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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Very nice opportunity for someone here... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176342256496?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jFXJ9uXjQ3S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7kyzjhu1syc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. no pics unfortunately but it looks like it wasn't this one after all as it was slimmed to a B width...unless cameltoe knows any more. Could well be that it's a more common mod than I thought! Congrats on a very cool bass.
  3. There was one like that here on Basses For Sale a few years back. The BCer selling it had a luthier slim the neck down. Might be the same one?
  4. We should get a few Gs knocked off as it will probably stink of dead cousin. Maybe a couple more if we promise not to get the law involved... 🤔
  5. Top tip is don't play there ever again unless you want to die! The electricity may very well find it's way to ground through you 💀
  6. Can I vote for just upgrading myself and practise 8 hours a day on just the one bass, like the olden days? Looking back, being on the dole was a great career choice! 😄
  7. Same. Well, I'd have one anyway. Can't be doing with blocks on a P bass.
  8. Doh! I didn't see the weight on this one. My bad. If I had 2 grand...
  9. The late 70s Fenders that seem like bargains at the moment are usually the ones that weigh a ton. Well, 10+ lbs at least. I've done a fair bit of window shopping lately!
  10. Bass, Blackstar Fly Bass battery amp, headphones and phone for mp3s. Simple but all I need.
  11. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/3-4-LA-Bass-Guitar-by-Gear4music-Black/17G Perfect for an 8 year old. See if she takes to it and save the real budget for a little later on when she's into The Cure and wants everything black 😄
  12. If it sounds and plays as good as it looks...😍
  13. I've been happily getting along with Spotify for years. This is the first track I haven't been able to find.
  14. It was on a kind of a jazzy, world music compilation. Like Putumayo but not Putamayo. Bought around mid 2000s. I'm wondering what Putumayo-like labels I used to buy... Now regretting getting rid of most of my CDs way back!
  15. I've tried that, Shazam and Google song search but no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  16. It was on a compilation cd, time period unknown unfortunately as it had allsorts on it.
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