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Everything posted by ped

  1. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1368475256' post='2077584'] Good move chaps. As you were. [/quote] Thanks I guess what motivated my post was a sense if elation after a lot of work - you wouldn't believe the time we've spent getting to this stage! I'm so pleased we've finally achieved this step. Cheers
  2. BYOB (bring your own bass) I'll email Ben but all systems seem OK...
  3. I think the function was removed due to a pretty serious security loophole, but the option remains on one of the menus.. I'll find out for you tomorrow. Cheers
  4. Hi guys After a lot of work we are now able to take payments from cards as well as via PayPal. Look here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/cp/9-support-basschat/"]http://basschat.co.uk/cp/9-support-basschat/[/url] Hopefully this will satisfy those of us who don't have a PayPal account. Next, we'll be working on the shop, some of the bugs and the mobile platform. Cheers ped
  5. Hi guys Quick reminder - We'll be down tomorrow morning whilst we finalise the Worldpay gubbins. We've also posted on Facebook and twatter. Apologies for the short notice - you might have missed the mention of this elsewhere. Cheers ped
  6. Hi guys Sorry about the downtime today, we didn't anticipate things to take so long. A brief explanation is that we're installing the card payment system which, it turns out, has a fairly outdated and clunky redirect system which will land you on the site homepage after paying rather than showing you your posted advert. We've had to do some custom work to enable it to do the latter. It's all ready now, but we need to do a final test of the subscription system. This will happen on weds next week and mean a last period of downtime in the morning perhaps for an hour. Then we'll be set. Unless something else happens. Thanks guys - there's a lot if work going on besides this which is making the site more reliable, faster and better. The list is long but now we have te funds to help us reach our goals. ped
  7. Hi guys FINALLY we're ready to open the Worldpay option tomorrow. We'll need to be down briefly for an hour or so in the morning. Again, get details if you need to from people you may be dealing with if possible. Sorry forvthevshort notice, mental at work and only just been given the go ahead on this. Doubt it'll affect anyone but please share and let everyone know if you can. Cheers ped
  8. OK we're nearly there with the card payment gateway (so people can place adverts without a PayPal account). The last thing we need to do is a small tweak which MAY require a short period of downtime tomorrow morning, so if you have a deal going down please get contact details just in case we have to put on some of those arm length washing up gloves and feel around inside our server. Please share this post and fingers crossed we'll be sorted before you even notice. Many thanks ped
  9. Hi chaps The site will be offline for a few hours on Weds morning/early afternoon whilst we finish setting up the Worldpay gateway so people without Paypal can use the classifieds. I'm afraid there's no way around it as they need to test the full site. We'll also be fixing one or two small issues behind the scenes. Please get any details if you are in the middle of a trade and thanks for bearing with us - this should be the last one Many thanks ped
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1366021687' post='2047291'] No mate. Not for the last two. [/quote] Thanks
  11. Did he play on the latest record?
  12. Hi Pestie Please give me a PM with your transaction ID and I'll check it out Cheers ped
  13. ped

    item not showin

    Hi mate I'm on my mob but I think I can see your thread. This one? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203908-markbass-151hf/page__pid__2029553#entry2029553 Please PM a mod if this isn't right, I'm away at the moment so they should be able to help you further. Thanks ped
  14. Alright guys, chill out - just a misunderstanding. We're all friends here.
  15. We WERE going to have a £20 only option. No free ads, no single fee, like Talkbass. By making the free option we spent a lot more money on development AND made a rod for our own (and our brilliant mods) backs in terms if policing, but we did it for you lot. It's unfortunate that some see fit to undermine this and we can always remove the option if it gets out of hand, but you know what - it's extremely rare. Just like we knew it would be. You're worth it
  16. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1364162275' post='2022774'] I have no problem with fee paying, I just find it unfair that bumping my old thread from before the fees (which doesn't seem to be against the rules) led to it being deleted, whilst other members can do it without penalty [/quote] I thought you bumped, edited and added more items but AFTER the fees were introduced. But like I say, the mods know the details and I think you know very well
  17. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1364152895' post='2022605'] I got my new thread deleted because I didn't read up on the new stuff so then I went to make another but just decided to stop being lazy and bumped my old thread... Which was then deleted even though it hadn't broken any forum rules [/quote] I recommend PMing the moderator. We're nice.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1364152560' post='2022599'] I don't mind paying for ads, but posts shouldn't "just disappear". There should be a notification that a deletion has occurred. An automatic deletion could easily put out an automatic reason. [/quote] Just to clarify - NOTHING is deleted - if you don't pay, or have no £20 subscription, nothing is POSTED. Deletions only happen when users post expensive stuff for £0 in which case the thread is automatically hidden whilst we PM the user, as in some cases it's an honest mistake. At least we TRY to PM everyone and discuss but perhaps not 100% of the time, we're only human. If one reads the rules and plays fair, there's no problem. Cheers
  19. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1364151713' post='2022586'] Yep got it. Thanks Ped. [/quote] No worries, we're still refining the system and making mini changes here and there.
  20. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1364151666' post='2022585'] So I had an ad that was placed BEFORE the charges came in removed, yet other people still have theirs up? Favouritism from the mods? Seems f***ing shady to me [/quote] Nope, all existing ads are fine until the items are all sold. It's only rolled out for new items. If memory serves me correctly you listed over £800 worth of pedals as £50. I see now your listing is correct, which is fine. Any other questions, PM the mod of the sales area as I'm not specifically up on individual listings.. ped
  21. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1364150253' post='2022555'] Made a reply and the self censored it. Saves the mods the trouble after lasts nights deletion. Maybe I'm just getting a bit jaded with this whole forum, which seems to divide its attention between puerile threads about royal arses or pinos underpants and how they shape his tone. Now we have to pay for ads of any worth. Ok. Time for a rethink [/quote] If you didn't go through the payment gateway when you posted then the ad would have auto-deleted (unless it was priced under £50) Cheers ped
  22. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1363903820' post='2019410'] Bidding will end at 10 pm Saturday night (your foreign UK time) and the winning bid can be paid to either Basschat or Ped via Paypal (or cheque if you know the address of the old lorry container that he lives in) [/quote] Actually we prefer the term 'steel house'
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