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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. I can't do pickups that have blank covers. I need to see the polepieces for a bass to look "right".
  2. I ordered one from Warmoth. Their's are great as it comes down a little bit more south (towards the bridge), so you can get the P pup in the same place as on a Precision. I had a regular jazz with P rout guard before that but the P pup was too far north and sounded too wooly. The Warmoth pickguard was the only one that I could find that actually has the P rout in the sweetspot, basically.
  3. In 1976 a Fender bass wouldn't have 'made in USA'on the headstock because all Fenders were made in the USA still at that point, so with no cheaper Fender imports around to confuse things, it was just a given that they were all made stateside.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1438371329' post='2834108'] But you had to be there..... [/quote] ..and if you can remember being there, you weren't really there.
  5. I had a Lindy Fralin P complemented with a set of Fender CL flats. Best tone I've ever had. As soon as Fralin makes a P5 pickup I'll be on it like a very on thing!
  6. DR Lowriders nickel 5 string set 45-130. Used on my Squier VM Precision 5, very light home use only so never gigged. Loads of life left in them. Fantastic B string! £15 posted. Cheers.
  7. Brand new and still in the box stainless steel DR Lowriders 45-130. Need some tapewounds for my fretless so I won't be using these now. £26 posted, Cheers.
  8. ..has left me speechless 😶 http://youtu.be/0IqcmhkfJRE
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1438087373' post='2831508'] It's not a 'real piece of history', it's just a 25 year old bass. [/quote] OK then grumpy drawers, it's a real piece of Warwick's history. 😜
  10. Sorry that you're disappointed, I can understand how you must feel. But looking at the positive side of things, you have an absolutely gorgeous handcrafted bass there which is a real piece of history (even if only for it's age). OK, your fretless is a quarter of a century old and it's fingerboard needs some TLC - no biggie. Spend the extra little bit more to have it sorted properly and it will play like new and all this will soon be forgotten. You'll have a fretless for life there and the price you paid for such an instrument will end up seeming quite reasonable I reckon. Good luck and hang in there!
  11. Rock n roll is a rite of passage for teenagers/early twenty-somethings. A time for dancing, Sha**ing and getting off one's face with your mates who are just as free as you. There's plenty of young bands around having their rock and roll time. They just don't want to party with their dads. The only people who moan that RnR is dead now seems to be the older dad rockers. It might be dead for them..
  12. My wife listens to soundtracks (War Of The Worlds, Lost Boys, Les Mis') and audio books. We've been to loads of gigs together and she usually thinks the acts aren't very good. Except the James Taylor Quartet, she was amazed how they made the whole room dance! I guess standing and watching musicians just isn't her bag. Although she was always the first one up to dance (and get everyone else up there) when I was in my last band. She really does not care one F**k about what anyone else thinks of her. She now has a love of Billie Holiday, Bill Evans, David Gilmour and The Smiths thanks to me though, so at least I'm getting somewhere now!
  13. Really glad you've sorted it out, congrats for doing it yourself. It's a lovely looking bass, gorgeous colour and that fingerboard... Would have been a shame to let it go. 👏👏👏
  14. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1437408075' post='2825739'] If it was my bass, and the mark bothered me enough to start a thread about it (no disrespect to the OP intended), then off it would go to the luthier. A good luthier can probably make that mark just disappear. It'll completely put it out of your mind when you play it. <><Peace [/quote] I concur, Dr. Do6
  15. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1437321596' post='2825064'] I'm still keen on the idea. Personally I always think a band with a theme is an easier sell than the usual "bit of everything, really" route. Thanks again for all the info [/quote] Just make sure you can play both kinds of music.
  16. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1437153195' post='2824104'] The old memory banks have filtered out a moment in 1977 . In the middle of a Clapton Old Grey Whistle Test special he handed the stage over to Yvonne Elliman ; [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NldjjmzDUfE[/media] [/quote] Wow thanks for that, outstanding! Never heard of her before... and, breathe!
  17. [quote name='adamg67' timestamp='1437056204' post='2823241'] I like that a lot. Too many basses look the same, this manages to look a bit different and still look amazing IMO. [/quote] I agree. Happy NBD!
  18. I was 8 years old and it completely stopped me in my tracks. I drove my mum nuts playing it repeatedly all summer! This track was the start of the big journey for me, when I fell in love with music. http://youtu.be/18OCCAqlx7k
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