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Everything posted by Mickeyboro

  1. Is this something you do regularly, and if so how do you use it to improve the music? It follows on from my thread 'Playing with Pros'. The ex-pro I recently worked with recorded everything, then sent me the tracks over the internet. I found it interesting, but it led to more heat than light in the end. I'm just trying to work out if it's a concept I should try in the future, never having done it before. Views most welcome...
  2. If you are a semi-pro in a band with a former professional musician, how do you relate to them and vice versa? I ask as I have recently spent/wasted four months putting together a band with an ex-pro keyboardist whose musical abilities far outshine mine. I pushed him as the musical director, but he stubbornly refused to direct; instead, he'd spend hours on the phone moaning to me about the shortcomings of our bandmates, who were rotated in short order. We finally found people he could tolerate, though the complaints continued. Then the phonecalls stopped, and I now realise he was bending someone else's ear about me! Then came the email: 'It's not working, is it - everyone thinks so. I'm not the leader...' You can say that again. I now wish I'd tried to be more proactive in the rehearsal studio to fill the vacuum that so frustrated me. In future, I'll not be nearly as deferential. And I'll not be so available on the phone! Any parallel or more heartening tales?
  3. Interestingly, Sir Tom has just postponed his US tour on health grounds... PS: Like that T-shirt!
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1504449182' post='3364920'] @ Mickyboro, no viewing or listening isn't compulsory. But how the hell are people going to come on here and give an opinion either way without viewing? Daft..... [/quote] The negativity just gets wearing sometimes, mate... I went to Memphis last year and the Stax studios are a reconstruction. (The real thing was torched.) If that offended me, I could have decided not to go. I went cos it's the nearest thing to the actual place. These at least were some of the original singers.
  5. Yes it was cheesy, but it wont be possible in 10 years time so glad they did it. Watching is not compulsory!
  6. Strange fact: the Moodies backed the Four Tops on their hit Simple Game. EDIT: which, research reveals, started life as a Moodies B-side!
  7. An old band did a version of 'Little Bit of Sympathy' with a chorus of 'You Keep Me Hangin' On' in the breakdown. Always got the crowd on their feet.
  8. Came out 2 years ago. Got my copy this wk. Bonus disc promises 6 hours of extras!
  9. What Brown Sugar so often lacks (apart from the sax) is acoustic guitar.
  10. Weekly bump. I know I'm in Bournemouth but would be prepared to travel if anyone wants to try. I certainly would expect to have a play before laying out this kind of money. All I can say is, once I handled it in the flesh I wasn't going to leave without it...
  11. Have a fabulous day, and don't forget to wear your gladrags!
  12. Unfortunately in the Trump era things are bound to polarise. In my travels I have seen many countries' citizens fly tgeir flag with prude. Shame our own Union Flag has been appropriated by extremists in the past... So with regret I would advise moving on, image-wise.
  13. I'd love someone to buy and enjoy this - it's sitting in its rack looking at me and telling me not to part with it... Bump!
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1427707284' post='2733153'] Probably steer clear of the Aguilar TH500.... [/quote] Why?
  15. For those on phones he is in Edinburgh...
  16. That magazine is not worth the paper it's printed on! Oh for a decent bass mag...
  17. In London/St Albans area next weekend (19th-20th) if you'd like a play... Includes a hard case to keep this thunder machine safe.
  18. Longer transaction than planned due to holidays, but Mr Monkey did not give up and tenaciously brought things to a satisfactory conclusion. Well done sir! Recommended unreservedly.
  19. Trustworthy and prompt to pay!
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