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Everything posted by ped

  1. Yeah I think you guys are right. Thanks for the comments
  2. Hi Tom Yes that would work, but then I'd have to switch the channels on the mixer by hand I guess. Actually I'm not sure if my bass will output the 13 pin and 1/4" simultaneously... I'll give it a try.
  3. Cheers Tom, I did try that with the Aux send but it made a nasty whistling or growling sound, I think something is up with the levels and whatnot. I'll need to experiment some more.
  4. I really like the stereo sounds yeah. I tried using the pedal after the Vbass in mono and it didn't sound right, I guess an env. filter sounds best in front of anything else. My mixer is one of these http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/MX802A.aspx Cheers ped P.S pedal is an old FX25
  5. Hi chaps My signal chain goes bass -> 13 pin output to Vbass unit -> two XLR or 1/4" outputs (L and R) to mixer -> headphones. I also have a couple of stomp boxes I really like, however I can't use them in between my bass and the Vbass unit as I tend to use the 13 pin cable to allow me to access my synths and so forth. I can use a standard jack and stompboxes if I like but it means switching to a standard cable and different input on the Vbass. As this isn't a 'live' rig, perhaps someone could suggest a way in which I can use mt stomp boxes too. One suggestion was a mixer with an effects loop. My crappy mixer doesn't have one. Bearing in mind my mixer has L and R signals from my Vbass, would the FX loop work on both channels? Does the FX loop affect the whole output of the mixer, so to speak? Sorry, probably haven't worded this very well but perhaps someone will know what I mean!! Cheers ped
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374769081' post='2153016'] Ah, that's a bit more tricky then. Here's a relevant discussion: [url="http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=445723"]http://www.audiokarm...ad.php?t=445723[/url] And another, which suggests a £30 unit from fiio or behringer (post #8) [url="http://www.whathifi.com/forum/hi-fi/apple-tv-1"]http://www.whathifi....i-fi/apple-tv-1[/url] Something like this I think: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/FiiO-192KHz-Digital-Analog-Converter/dp/B005PWPUW6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374769138&sr=8-1&keywords=fiio+dac"]http://www.amazon.co...ywords=fiio+dac[/url] I've not checked the spec to see if it's totally suitable, just a suggestion to point you - hopefully - in a useful direction. [/quote] [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374773087' post='2153102'] Hi Ped , have a look at the range of gizmos available from the excellent FIIO range ( well within your budget ) and see if one meets your needs : [url="http://fiio.com.cn/products/index.aspx?MenuID=105026003"]http://fiio.com.cn/p...enuID=105026003[/url] I have got a FIIO E10 DAC/ headphone amp that I use between my PC and my separates system and it does a great job on both counts for the very little money that it cost . Nice build quality too . I recommend them . [/quote] [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1374774592' post='2153136'] QED used to do a cheap one (known as the Digit?) Back in the day... Have a look on eBay.. Or an Audio Alchemy DDE v1.0 I've got a 20 year old one still doing the business. They don't really break- no moving parts... [/quote] Thanks for this guys. I have been looking at the FIIO one too. Do they have any latency, generally speaking?
  7. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1374772479' post='2153089'] I guess you've thought about a jack to phono lead... [/quote] Yeah, it's OK for watching TV but for anything serious the sound is compressed and crappy.
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374767171' post='2152982'] Are you sure it's not worth starting off with a £10 phono lead to connect the audio into you amp? After all, it would give you a shorter audio path with less signal processing. Edit: My mistake, I assumed the Apple TV had a wired audio output like the Airport devices. Still, you're going to be dependent on the quality of the Apple TV audio processing so I'd still resist spending loads on an outboard DAC. If you want to get at the audio from a video stream, can you not do that via the TV itself? Connect the Apple TV via HDMI and then take an analogue audio feed from the screen to your amp. Also, are you trying to get at the full 5.1 audio? [/quote] Hi mate Bog all connections from TV (just headphones). Just want stereo sound.
