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Everything posted by ped

  1. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1390514595' post='2346405'] Whoops...sorry Mr Vigier. [/quote] Maybe Patrick is English for Patrice
  2. It's Patrice Mine is an '88 and it's certainly not moved in the 10 or so years I've owned it.
  3. My vigier series 2 has a graphite neck with no truss rod. I love it because there's hardly any relief. I've had later series 3 basses also sans truss rod but they were built with a bit more relief (still not much by normal standards) but I preferred the older neck. I remember someone saying how not having a truss rod helped the sound if the bass, too. Not sure how important that is in the grander scheme of things but I guess it all goes into the mix.
  4. [quote name='Sumatra' timestamp='1390382486' post='2344636'] Tried to pm you but the messaging systems replies that you can't receive pm's. Where are you located? ciao Luca [/quote] Should be OK now
  5. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1388860927' post='2327064'] Ped - is your new profile pic a subtle hint to us mere mortals? [/quote] Hehe she's a softie really. Best way to defuse a Staffie - put a jumper on it
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1388858715' post='2327014'] Are people really this bad that so much content needs to be pulled so quickly? I know there are arguments but the wisdom of crowds normally sorts it if it's given a chance, there are sometimes a few casualties, but after a sulk or a cry they usually come back and all is well. I very rarely see any bullying or death threats or serious ill will, does that happen? Obviously there is much more to BC than meets the eye. [/quote] Normally there will be some PMing and so forth happening behind the scenes whilst we ask people to keep it civil, they say 'but so and so said this over here and it's still there and much worse than I said' etc so a lot of forward and backward messaging. There's never anything serious, but people often forget to engage their brain before letting their thoughts end up online!
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1388856946' post='2326973'] [Throws cap up in the air] Thanks, Ped! I too warmly applaud any action that makes BC a more considerate, kinder place. However, how is one going to moderate when people post "lawfully" but mean - without strictly breaking the rules? Point in case: recently, a known BC member (not me) was treated very unkind in Off Topic by people who only alluded to the person in question, without mentioning names. (BTW; me too I'm avoiding names right now, mostly to try and protect that victim's anonymity but not only because of that.) This victim's anonymity (I don't know the correct term for it, but allow me to call it "anonymity" just for now) made sure that he either didn't defend himself and risked the false notions about him getting even more cemented, or did defend himself at the risk of being called paranoid. Another member asked who this person was, and a mod of sorts stated something along the lines of naming names making things worse (= more cruel?). The offenders seemed not corrected or moderated or whatever. In the mean time, as far as I can understand, there [i][b]was[/b][/i] appalling behaviour, and there [b][i]was[/i][/b] a victim. (BTW, I too, in response to something I'd written, have received posts and PMs that to me seemed from a different planet altogether, as if the "bad" that I'd done gave other people a free pass to write whatever vicious stuff they liked. However, please accept that this post is not a "Booohooh! Poor me!" post. I hate course, unkind behaviour, but can absolutely tackle it if that is needed. I write this paragraph only to make it very clear that the preceding paragraph really isn't about me (couldn't be either, as I avoid Off Topic as much as I can).) My take is that generally, some people care less than others about BC, other members or other aspects, and are more willing than others to find ways to hurt other people or to just write frustrations off their chest whilst carefully keeping their texts within certain boundaries so as to be hard to moderate. Some people seem allergic to open visors. I think the important question is: Is the moderator team willing to and equipped for tackling these people? If not, I fear that stricter moderation is only going to lead to a raise in sub-surface aggression, and looser moderation might actually bring BC closer to the aimed for result. Rather than enforcing rules about forbidden behaviour, is there a way one can enforce rules of good behaviour? Mind you, I don't have the answer to that question, but I do know that when I worked in child protection, we made contracts with kids from dysfunctional families, and every single sentence in those contracts was about what was allowed - nothing about what was forbidden. Worked a treat. BTW, I'm aware that BC is not the kids from dysfunctional families. . . . . . . BC is the whole dysfunctional family! [/quote] Hi Bert It's all about nipping it in the bud as soon as something is noticed, but us or by the membership. Although in the example provided there's no rule broken as such (not directly, at least) we can still add users to our watch list and close the thread and PM the members in question. I'm happy to warn and ban without direct circumvention of a given rule if something is clearly causing problems because nobody has to put up with it. The more we know as mods the more we can do to keep things friendly.
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1388849553' post='2326827'] Damn. I'm going to have to start wearing trousers when posting now. [/quote] Trousers don't matter when your junk is on your forehead LOLLLL Ok another warning for me.
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1388848530' post='2326813'] I'm not entirely convinced that you actually meant "tortuous" there. Perhaps "tortious". Hopefully not "tortoise". [/quote] Yeah it does seem a bit extreme.
