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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Good man. Did exactly that to the volume pot on my precision last week, worked a treat
  2. I've only heard good things about him. I know that he has BC customers, so sure one of them will be along soon with some info. I love the the blue precision that he has and would love to buy it for my daughter. Made in the year she was born and her favourite colour. All the best, Gary
  3. Impressive, that looks like a beaut. I know you say it is light, do you know the weight? Just interested as I'm having problems when gigging at the moment, and I have been considering lighter options. Cheers, Gary
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='816939' date='Apr 24 2010, 07:45 AM']I also remember the name from 'Bassist'... wonder what happened to Gibson Keddie from said mag?[/quote] I think he is the editor on one of the free music publications. Can't think of the name I'm afraid.
  5. What about bassmasta. Be warned though, they are not necessarily accurate, but might point you in the general direction. All the best, Gary
  6. I used to enjoy his writings in Bassist, that's assuming I'm thinking of the same Rob Burns.
  7. Thanks for all the replies gents, plenty to think about. I'm due to see a physio therapist. I have weighed my basses, much to the amusement of my wife and daughters: Precision 9lb 14oz VMJ 9lb 6oz Yamaha 10lb 2oz Wal 9lb 6oz No imminent gigs coming up, so there is no tearing hurry. Rehearsing tonight though, so I will probably take the Wal and Precision. Thanks again, grateful for all the suggestions.
  8. I'm finding it increasingly more painful playing the bass these days. Due to a long term illness and subsequent muscle wastage, I very quickly start to suffer shoulder and upper back pain when playing with a bass strapped on. I think I need to face facts and accept that if I want to continue gigging, then a light weight bass will be essential. My taste in bass guitars leans towards the traditional styles. I currently have a USA Precision, Squier VMJ, Wal, Yamaha BB1200 and a Yamaha Bex 4. The Precision causes less pain than the VMJ, which is strange because the Precision is the heavier of the two. But even so, I can only play for about half an hour before really suffering. I am using a good quality comfort strap and have tried various other models, so I don't consider this to be a strap problem. Anyway the purpose of this post is to ask for info/recommendations for a light weight bass, preferably one with looks/sounds that will appeal to my traditional sort of taste. Below 9lb would be good. I tried a couple of Ibanez basses at the weekend and was impressed with the build quality. They also felt extremely light compared to my lot. But I wasn't keen on the modern look. Maybe I will have to compromise, but thought I would seek out the opinion of others in the first instance. I know there are other BC'ers of the same vintage as me (50+), do any of you have the same problem, if so what did you do? Cheers, all the best, Gary
  9. Looks surprisingly good. Even if the speaker was blown it wouldn't be a bad deal.
  10. Excellent review and a good set of pics. Thanks a most enjoyable and informative read.
  11. Met Chris and the hound earlier this week. A pleasure to deal with.
  12. For the last eighteen months or so I've been using two 2"x10" cabs. I am really impressed with the performance. Money well spent.
  13. Not overly keen on live albums, although I love live music. If listening to music at home it generally has to be a studio recording. The only live album I regularly listen to (to my wifes horror), is Humble Pie at the Filmore East.
  14. Travelling in Style and Wishing Well - Free. Won't Get Fooled Again. The Who. Mussels from a Shell. Squeeze
  15. This is a my wife's job is going down the pan bump. Price dropped to £275
  16. An Easter bump. Probably the final one.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. I went with the 64's and I'm playing mostly rock, for which they suit very well. My daughter has the 84's, but I've yet to install them for her. Give Andy at wizard a call, he is very helpful, very patient and doesn't make you feel like a knob, when asking questions.
  19. You should consider Wizard pups, around £70. If you are handy with a soldering iron, straight forward enough. I installed a set in my Jazz. Took me a couple of attempts to get the soldering done correctly, but got there eventually. It was certainly worth the effort. All the best, Gary.
  20. Yes, another thumbs up for The Bass Merchant.
  21. No experience with the Pete Cornish cables, so can't comment. But the Obbm cable that I have got is first class, so I won't be looking elsewhere for my next purchase.
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