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Everything posted by Twincam

  1. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1496183507' post='3309466'] The little Peavey microbass combo sounds surprisingly good and are cheap as chips. [/quote] I slightly disagree, had one myself and it sounded like a cheap alarm clock.
  2. [quote name='El_JimBob' timestamp='1496221730' post='3309595'] I've had one for over a year now and very happy with it... My G&L basses are all quite high output (especially the low end) and I've had no trouble running them into the Micromark at full whack (active preamps on and tone controls wide open) - even with the volume between 2 and 3 o'clock for some live shows. The manual shows a limiter just before the output, and I suspect this helps keep things under control - don't let that worry you though, the little thing can go real deep, and I've never had any breakup or distortion. The fan is really tiny, but not whiny - more a 'whoosh' sound - audible when you're playing very quietly. It's fairly directional, so if the amp is angled upwards so the speaker is pointing at your ears, you don't really hear it. Can't comment about mic-ing it up, but I suspect if your mic was fairly directional, you'd have no issues. There is a DI onboard, which works really well... My only bugbear is the aux input comes before the tone control, but it's not a dealbreaker... I think you'll be very happy with one. Certainly nothing else like it on the market that I'm aware of. [/quote] [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1496226922' post='3309654'] It's a great little box for home use, I've even done some small, drummerless gigs with it. I found the limit with a blues three piece in terms of volume and low end, but it's fine for your​ average jazz setup. The bottom begins to roll off​ pretty rapidly around 70hz, and I have been able to induce a bit of 'port chuff' when pushing it. However within reasonable expectations it's great. Only drawback for me seems to be the input impedance- passive basses are very quiet and quite dull, requiring a buffer to get the expected sound. Actives don't have this issue, and something as simple as a Boss pedal in line fixes it for a passive. [/quote] Thanks for the info. I'm wondering if I would prefer the mb 801 or the little phil Jones bg75.
  3. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1496184338' post='3309473'] He controls the decay of the notes very differently, far more staccato. [/quote] Bruce Thomas? Indeed. Its amazing how different it sounds in the mix too. I love the gritty tone he gets. Sounds like he plays a fairly low action or has a robust striking technique. Probably one of my fav under the radar bassists.
  4. I so want one of those Sras7 things. But I can't play more than 4 strings and I can't play fretless but I'm sure I could work it somehow. Those srh basses look pretty cool. Although I've seen on some pics they look a bit chunky in the body. Obviously I know there a hollow body so they need to be.
  5. Anyone have one? I'm considering buying one for my birthday as I want a good quality little practice amp. I am slightly concerned about the lack of a gain knob and its fan. What's the amp like with high output basses or when you boost an active eq? Is the fan loud? as I would like to mic it up maybe. Anything else someone buying one should know about?
  6. I've just seen this comment on YouTube I'm laughing my head off. See its not just bass players. Drummers kick off too apprently haha My sister had this friend of hers that was a drummer and he always had a huge dislike for this song. One time he was playing a gig and right when the band leader called out "Mustang Sally", he got so pissed that he immediately threw his drum sticks, knocked over his drum kit and left the stage because he hated playing this song. I sing and play in a band that plays all genres of music and we usually get requests to play this song at wedding receptions and I don't have any complaints nor dislikes for this song at all because it's got a cool groove to it and a killer horn arrangement. It is a classic song that will keep people out on the dance floor all night. I love it!!
  7. Noodle bar has been slow. I've been working on something its a noodle but I can't play it haha. Anyhow I've recorded a noodle version of Elvis Costello's pump it up. And just for a shits and giggles here is a link to the actual isolated track. I like my modified version better lol. http://youtu.be/KcVuaOU8j28 http://youtu.be/nD5uZUl2e4E
  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496064292' post='3308474'] What changed with the Gibsons in 2013? [/quote] I am no Gibson expert but didn't they stop making them in that year, untill recently with different specs???? I could be wrong but I believe there was some changes at least in the pickups. Ain't the new ones have exposed polls I don't know the other difference.
  9. I'm sure someone else asked about these recently. Basically the only one worth getting is the classic pro. Literally just like a Gibson but a fraction of the price. I had one then after played the real thing if I had the cash for the Gibson I would of got the epi classic. And spent the rest on women, drink and gambling. Yeah cheap women, cider and a game of bingo but still. Tonally I think there a one or two trick instrument. As said the classic sounds just like a later models up till 2013 Gibson. Same USA pickups and cheaper but identical value pots etc So if you like that tone go for it. The epiphone I had set up excellent and since then I've set up for others a couple of classics they needed no fret work at all. The pro active is nice but doesn't have the same tone. The bolt on neck models look cool and are decent I suppose but dont have the full thunderbird tone going on. T birds are hard to play due to the size etc, so you want something that sounds like a t bird for the effort. The neck on the classic models are very thin but comfortable. Actually one of the nicest necks out there imo of course.
  10. Silly me. Indeed I do actually have a 1/8 fender hex. I don't know why I thought it was a 4mm.
  11. I really would not recommend putting anything into the truss rod cavity at all! it sounds ridiculous. And the truss rod surely won't ever work right again. Who in the right mind would do that. Rubber cement or tool handle plastic. Is that a joke? So does any product that swells wood. Might be fine on a chair but I can not for the life of me see it work on a bass. Yeah it might cure truss rod rattle but it has got to come with a whole heap of isdues in the longer term. There are proper ways to correct truss rod rattle not bodge jobs. Although it takes time and is expensive.