  10. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1388847438' post='2326791'] I think the mods do a great job I recently had a post removed by a mod as it was deemed a bit stereotypical and I was then sent a PM by another mod who explained to me that the post had been removed and why which I appreciated and understood as to be honest I did not see anything wrong with my post as I wrote it but when I was told why it was removed I understood why I so yeah I think the mods do a great job and I agree that some people really have been taking the pee and think as it is the new year we should all be kind and respectful to each other and also respect the forum and the mods and keep it the great place iit is [/quote] Longest sentence ever!! Thanks for the comments; we don't get it 100% right all the time but we always act in good faith and happily we rarely go beyond a few friendly PMs with the 'accused'. With a forum this size and a team of volunteer mods with day jobs and other things (some even go outside once in a while) all we can do is try our best. Cheers
  11. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1388845186' post='2326756'] Should I 'Report' this thread for the objectionable mis-use of the word 'weather' in the opening post? Or is it a seasonal thing? Coat got, once again.... Cheers Geoff [/quote] Do'oh, yes I've corrected myself and given myself a warning.
  12. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Hi guys[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]I hope you all had a nice festive season and are sufficiently rested.[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]I come to you with some news about the way things are here on BC. First of all there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes to find a developer who can work with us and deliver some improvements to the current software so I'll keep y'all updated with that.[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Secondly, I want to remind people about the 'report' button. I guess it's natural that this time of year is quite stressful for people and it usually comes across on the forum where people have shorter fuses and think about what they've written less than usual.[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]We're really lucky on BC to have a massively relaxed approach to moderation. Half the threads here (mainly in Off Topic) wouldn't stand elsewhere, but we're happy to leave them as long as things remain civil. I have recently had a few PMs from people saying that they've been unhappy with comments here and there, and without the 'report' button being pushed on those comments it makes the moderators job very difficult.[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]You cannot imagine how lucky me and Steve feel to have a team of moderators who look after the forum as well as they do. I don't thank them enough and want to make their lives easier by asking everyone to be [/size][/font]extra vigilant over the next few weeks. We're all adults here, so if you see any posts which contravene the rules (paying particular attention to section 6(a) - posts that are unlawful, illegal, threatening, harmful, abusive, harassing, stalking, tortuous, defamatory, libellous, vulgar, obscene, offensive, objectionable, pornographic) then please, report immediately. The report button can be found next to the 'quote' buttons in the bottom right. You'll need to click it on the offending post. More often than not if we PM someone about a post, and the language or nature of their comments, we find they have simply got a bit carried away and regret the post themselves. We're all lucky to have this site to use, so let's help each other out by posting CONSTRUCTIVELY, being FRIENDLY and CONSIDERATE. I'm taking over the admin role for a while and will be dishing out warnings to anyone who feels they want to challenge this. I'd rather not have to close 'political' threads, for example, but if needs be, I can fall back on the T&Cs and do so. I'm the first to admit that some members have been getting away with behaviour for too long - the feeling is that once it's established we're shooting ourselves in the foot by tackling it as we're seen as then picking on a particular person, post or thread. Well, that's how it is when we have so many members and posts. If you post something nasty, whether you've been getting away with it for years or whether it's a first time, either it'll go unspotted (in which case you can think of yourself as lucky, if it's not reported) or it'll be removed and you'll get a PM. Remember - I'm talking about a small minority here. In general, the community here is excellent, and one I'm hugely proud of. There are so many excellent stories to tell and support given to one another everywhere I look. In some ways, this makes the odd 'nasty' post seem all the more detrimental. The membership does a good job of talking down most potentially volatile discussions, however I don't think that's the community's responsibility in general - people come here to enjoy themselves. Anyway, enough from me. I hope this reaches you as intended, and please remember to report anything you feel might get you punched in real life. I can send Nellie round to do the 'wet work' so be warned. Thanks everyone for the support and have a nice weekend ped
  13. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1388842291' post='2326687'] I understand that but still don't understand the 'narrow minded' bit. [/quote] Narrow FRETBOARD minded, perhaps?! I like mine very narrow, personally.
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388795503' post='2326299'] I can't tell if the really awful-sounding bits are him. I think they're probably Wooten because he's got the worst bass sound in history. Still, I didn't dig what he was playing. You could call me narrow-minded or you could forgive me for having some sense of taste. If it sounds good I'll give it a go, but solo bass guitar, certainly in its current form, always sounds f***ing awful. [/quote] ''[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Don't bother watching if you don't like solo bass''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  15. OK guys I guess this thread is done. I'm pretty tired of the negativity in this thread and think some of you could do with cheering up, or using your remote control. I'm locking this one down to let some people cool off. We have had a number of complaints from people about the thread and with limited resources to deal with specific issues I'm going to let this one die. Please feel free to PM if you would like to discuss further... and happy 2014...
