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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. gary mac


    Sorry to hear about your neck probs, what a bum deal. Wish you well mate and good luck with the sale
  2. Since sitting down to work out Durans Save a Prayer last week this has been bothering me a bit. I guess in the great scheme of things it's not important, you know if the bass line works, then why worry? So: the first chord is D minor, then to F (major, I think). So to get from the D min to the F the notes on the bass are, I think D, A, G, Fsharp and on to the F. Now normally if I was jamming with the guitards and there was a Dmin to F progression, I wouldn't consider that F sharp note and instead would choose notes common to both chords or a root/ 5th thing. So Why does it work? I know it crops up on a whole load of progressions, but I've quoted this one, as I'm working on it at the moment. I feel a bit stupid asking this question on here, as I've been playing for years and should probably know, but there you go I've gone and done it now.
  3. Didn't even know they were touring again. So who is on vocal duties then Nick?
  4. I've recently been playing the album again and really enjoying. Learning Rio and Save a Prayer for a new project. Met Simon at Cowes a couple of months back, not looking quite so chic in his sailing kit, but very approachable and friendly. Good programme.
  5. I know it's tempting to save on lugging stuff about, but I think it's a bad plan Peter. I've seen what happens to stuff in my shed, even when well wrapped.
  6. Duran Duran: Save a prayer and Rio. But can't nail the middle bit of Rio.
  7. Don't know the answer Beer dragon. But I phoned the Wizard chaps, described to them, as best I could the sound that I was after. They made their recommendations and fortunately it all worked out well. Pick ups arrived, I wired them in and...joy of joy, they worked and were exacctly what I was after. All the best, Gary
  8. A cracking read, excellent pics and every bass a winner.
  9. I've got a 2 x 10" HF that I would like to swop for a 15". I know it's not what you've asked for, but let me know if you want to consider it. All the best Gary
  10. Get more than you think you need. You've always got a bit in reserve then. A 100 watt combo will always have to work hard in a pub gig setting (assuming you are playing rock with a drummer) it just sounds horrid if you need it working flat out. I would go for 300 watts as a minimum, ideally with the option of adding an extension cab.
  11. I have aches and pains before even starting to play, had to dose up with super strong co-proxamols pre gig on saturday and a top up at half time. There were a number of articles on this sort of subject in recent issues of BGM. Posture and exercises etc.
  12. They are the standard HF @ 8 ohms. Cheers
  13. I've currently got two of the 2"x10"'s and would like to swop one of them for a 15", just thought I would ask if you would consider it? I know you would prefer a sale, but just let me know. Thanks all the best, Gary
  14. I've got a comfort strap (not for sale), but if you want to come around with your bass, to give it a try, let me know.
  15. Blimey Pete that is a real bargain, shouldn't be on here for long, controversy or not.
  16. I was about to ask the same question
  17. Played an open air party last night. First set was brilliant, second set not so brilliant, mostly due to one of the guitards playing just about every intro in a toe curlingly awful fashion. A few real Les Dawson moments. I've never played with gloves on before. They were thermal fingerless mittens, my wife reckons I looked like steptoe.
  18. So sorry Mr fudge. It sucks. Five years now since my dad died. I still cry and I still have days where I go to pick up the phone to get his advice........ just made myself cry again. Thankfully sitting here on my own today. All the best mate
  19. If my good wife moans at me about the number of basses knocking about here, I'm just going to point her at this thread. She will realise just how lucky she is.
  20. i so wish I wasn't potless. Good luck with the sale
  21. More bmloody misery. Took my wifes car for it's MOT. It's going to be over five hundred quid to sort it. Gas deffo on hold, may be forced to sell some of my basses now. My daughter was unfortunate to be on the same stretch of road as a pair of pikeys yesterday. They crashed in to her, laughed and drove off. She got the number plate and contacted the police, guess what? Number not traceable. I'm LIVID. We are not having a good year.
  22. A couple of days back in the bassists wanted/available section there was a request for a bass player in the Devon area. Why not check it out.
  23. Still love this one, best of luck with the sale
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