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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Agree with @Golats I've yet to play a bad Yamaha budget instrument.
  2. A band that notice how the bass sounds You need to stick with them Discreet.
  3. They weren't actually that bad but to achieve the low action that was required, there were four or five that needed levelling off and then crowning.
  4. I set up and did some fret work on a customer's Squier Affinity P last week. I would have happily gigged it, once those works were completed.
  5. Well I think it's a fun idea and one we should embrace and try with some other bands/bassists.
  6. I use logarithmic pots these days for tone, even though many recommend linear.
  7. Just half an hour ago I finished stringing up a customer's Martin acoustic with D'Addario EJ16s. I like the feel and sound of them, great string and readily available. Their Nickel Bronze strings are also very good.
  8. There's a lot of detailed info on this site: http://www.guitarhq.com/feature.html
  9. Really liked that track back when it was first released. Never played it though, so can't help, sorrry.
  10. https://www.wdmusic.co.uk/pickguards-c62/fender-basses-c111/precision-bass-american-deluxe-c158 This type?
  11. If you can't live with it as it is, you probably need to admit defeat and treat the guitar to a new one.
  12. That's the way I do it with Strat knobs and those Gibson push ons but didn't find it worked so well on these inserts.
  13. A small screw driver placed in the gap between the sleeve and the pot, then gently lever it up.
  14. If it's got to the point where they need maintenance, I recommend a very close examination of them. I had a Schaller strap lock fail on me mid gig. Close inspection revealed some wear to the pin, only very slight but it was enough with the downward pressure of the bass, to cause it to release. I know that they are well regarded and generally very reliable but like most things, they will eventually wear and need maintenance or replacement. These days I don't use them and instead rely on the little Grolsh type rubber washers. Cost effective, reliable, long lasting and any wear is easily spotted.
  15. It's bad enough seeing the first Christmas ads on the box in September, now you've gone and started it in May I'm tempted to lock and hide this thread.
  16. I think some gentle filing around the opening in the guard is what you need to be doing. If you've managed to get the pick ups in there but they just a little tight, it should only need a small amount removed.
  17. It has 8 bids already, hope it reaches a tidy sum for Ellen. I have a friend dealing with this same type of cancer at the moment, she has had a hellish time of it
  18. Tru Oil is spectacularly good for the neck, gives a lovely feel.
  19. Flexsteels are my fave D'addario strings. I only have a couple of sets left. DR Highbeams were my choice for a while, as like the Flexsteels, they lasted well and for me, sounded similar.
  20. Totally relate to everything you've said Jack.😀 I'm facing the prospect of loading up,the car tonight and then a forty five minute drive for a social club gig🙄 The evening will also include Mustang Sally and 500 miles.
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