  16. I've just transferred the original story from the temporarily unavailable blog to the first post - and I've added some pics. ped
  17. Another article updated - enjoy ped
  18. I've just put the blog post up in the first post (as the external blog is currently unavailable). I'll also do the TC Electronic and Rotosound ones now. Cheers ped
  19. Another Jazz Bass clone? What’s the point? As someone who has tried many different basses over the years I have settled on something completely out of the ordinary rather than an off the shelf model – and I love it. Does a Jazz clone do anything for me now? Will it ever? Well, continue reading and you might just find out! An old dog with new tricks First let me run through some basic specs. The bass is a prototype which Jeff and his brother Randy put together over a period of about 3 months. The bass was made to evaluate an interesting electronics package and it’s aimed at the gigging bassist looking for a lightweight, usable and reliable instrument. -Maple neck and fretboard -Mahogany body with metallic blue paint -Chrome hardware (PING tuners) -EMG JV pickups (Alnico rods, dual coil. data sheet here) -Modified EMG electronics incorporating an EXB expander. So the bass is a little different in the electronics department. The controls on the bass, nearest the pickups first, are neck volume, bridge volume, standard tone control and then the EMG EXB bass expander control. There’s also a switch for flipping between the standard Tone and the EXB circuit. WTF is an EMG EXP The EXB Bass Expander is a clever little device that increases the low and high frequency regions while reducing the midrange simultaneously to provide extra gain and punch. It works a bit like an unconventional equalisation control that instantly serves up a more percussive sound. Quite useful if you’re a slapper. But it’s a Jazz Bass! I have heard the same comment from countless people on BC over the years. No matter how often a user posts a picture of a custom built one-off hand made bass, if it’s the shape of a Jazz Bass, someone will say it’s ‘just another clone’. I haven’t had a Jazz Bass shaped instrument for a long time, and I must admit to feeling more interested in basses that don’t fit the mould. When this bass arrived, though, I found it was nice to have a ‘classic’ in the stable. A bit like a motor enthusiast might like to have a Cadillac just to tick a box. Though I have a Jazz Bass model set up on myVigier with the Roland GK system there’s something about the feel of a Jazz Bass that’s hard to ignore. I always had the chrome covers on my Jazzes and so installed one on the Buscanti too, because it adds to the feel, the sense of occasion of playing a Jazz Bass. Adjustment I like the truss rod adjustment being nice and accessible at the base of the neck. It moved nice and smoothly as I turned it to try and straighten the neck a little. There was plenty of adjustment available and I was quickly able to get the relief just right. The fretwork is very good, but I did find that there was some choking in the upper registers on the G string, probably caused mainly by my penchant for super low action more than anything. However, the bridge was limiting the action by keeping the strings quite high up even with the grub screws in their lowest positions. I guess this isn’t really a judgement of the quality of the bass, because I have always found this with Jazz Basses so I suppose it’s inherit of the design of a bolt on neck where the fretboard sits quite proud of the body. I’m just used to everything being quite a flat surface. It made me realise how lazy I am as a player with my action and relief. In that respect I really enjoyed playing this bass near the bridge with the back pickup cranked for some tight honky growl. The high(er) action meant I had to work a bit harder and mixed with the feel of the bass I found I was playing quite differently. Still badly, but differently. Final thoughts This isn’t meant to be a review, really, because I can’t write them. But it hopefully has shown you the bass, a little information about what I like about it and my reaction to it. The bass would cost about $890 (around £560) plus a little extra for a hard case. Being based in the US this won’t make much sense against some European brands where we won’t pay import duty, but I can’t see any reason why Jeff wouldn’t be able to find a UK importer for these superb quality instruments. I like the little letter Jeff wrote to go along with the bass, and I really get the feeling that him and Randy are putting a lot of passion into what they do. And the ‘Jazz Bass’? it’s a classic. The Newport by Buscanti is a superb copy of a classic with a few subtle mods. Park one in your garage today!
  20. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1386523534' post='2301018'] I saw Mr Bungle when they were touring the California album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4rqXqpLCZ0 Perfect example of their music Ps is the bass player playing a Alembic or a reversed headstock pedulla? Or neither..lol . [/quote] Alembic Europa 5
  21. This is my fave Bungle track! http://youtu.be/4L-RGT11mqg?t=21m30s
  22. Apologies if you've seen this already! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtdIbnEhJAI
  23. Just to mention that Guitarchat and drumchat will only work when we have upgraded and updated Basschat. Don't worry about funds being ring fenced - in actual fact opening the other two sites will be relatively simple compared to getting us in a position to clone the work we've already done on BC.
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