  9. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1374767150' post='2152980'] ADC = Analogue to Digital Converter DAC = Digital to Analogue Converter. [/quote] Make me one?
  10. This one seems to get pretty good reviews http://www.amazon.co.uk/CYP-AU-D3-Digital-Stereo-Converter/dp/B0026208EI/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1374766496&sr=8-18&keywords=optical+audio+converter
  11. Hi Guys I'm looking for a DAC to take an optical audio (from Apple TV) to an RCA on my amplifier. Any recommendations? The range is fantastic, from £10 to £200. I'm looking for good quality audio and have heard good things about ones like [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Startech-Digital-Coaxial-Toslink-Converter/dp/B0024CV3T4/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1374765612&sr=8-5&keywords=optical+audio+converter"]this[/url] Has anyone got experience? I asked about it in Sevenoaks Audio in Reading and they tried to sell me an Arcam one for £150. PC World said they 'didn't exist'. Apple shop tried selling me a new computer and iLife. Cheers ped
  12. Actually the donation message is going to be removed - as it's only seen by the original poster I keep forgetting about it. I'll add it to my 'To Do' list You can't edit the price due to the system we use. You can always edit the first post and say 'New reduced to £xxx' which is effective. If people could edit the price, they might, for example, list an item for £5 and later edit it up to £500, at which point it gets complicated with the payment gateway. Cheers ped
  13. Excellent, can't wait. I'll be sure to bring some goodies for the raffle and to give everyone. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Hamster - Tea, coffee & biscuits[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Schecter Diamond P5, Levinson Blade B15, amp & cab tbc[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Happy Jack - Matamp GT120 with Barefaced stack[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Bluejay - something left-handed[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. OBBM - Bergantino CN212, Aguilar TH500, A couple of old Fenders, perhaps a Sadowsky UV70.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. chris_b[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. Clarky[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8. Russ - Sei 5-string, Spector 5-string, Markbass 6x10"/Ampeg SVT-7[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]9. Irvined - Retrovide RV4 and home brew bass pedals[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]10. xilddx - 1983 USA Fender Jazz / 2010 USA Fender Stratocaster Deluxe V-Neck / POD X3 LIVE[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]11. Sibob[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]12. Tayste_2000 - Rickenbacker 4003, Overwater 5 string, [1970s Ampeg B-15, Custom Matamp GT200 MK2, Matamp 8x10], the pedalboard[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]13.Barneyg42-Status S2 Classic five, Ibanez BTB 6-string fretess,TC BH500, TC BC 2x10, Barefaced Compact and various pedalage![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]14. Walman - the usual culprits - [/font][/color][i]though it rather depends on where if anywhere gets booked for the long hols as that is the last Sat of those so I may have to bale[/i] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]15.Paul S - some stuff. BF rig, maybe a Westone Pantera X790 in case anyone wants a look?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]16. BetaFunk - I will bring a selection of British 60s basses (Vox, Burns, WEM) plus my Shergold Marathon.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]17. Billy Apple. Matamp GT200 Rig. Ruttmoth P Bass, TBird too maybe. Some Pedals.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]18. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jazzneck (gig and her highness permitting) - Ampeg AEB and my £60 OLP MM alike.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]19. Simonedward (with blessing of authorities) - Jaydees (Series II, GA24 custom and fretless), a Trace amp (probably), lots of TC toneprint pedals.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]20. Walbassist - Veillette Archtop fretless 5, Sandberg VT5 and BSX Allegro 5[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]21. Phil Adams [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]22. Fat Rich - Fenders, Status[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]23. Molan - Ritters, Celinders, Alleva Coppolo etc.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]24. 51m0n[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]25 Dropzone[/font][/color] 26 Ant - Aria, Fender, BG250, compulator 27. ped - Vigier passion 4, Buscanti Jazz, Vbass
  14. Hi guys I'd love to come if I'm free - weekends are a bit busy but I'll see what I can do once there's some consensus. I'll bring some free BC lanyards with me for everyone. If I can't come, I'll post a box of them to be there instead (the box of lanyards will probably be just as interesting company lol) Cheers guys, ped
  15. Sellers are encouraged to make it clear in their ads/titles weather they'd like swaps or not. Most of the time, people invite trade options in addition to cash sales, hence a unified marketplace. It wouldn't be very easy to set up given the complicated architecture of the current setup. We might look at integrating the 'tags' system more thoroughly so you could filter items by type in the future. Cheers
  16. ped

    help please

    Hi Kev You should be able to post without any problems Make sure you click 'post' after writing your advert and make sure you give the advert a title and price (numbers only) It'll post right up with no delay. PM me if you have further probs? Cheers! ped
  17. I've tried loads of different brands, including other coated strings. Elixirs are perfect for me, and they last months and months in my hands. I'll pay more for them because I buy them so infrequently. It's quite a hike, though - I doubt it'll attract many new customers. I hope it doesn't mean they are becoming too expensive to produce - I dunno what I'd do without them!
