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Everything posted by Len_derby

  1. Muddy Waters and Roger Waters. Thankfully not identical twins, but I've always got them mixed up.
  2. Well, I drove through Andy's village a couple of nights ago. There was a strange glow in the night sky and a low, insistent hum audible above the sound of my car. I thought it was Santa's Elves starting their shift. But no, it's another wonderous creation in the making! I'd love to see this one for real before it goes to the lucky owner.
  3. I've got a black version of this model. Great Yamaha quality and a fine introduction to fretless for anyone thinking about it. A great basschatter to buy from too.
  4. All the best Lozz, you've been able to 'live the dream' and are now moving on to the next phase of your life. I've always enjoyed your posts on here, your attitude to what you do and your audience is brilliant.
  5. The only thing I can remember buying this year was a cute short-scale acoustic Stagg bass off our own @dodgnofski. It's great for leaving out for noodling and I've done a couple of acoustic gigs with it. Also, it can be transported out of sight in my wee hatchback. If you need a reason to buy a short scale - there you go!
  6. I agree with this one. Facebook groups for local music are useful in finding out what's happening. My local music shops still have notice boards too! Where you live will probably help or hinder too. In a remote or low-population areas it's probably going to be harder.
  7. Ah yes, I stand corrected. It was fantastic to be a teenager in the 1970s but It's all a bit of a blur now. 😀
  8. Yes, one if my teenage heroes too. He was great in Rod Stewart's Faces and I've always had a hankering for a Les Paul bass because of him (but no longer want a pale satin suit with big lapels and flared trousers). The irony is that the Faces' most well-known song, Maggie May, has on the recording Ronnie Wood playing the (imho) over-cooked bass part. It's worth reading up on the travelling circus-style tour Ronnie Laine tried. The guy was a one-off and a talented song writer also
  9. Could be a psychological thing. The necessary attributes of a successful bass player in a band don’t fit well with the chippy ‘little man’ syndrome .
  10. Well, the weather looks to be have nicely unseasonal for you. 😀 Glad you're out there gigging. I enjoyed having a little play on that 'Beatle' bass at the last Midlands Bass Bash.
  11. As usual Andy, a work of beauty. To my eyes the back of the guitar is more attractive than the front. If the owner feels the same way, and wants to show it off, there may have to be a dynamic variation of the ZZ Top 'flip your guitar' routine. 😳😀
  12. I bought a Boss BR-80 micro recorder that I found totally exasperating. My dumbo brain found it far too fiddly. I've since then made myself a little rule - beware something that has a user manual bigger than the item itself. I gave the thing away to a young chap who'd got the patience but no money to buy one himself and got a Zoom H2 to replace it. Much better.
  13. A birthday party gig with the acoustic blues trio. The client had seen us by chance at a gig we played earlier in the summer and he came up to us afterwards and booked us. The location was his big house high above Matlock with stunning views of the surrounding hills. It was a bit breezy but he was very accommodating and gave us a a big conservatory to play in. We went down very well, had full run of the food and drink (hog-roast) plus at the end of the night the biggest payout we've had so far this year. The load-in wasn't great because of some steps and a steep driveway but you can't have everything.
  14. You're very welcome to come and have a go on my EUB. You haven't said where your're from. Surely nowhere is that embarrassing? I'm prepared to admit I live in Derby 😀
  15. As far as I know, their paths never crossed, but I'd love to hear an album with Jaco in a Miles Davis band.
  16. Too true Dave, and for guys (and gals) in their 60s and upwards they probably started even earlier than 18 years of age. It's similar to an ex-pro footballer who lives near me. He left school at 15 to play professionally and when he retired at 35 he had no other skills and blew his modest savings on a newsagents. He now lives off state pension in spite of winning medals with Derby County. I could never begrudge old stars trying to make a living especially when you consider some of the people who've made a killing in the music business.
  17. For me it was the first Back Door album with Colin Hodgkinson thrapping his Precision. I was a student at York at the time and had the good fortune to see them play live at the Lion Inn , Blakey Ridge up on the moors. They were almost a house band.
  18. I've always been impressed by the Japanese Fenders. A bit of tlc (re-string the g and a new volume knob for starters) and I reckon you'll have a very nice bass.
  19. Cheers Andy, very generous in your praise. I wonder if you, or any other builders, rethink your builds after hearing them in action.
  20. I am the the very proud owner of a bass made by @Andyjr1515. Because he's a close neighbour of mine he has the opportunity to see me play it live. This has made me wonder, what goes through your mind - you builders- when you see one of your creations used? Critical? Proud? Disappointed? I'm interested to hear.
  21. Yeah, why not? It does get a bit messy when there's alternative bands all claiming the 'legacy' with various ex-members. Maybe that's a new thread - amusing and sad at the same time.
  22. That looks great. Were you on a floating platform? I'm trying to imagine what happened when one of those big site-seeing vessels went past! 🏄 😳
  23. Thanks for pulling the thread back on-topic Tom! Saturday night I depped for a covers band in busy and appreciative pub in Belper, Derbyshire. Two X 1 hour sets of pop, soul and rock including a few Motown numbers. I played my Swift Lite (Andyjr1515 custom build) much to the delight of my shoulder. The on-stage sound was a dream. An excellent drummer (ex-cruise liners and show-pit player) and really good monitoring made it a joy. I had to work hard and up my game but a great gig and a nice payment at the end. The band have asked me help out again so a good result.
  24. Too modest Kev. You played a good, solid set. A very enjoyable afternoon.
  25. This is the way my band has gone. The floor space taken up by an electronic drum kit, compared to an acoustic one, is a big plus in a small room.
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