  12. Same circuit as the marshal 18w (marshal copied it). I had one a different mk but the same spec. Bass or guitar amp they all have the same circuit. Different driver. Made a great recording amp for bass. Or small gig. Great tone! Surprisingly loud. Proper valve tone and feeling. Those original drivers are sort after too, however i changed it for something more modern and full range and it made a fantastic guitar amp also. Which can handle gigs, very loud with guitar. In fact someone drove a few hundred miles for it for his studio, they are that good. Noel used one for recording a few oasis tracks I believe. And live in part of a stack the wem run wide open.
  13. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1494863111' post='3299123'] Well just a little update the unit is now fixed it turned out to be a bad valve it was cracked and I would like to add that the guy who I bought the unit from has been great he said if it wasn't the valve he would pay the repair costs so I'm glad it was a pretty cheap fix as I would not like to see anyone out of pocket [/quote] Yay I was right lol. Glad you got it fixed.
  14. I'm pretty sure its a 4mm I had one in a few months back now a 74 avri if I remember right. First I thought it was something wrong like they used a weird nut size. But turned out after much trying an Allen key did fit. I'm sure it was a 4mm. As I was surprised!
  15. I thought it was pretty good. And I'm more of a traditional bass guy. I don't think the tone was amazing there was a little bit too much string noise. Although in any sort of mix it would of sounded awesome.
  16. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1495004830' post='3300280'] Metallica's intro tape - Ernio Moriconi's Ecstasy Of Gold really gets the atmosphere going, when it starts, you feel the show begin. [/quote] Indeed that is a good one!
  17. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1494571898' post='3296998'] https://youtu.be/Ca2ioOapKsQ Hello, I'm Johnny Cash. [/quote] How could I forget!
  18. I don't mind people having a go of stuff. Long as there respectful. Even commenting on action etc, again long as comments are respectful. It was wrong him twanging the strings, I hate that. And he should of said "oh you must play with a light touch as your action is very low" Although I regret I once said to someone his amp was crap (ashdown little giant). But he was asking me why he is not getting the sound he wanted. And someone asked me to comment on his bass, I did and I wasn't rude but I picked out some faults it had. Then he told me he made it himself and he looked a bit pissed off at me.
  19. [quote name='doggydoggy' timestamp='1495128675' post='3301539'] I have followed John Carruthers youtube vids to set up the bass-the only thing that's amiss is nut height which a touch high.With his string height I have worse buzzing so I'll have to raise it. [/quote] This is because the frets need leveling. Recrown and polish. If you have bad frets then no amount of setup will help. Also the lower the action the more gentle your touch needs to be. Maybe a basschat member can help with this in your area. If your anywhere near south Durham I can. But there's a list of members ready to help in the repairs and technical section.
  20. Personally I would go with the gk mb108. I've also tried the fender and the Ampeg both were not bad, but the ampeg rattled like crazy on some notes, as did the 10" and 12" models but the tone was good. I just don't like the fender v3 rumbles tone, you may however.
  21. [quote name='Yukimajou' timestamp='1494111761' post='3293409'] You gotta get the [url="http://www.gretschguitars.com/gear/build/bass/g2220-electromatic-junior-jet-bass-ii-short-scale-bass-black"]Gretsch Jet Jr[/url] for a coupe of hundred quid. It is a stunner and sounds great: [/quote] I had a single pu one. And they are very good instruments. Nice neck and with decent strings have excellent tone.
  22. As someone who over packages everything, the one layer bubble wrap disturbs me greatly! Even in a case a bass should be bubble wraped inside with extra heavy duty stuff, extra at sides and any corners. Then the case wrapped in bubble wrap, extra bubble wrap at both ends. Brown paper then fully brown taped top to bottom so waterproof. If no case bubble wrap, gig bag, then in a box thats packet tight with large cell heavy duty bubble wrap. Then box fully brown taped. Sending a valve amp, especially with heavy transformers gets more treatment.
  23. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1494668917' post='3297697'] Here's mine i've called it Jazz division you will see why at the end http://youtu.be/MEYW-v8Litk [/quote] I like that alot! Liking the name too. However is that the floor cracking and creaking along operated by your foot? As that is deemed use of a unregulated effect haha!
  24. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1494584406' post='3297126'] Nice noodling guys! I'm being lazy... but here's a quick excerpt from something I'm working on. It's a very simple bassline - I'm sort of going through a "less is more phase" with my playing. But it might just be that "less is less" Drum track and strings included for context. Jazz bass with rounds: https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/may-noodle I'll try to do a video next time. [/quote] Sounds odd but the bass kinda reminds me of Interpols Evil.
  25. Tbh no one should not charge more than 100 quud, of course that is for just a body with little prep work to do and a simple one colour job. A poly body that needs keying up etc and includes cost of paint and materials. Sick of hearing stupid prices for nothing work. So im glad you got a good price. And you can spray anything over poly, nitro etc etc
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