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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. When I tried out a fender road worn a few weeks back it was through a little rocker. I thought it was a cracking amp, but at first I wondered what the hell was wrong with it or the guitar. Once I figured that the bass was ok and had a fiddle with the amp settings it sounded great, but only with the tube drive almost off. I'm sure someone will be along soon with more in the way of technical help for you.
  2. Welcome back. Put up some pics when you get it.
  3. I find it surprisingly difficult playing root only bass lines not to put in extra notes. It's a worthwhile lesson in restraint.
  4. That's just being greedy. Very nice though, hope you enjoy.
  5. Good man, nice job and saved yourself a few bob
  6. My cheer up track is Roam, by the B52's. Not a fan of theirs but just always enjoy that particular number.
  7. It's not just you Bob, I also find this sort of thing deeply annoying. Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction. All the best, Gary.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='942524' date='Sep 1 2010, 07:32 PM']Any news after the rehersal?[/quote] Hi Pete, the news is, I think it sounded marvelous. I still have to be careful lifting and carryin at the moment, so I decided not to take my rig along and to just use the old Laney combo that resides in the rehearsal room. It has a ripped speaker cone and has been generally mistreated and abused. Despite the combos failings the G&L sounded so good. The pickups seem to be hugely powerful, it really sat nicely in the mix and I could hear it perfectly. Just as importantly for me, it was comfortable to play. We rehearsed for about two and half hours and although I was using a cheap non padded strap I didn't suffer any aches or pains. It's not much lighter than, for example my jazz but just balances nicely, which I find makes all the difference to the comfort factor. I'm looking forward to gigging it at the weekend through my rig. Conclusion so far: Impressed.
  9. I've given it a decent set up now and it feels much better. Adjusted the truss rod and action, got rid of all the buzzing but kept it fairly low. I've got a rehearsal tonight for a weekend dep, so I'm looking forward to hearing it through my rig to hear how it sits in a band mix and to get a comparison with my fender P.
  10. A used vmj went for £310.00 on ebay last week, did include a hardcase. Must have been some over enthusiastic/drunken bidding going on.
  11. No issues with finish or neck joint on my VMJ, but as always with fenders I tried a few first and a couple were rough. Been extremely pleased with my one, done a good few few gigs with it and can't really fault it. All the best, Gary
  12. A few years down the line it will be harder to find another 72 P, if you wanted to. I don't think I could let it go, but then that's why my house, shed, garage and loft are all full of stuff, that will one day come in handy.
  13. Wishing you all the best. No doubt you will be back at some point, bass love never goes away for long.
  14. Strange breed drummers. Wonder what was up with him, especially given what he said about valued friends. Sounds like you did good a good job without him though.
  15. [quote name='Meenie' post='938650' date='Aug 28 2010, 10:25 AM']Maybe having a noodle about with one in a shop might be an idea, a trip to the Bass Centre might be on the cards me finx.[/quote] Is there a Bass Centre again these days?
  16. [attachment=57665:056__2_.JPG][attachment=57664:042__2_.JPG][attachment=57663:055.JPG][attachment=57 662:056__2_.JPG]I could ill afford to do this, but as a post surgery and giving up smoking treat I put in a very last minute bid on ebay and won. It arrived on wednesday as I was about to leave home for a three day fishing trip, so I'm only just getting to know it. It arrived with the most awful fret buzz, literally all over. I've given the truss rod a tweek this morning, which has improved things no end, although it's still a bit buzzy up the dusty end. It needs a set up, which I will hopefully get on with later today after I check out the G&L website for info on bridge adjustments. First impressions are good and I think once it's set up to my preferences all will be good. Acoustically it rings out nicely. I haven't played it through my rig yet, but sounds promising on my little practice amp, certainly very powerful for a passive bass. The seller put on a set of Highbeam strings. I've always heard good things about them and must say they sound and feel good. It has some buckle rash and war wounds, but nothing major. What I wanted really, a bass that I can gig without getting in a stress about picking up dings and dents. I've been looking at roadworn fenders, but wasn't entirely happy about paying what seemed quite a high premium for the relicing. Hopeful of a GAS free period now.
  17. Hi and welcome Alex, from another Hertfordshire low ender. Gary
  18. Impressive. I've found him to be a super helpful and knowledgeable chap. Wouldn't it be good if more businesses operated in the same fashion?
  19. Will let you know once i get it. I did wonder if I was bidding against any bass chatters. There was only one bid for the majority of the time, then a second bidder appeared. I stuck my bid in with a minute or so to spare. so hope it's a good one.
  20. Hi Pete, I put in a last minute bid on the white G&L and lo and behold I won it, didn't actually think I would and wasn't sure that I actually wanted to, if you know what I mean. Just got to inform Mrs. mac now before it arrives, hopefully all in one piece and as described.
  21. I've been sitting looking at a few of the older issues today. I wish they would bring back the Weekend Warriors feature, far more interesting to me than some of the interviews etc of late.
  22. It's already a stunner Clarky. I still can't afford it, but almost tempted to go into debt for it. Taking my good wife out for lunch today, with the hope that after a glass or two she might see the investment potential of a decent seventies jazz and talk me into buying it .
  23. Think I would be looking for a Trace cab. I added a 2 x 10" to my trace combo, it looked and sounded so good.
  24. You're a brave man. If I wasn't such a wimp, I would have to say I concur. Right I'm off to the for sale section
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