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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I managed to play some dreadful old twelve bar blues thing in a different key to the rest of the band. In my defence it was back in the drinking days.
  2. I would love this bass Clarky, but don't have the funds. There have been so many cracking basses coming on here over the last couple of weeks. I have to save for purchases these days and I think I'm still about six months shy of enough for your bass. Best of luck with the sale. Gary
  3. [quote name='stevie' post='931351' date='Aug 20 2010, 08:33 PM']I thought the 1200S only had two knobs. I have an 1100S with five knobs. If yours is like that, the top two knobs are volume and tone. The latter only works in passive mode. The bottom three knobs are bass mid and treble and these work only in active mode. There are two switches. The two-way switch switches between active and passive. The three-way switch switches between neck/neck + bridge/bridge pickups.[/quote] My 1200 has two nobs. Don't know about 1200s.
  4. Sounds good. Someone not having problems with other band members, makes a change from the norm. Long may it continue.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='930088' date='Aug 19 2010, 05:46 PM']Oh dear I am sad arent I? Gary mac I really like it looks a bargain if it had MM or Fender on the headstock it would be double if not triple If I had a few spare quid I think I would be going for this as it keeps finding me which is often a good sign and as I said I would have a pre EB Ray and what we are calling a pre whatever G & L all I would need then is a pre CBS Jazz and I would have a Ray/P and Jazz all Leo era which has got to be good![/quote] So, worth a punt then Pete? I really like the look of it, just wary of buying instruments without trying first. Do you think the quality control is more consistent than with Fenders?
  6. More sad news, a lot of bass players lost this year.
  7. Wrong part of the world for me. Good luck, hope it goes well for you. Gary
  8. I've been watching that one and considering a bid. What do you think of it? I have no experience or knowledge of G&L basses, just liked the look of it.
  9. I'm such a doughnut brain. Just checked out the review section of the forum and found the excellent review by out to play jazz. I had even posted on there some time back, but have no recollection of doing so. One of my many senior moments.
  10. The tort does it for me. Looks very cool.
  11. [quote name='Jigster' post='927803' date='Aug 17 2010, 06:03 PM']i took the plunge and bought one last week - jazz sunburst - tis very sweet no doubt - am doing some recording with it this weekend so that will be exciting. I love it's feel, so easy to use and hold..last night at rehearsal our guitarist asked to hold it and he said it felt so easy like it was very natural - and he's from the other side - sounds: got a sneaking feeling the pups, altho pretty hot, might be replacable at some point. Great honk and great Stranglers bass sounds on the E with a pick and treble and both pups up etc, very punchy also..but I don't know, haven't played it live yet...our guitarist is very loud almost to the point of irritation, but got a feeling the pups might lack some output???? finish/set up - great from the shop, nice action, and with a good string tension plays lovely fingerstyle over the bridge pup, no sharp edges on frets, and fretting is easy taking your fingers pretty much to the sweet spot between the frets each time hardware - bridge feels tight, tuners (altho reverse to the usual) hold tune excellently it's just so nice to behold and oodle away on and the finish is fake as hell but it just does the job so what the hell....got some battered 80's basses and a battered 2009 bass!![/quote] Thanks Jigster, nice tidy review. Will wait with interest for your comments once you've gigged it. All the best, Gary
  12. I'm still considering it, thanks for the replies. Any other BC'ers with roadworn models able to offer advice/opinions.
  13. [quote name='KevB' post='927709' date='Aug 17 2010, 04:21 PM']Not awful just pissed [/quote] Nice inventive bass line though.
  14. Unless I was really strapped, think I would be tempted to sell the heavy cab, buy a lightweight one and keep the LM11.
  15. Very nice, how old is it and where are you located?
  16. gary mac


    Thanks for letting us know Rich, so very sorry. He seemed like one thoroughly decent chap. Don't know whatelse to say. Gary
  17. Insuffecient funds at present, but do like your bass. Best of luck with the sale. Dannybouy, thanks for the info on price.
  18. I've tried out a couple of mexican roadworn precisions in recent weeks and got to say I've been really impressed. Up until now I've always thought the relicing thing a bit naff, but have to admit to coming around to liking it now. Also like the thought of not having to worry about collecting scars and dings when gigging. Not sure how I feel about paying £870 for a mexican instrument, but maybe that's me being a bit snobby. After all the build quality seemed very good and it wasn't heavy. Sounded pleasing both unplugged and plugged. But I've also tried a couple of American Standard Precisions and Jazzes, which I loved. So, I don't know, some contemplation and saving required. Meanwhile opinions from owners would be appreciated. All the best, Gary.
  19. Won't be able to get there, but good luck. Saw Ian maclagen and his gap band there last year, cracking little venue.
  20. Glad you finally got your case Tim. My daughter is after a case for her jazz, I was going to suggest this company to her, but given your experience will suggest she tries elsewhere. All the best, Gary
  21. Yes, i was in the Stevenage branch a few weeks back and tried out a couple of American Standards.
  22. You don't say where you are, so we don't know what is local to you. Try the Bass Merchant, Bass Direct, The Gallery. Or you could check out the Fender website, I think they list their authorised dealers. all the best, Gary
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