes. It combines my fav bass player, the fantastic James Jamerson (as we all know) and my equal favourite male vocalist Marvin Gaye (who draws with Stuart Adamson as my equal favs). I think the lyrics are really good, while not being over the top. They potray a good story and it really speaks to me. And of course you have one of the finest singers ever in Marvin Gaye. The whole arrangement from start to finish really does it for me. Of course not forgetting the cracking bass throughout. While I don't have the capacity to go through the ins and outs of it, but it sounds great and it's one of those that's much harder to play than initially thought. Fantastic tune! Ps I'm knackered as I type but hopefully that all makes sense
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  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1504717564' post='3366879'] Just tune the bass after you've added the foam. [/quote] This seems a bit too logical for basschat haha.
  4. Well not much noodle action going on. But here is me going acoustic. I don't know why its not recorded in 1080p all the outtakes recorded fine haha. Sound quality isn't too bad though considering recorded with my phone in a little vice lol. http://youtu.be/HGuxji0TfdA
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1502551008' post='3352151'] [url="https://www.facebook.com/BBCArchive/videos/448764515496584/"]https://www.facebook...48764515496584/[/url] [/quote] C'est fantastique!
  6. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1502220697' post='3350102'] OK so very short noodle whilst waiting for dinner last night, think I'll build this idea and share with more videos as it develops (unless someone pays the ransom ....and I'll stop) 😁 Recorded with my phone sat in top of my practice and...hi tech..i know. http://youtu.be/XgfwB1lj1CE [/quote] I like that! Sounds almost foreign, inspired from a far flung land. Or just out of your hunger haha. I have some noodles I need to record.
  7. Think Dave's great. His vids have made me laugh for years. Also you can learn a lot from his vids. Still want a Rickenbacker though. Even though its not a perfect instrument and at times they can sound terrible too imo. There's a certain magic there.
  8. If your after a ampeg b15 then surely (don't call me Shirley) you should be looking for an ampeg pf50 as a substitute or pf20 if your ok with the lower wattage.
  9. Why didn't you have proper insurance? I go out my way when sending things to know that if something goes wrong I'm definitely covered. And I charge the extra postage costs. Its the couriers fault as it must of taken a serious whack to that while in a case. Unless the case was unsuitable and you didn't use extra bubble wrap. Which even with a fitted case is a good idea. Often bubble wrap the outer case too at both ends. He sends back the instrument, with proof he has done so. Then you refund him and the extra postage costs back to you. You make a claim for the 100 pound from courier. Then if its a set neck you get it repaired and or sell as is to try recoup some of your lose.
  10. [quote name='Grantd' timestamp='1500585136' post='3338963'] Anyone have an experience with one of these (Marleaux Soprano) or an extra short scale bass? [/quote] Yes Eubassix (David) of this forum, has owned a Marleaux Soprano which I got to have a little go of. It was tiny but really cool. Which was made just as well as the full size guitars. I shall pm him and alert him to the thread and no doubt he can give more info.
  11. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1499027359' post='3328727'] It doesn't matter if you achieve a given output level with the gain low and volume high or the other way around, the power will be the same. [/quote] Yes it might achieve the same output. But say I had my gain at 2 and needed to turn the power section to 9 to achieve the same volume as the gain at 4 and the power amp at 6 for instance.isn't the first example for lack of a better word "pushing" the power amp more? Is it not better to achieve a given output using more gain and ask less of the power amp.
  12. Anyone worried about replacing the fives could just blank the holes and take out any cross over components (if present) for free and you would have a fantastic combo. Unless your a higher frequency fan ha. I know this has been done on these before with good results. Must be common for the fives to split. Almost tempted myself but a bit overkill for just my current home noodling and every now and then jam session.
  13. Possibly bridge not wired to earth correctly making intermittent connection? But yeah send it back.
  14. Prefer the mk1 body. The others have to much top horn. Although the mk3 look good for access to higher frets. There all awesome looking basses. And I know they sound awesome too. Would love to have a go of one.
  15. Im perfectly fine setting gain on any amp normally by ear or by clip light/gauge etc. On a few amps I've had I've not had any pre amp clipping/distortion when at max level. If there's no clipping when the gain is set to its max level. Should you just have it maxed or is the some reason why it should be backed off? I know its best to use as much gain as you can for a strong signal to the power section. I assume that maybe setting the gain to its max before clipping etc would mean you don't have to turn up the power amp up as much. And therefore I assume that's better for the amp heat/power usage wise.
  16. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1499002114' post='3328480'] These are also ridiculously good guitar amps too. [/quote] Indeed they are. There's no difference at all in the circuit other than a driver change from the guitar version. I had one of these a mk2 version which was basically the same bar for cosmetics. And I loved it for recording certain things. They have a great valve tone and response.
  17. I think putting in any bass driver that's rated in watts correctly and is suitable for the cabs internal volume and porting (or for sealed use if not ported) will do for your requirements. I know it doesn't help you now but for instance I've just sold a 15 inch ashdown blue line driver for 20 quid on eBay that would of worked totally fine for practice and I'm betting at higher volumes too. But there's no guarantee that a driver that's different to the original intended designs spec will hold up at volume. I'm also betting it would not of sounded dissimilar. Often lower end combos/cabs are not the best designs in the first place. They will be using simple formulas and the cheapest drivers they can get away with. They are not critically tuned. I wouldn't say the same advice for say a barefaced cab where they are highly tuned driver, cab and porting to work together. You could not really switch put the intended driver for something else. Just seen this was a zombie thread! But the advice still holds.
