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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Done the same a few times and it's always worked well.
  2. Before considering potentially costly upgrades, have you tried adjusting the pick up height?
  3. What a lovely looking instrument. That Jack is a fine fellow Silv
  4. I'm another Fast Fret fan, always use it at the end of a set.
  5. These days I just put on a new set but a while back when I needed to conserve funds, I always gave strings an overnight soak in meths. It worked brilliantly.
  6. Check this out: https://www.bassstringsonline.com/Finding-the-correct-string-length-for-your-electric-bass_ep_46-1.html I personally use and like Chromes but they are quite high tension. I've also used Fender flats and liked them.
  7. Not the most knowledgable guitar shops, if they couldn't identify the scale length. Measure from the fretboard side of the nut to the saddle and report back here 👍
  8. Spectacular work once again Andy, really stunning.
  9. They come up on BC now and then, I'm sure there are one or two U.S. models for sale at the moment.
  10. Happy to recommend Mike again. Last time I sold him something, this time I was the buyer. Mike is a pleasure to deal with, he kept me updated, got the item to me in very quick time and it was superbly packaged. Deal with confidence Bass Chatters.
  11. I thought it would be a breeze playing the mandolin but I've not found it easy, enjoyable and fun yes. I really struggle with some of the chords and find them a bit cramp inducing.
  12. Really enjoyed that, thanks for posting Jack. Off to check out some of the others
  13. Kiogon beat me to it but was also going to suggest checking that E string out.
  14. Is this just something that has appeared during this hot/humid weather, if so, like Lozz, I reckon it's probably a set up issue. Assuming that you're confident with bass tinkering, try slackening the truss rod slightly.
  15. Which is exactly what I did a couple of years back, seek out an original that is. Took a while but a contact came up with one. My wife thought I had lost the plot, "paying all that for a bit of old plastic" Since sold the bass but now have another slightly older model and once again, with the most lovely tort guard.
  16. That era tort is so lovely. It does mean I can't buy a modern bass with a tort guard, as just about variation of it now is just 'orrid.
  17. Should be a good little project. Shows us the end result pics when it's done.
  18. These days I go with Pro Steels from D'Addario, as they give me that agrressive bite. Prior to that I was using DR High beams, which were also great.
  19. Most Squier instruments that I've owned or worked on for customers, have been of decent quality. Most of them need a proper set up, but that's to be expected really and not what could be classed as a fault. On the lower budget models the frets sometimes need a little attention. Hope you enjoy it.
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