  18. Yeah I really like them. Very cool design. Surprisingly unheard of, too. I think someone here recommended them to me a few years ago.
  19. OK the 'Marvel' style locks will work - the screw which holds the plate against the strap will hold it securely. It'll go wide enough to hold twice the thickness of my 'Comfort Strapp' Hope that helps Cheers
  20. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    Very nice series 3 there, yeah I've never seen one in that colour before.
  21. I've got a set of these which I think are far better then the Schaller design [url="http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/Guitar-Strap-Locks-Ultra-safe-system/dp/B003T6Z5JS?field_availability=-1&field_browse=1592938031&field_product_site_launch_date_utc=-1y&id=Guitar+Strap+Locks+Ultra-safe+system&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=color_map%2Cbrandtextbin%2Csubjectbin%2Cprice%2Csize_name&searchNodeID=1592938031&searchPage=1&searchRank=salesrank&searchSize=12"]http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/Guitar-Strap-Locks-Ultra-safe-system/dp/B003T6Z5JS?field_availability=-1&field_browse=1592938031&field_product_site_launch_date_utc=-1y&id=Guitar+Strap+Locks+Ultra-safe+system&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=color_map%2Cbrandtextbin%2Csubjectbin%2Cprice%2Csize_name&searchNodeID=1592938031&searchPage=1&searchRank=salesrank&searchSize=12[/url] I think they'll work on thick straps, too - I'll have a look when I get home... Cheers
  22. I'm afraid to say I only discovered him when I shazamed a track from the film 'The Lincoln Lawyer' but I've listened to him a lot in the last 6 months. I wasn't aware he was so well known, so it's great to hear of other fans. Bit of a shame it's because of his death that I've found you all! Any other fave tracks/ similar artists? I'm also listening to Artie 'Blues Boy' White and 'Guitar Shorty' Love playing along with these cats - HJ that was one if the first tracks from 'dreamer' that I played to! Cheers ped
  23. Sorry chaps, we can't really be having this, check T&Cs Not so say I disagree ped
  24. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1371731372' post='2117449'] Init... Really sad to see this situation on BC. Not sure if everyone is suffering from withdrawal from the Rick ban thread or something, but this kinda thing is putting me off this site. I can't claim to have been on here in the good ole days but I think £20 for the year if you sell stuff regularly seems pretty good, if you don't like it stick on the bay or in a shop where they'll either give you a sh*t price or take a commission?? Perhaps the one off fee could come down to a Lady (Gadiver-fiver) but there IS a recession on and it only seems to be biting people hard (I for one) now. You don't HAVE to post it up here, you DO have a choice, I don't think moaning on about is really worth it........is it? [/quote] Yeah - to be honest I think this says it all... time to put this to bed now. We do welcome feedback, but when people start second guessing our intentions and our motives then it all gets a bit unreasonable. I'm off to browse the marketplace... please, any additional comments/feedback/plans for world domination, email me and Steve! ped
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