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1498937565' post='3328158'] When I placed my order I was hoping it would have similar output to my TE AH150 head which is more than enough to annoy most of my neighbours - here's hoping that it's somewhere in the same ballpark. [/quote] I think the old TE stuff was very loud as They were fairly rated no bs and they had a certain mid range thing going on. I've had a few older TE amps/combos and indeed they were seemingly louder than anything else watt for watt. I shall wait to see what these are like when they come out. My guess is they are not anything like older (real) TE gear in any way other than in name.
  19. [quote name='la bam' timestamp='1498919327' post='3327984'] I really, really hope it's not just suitable for bedroom practice or tiny venues. [/quote] A tiny tiny class d amp that's 130w 8ohm or 200w 4ohm and even then I bet there bullshitting the ratings some watt! (See what I did there ha). Even the very best most "hefty" lol 200w amp is really only for small places or some small to medium venues at very best. Or used for monitoring type thing. Unless your in a quieter band. I would think the statement about it being suitable for small venues is correct.
  20. Cool vid. The guy can play for sure. And as already said shows instrument price and having higher end gear is only a small part of playing. One thing I'm not keen about the guys vids though, is many seem over processed. In person you know there's a lot more playing noise etc going on. This vid isn't too bad but some of them I feel have had to much post stuff done to them. Which is fair enough and his editing etc is a skill in itself. But a lot of people when they listen to a raw isolated bass track think that someone can't play lol. Oh and in no way am I saying he wouldn't sound good without all the other stuff going on.
  21. As the title says I've recently noticed a slight improvement in my ability. Which has been along time coming. I still feel that for my approx 4 years and a few months playing I'm way behind. I know I wasted 2 years on very bad technique and just trying to teach myself the basics. Then a year or so teaching my ex girlfriend the basics of playing. With success I might add and she does still play I believe. But it taken up a lot of time and so I never felt like practicing myself or pushing myself to learn harder things. Anyhow I've been putting in more time the last few months and although I'm not happy still with my ability (although passed my initial, play along to easy tunes goal long ago) at least there's improvement. Oh last time I complained I couldn't play hit me with your rhythm stick. Well now I can play a passible version at full speed, I'm still working on it, I know I will get there. So my confidence to be able to improve is also better. Still a long way to go.
  22. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1498478945' post='3324843'] Next task is levelling and re-crowning the frets. There are dozens of ways people do this but, for what it's worth, this is how I do it: I adjust the trussrod until the neck is flat. I use the back of my levelling beam to check: I then turn the beam over and level the frets. I try not to overdo this. Here you can see the metal dust where the high spots have been taken down: Then this is basically my kit: Decent quality masking tape, a hoscoe crowning file, the wonderful micro-mesh abrasive cloths (2400, 3600, 6000, 12000) and a fret rocker just to make sure! First I mark any flattened tops of the frets with a marker pen (in this case it was the whole fret): The re-file the crown with the Hoscoe, using the marker line to tell me when I've got there: I then wrap the progressively fine grades of the micro mesh round the hoscoe to finish off the shape of the crown and polish out the scratches, ending up with a levelled, re-crowned and polished fretboard : [/quote] Bass is looking great. And I pretty much level, recrown and polish frets in a similar manor. Although I use various grades of sandpaper wet and dry, then autosol, which does a great job. However I wonder if I should start using a combo of paper and micromesh as autosol can be messy and on some very hard fret material a few more grades would really take out any microscopic imperfections.
  23. In regards to instrument capability. You should buy an instrument your ergonomically comfortable with. That will make you a better player and for the most part its playing ability that will make you sound good. And so will a bass set up correctly for you. I think tonal abilities etc is slightly overhyped. I've seen/heard many players sound exactly the same with different basses. Obviously that's not in every circumstance and some basses do sound different to others but its a small part of the package. I do feel though its the player that makes the difference. I also feel you shouldn't need good equipment to feel inspired and it should be for the love of playing. Personally if I someone really playing the sh*t out of something cheap I get a big kick out of it. In my own experience I've had a few instruments worth much much more than my current ibanez sr500 and they didn't make me play any better. In fact having a nicer instrument made me feel uncomfortable for my level of playing and had the oppisate effect. Amp wise I do feel getting something you like the tone of and is capable of delivering suitable volume for your needs will help you sound better, but it won't make you play better. I do sympathise with the gas and poverty thing I'm there myself. Although happy with my bass as said before its ergonomically the best suited for me. But my amplification gas is unreal! but all the stuff I want is currently out of my price league. Thankfully I'm not gigging and a decent practice amp suitable for jamming does me. But oddly that still doesn't stop me wanting something much better.
  24. I actually believe there will be a rebirth of guitar music. A lot of younger people already know a lot of popular music is crap, and eventually everyone gets sick of hearing the same stuff. I bet many people thought acoustic music was well and trully dead at one point, now its seeing a bit of a rival the past few years and it will inspire many no doubt. I read a article that Martin guitars were selling more acoustics than they ever had! Although that article was I believe 2014. There will be another Nirvana moment, of sorts. Everyone will get sick/bored of the already over produced stuff out now. And some young band will explode onto the scene. This will conecide with younger folk being bored of living there lives online taking selfies etc and they will start getting out there socialising again. However because we have more choice of everything these days no "scene" or hobby etc will be as big as things were when there wasn't as much choice. By that token I also believe it will make things harder to totally die out completely. Plus a good sound never dies watch some of the kids/teens react to Nivrana the Beatles etc on youtube. And as already mentioned playing a guitar does impress the opposite sex. And adding it can still generate money and dare I say likes and followers on social media. Guitar is not done by a long shot. As for big brands dying out. That's there own fault really. Charging way over the top prices (for mass manufactured goods). And not enough differences between bottom line and top line products. And resting on there laurels.
  25. These look pretty cool shame about the baseball bat neck though.
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