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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. [quote name='guildbass' timestamp='1335429692' post='1630791'] I got my right hand to strum accurately and developed all those heel-of-the-hand damping techniques by playing the same songs a lot. I picked 'Stand By me' , Chain gang by Sam Cook and a couple of other similar ones. there's a lot of finesse in the right hand on those old songs... Also, when you create your 'E' chord, do it leaving your index finger free...In other words use your middle, ring and little fingers for the shape. This leaves the index finger free for barre chords. It's slightly harder work initially but pays off! Also, that 'E' chord shape moves across one string to be 'Am', goes up the neck one fret (with the index pressing the high 'E' strings bottom fret for 'F' and coming across one string back towards you, a convincing 'C'. Good guitar playing is all about the rhythms of the right hand which is why deeply learning simple 'round and round' songs like 'Stand By Me' is so good. All the song comes from the right hand.... If you want proof of that, Ben E King's Stand By Me, in the key of G is 'G' 'Em' 'C' and 'D' Tracey Chapman's 'Revolution, also in G is 'G', 'C' Em' 'D'...Just the middle chords swapped around but the rest of the differences are all in the strumming techniques. Once you've cracked that stuff you can play 'Wonderful Tonight' at parties and have sex with girls! [/quote] Thanks for that, it's really useful and I think cracked my problem- I'm a lefty playing a righty. The left hand I have no problem with, barre chords I picked up pretty easily- but the right hand is all over the place as it's my weaker hand. I seem to be able to get away with it mucking around with an acoustic but electric really struggle with. Maybe I should just turn it upside down!
  2. firstly- wow you're selling (possibly) and secondly- how beautiful is that Jazz? If I had the readies I would! (thinks about what I could sell) nope- but good luck! (the jazz is awesome- the P I have no doubt is all right- but mine is prettier! )
  3. you have no money, now one wants to buy your crappy gear anyway, you can't even really play can you. Put the bass down, step away from basschat, ebay and talk bass, oh and Facebook while you're about it... and get on with your work! (says the fella with 1.5 days to go!)
  4. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1335374438' post='1630168'] Meant to post on this earlier and totally forgot. Know where you are coming from. Because playing bass is limited everytime I pick up the guitar I think it would be time better spent doing something on bass. Aesthetically I like guitars, I like listening to good tastful guitarists. But way more enjoyment nailing a bassline than a chord pattern on guitar. . It's almost as if you feel like you are cheating on bass [/quote] it's more I feel guitar is so limited compared to bass... but that's partly 'cos I can't really play the thing- but then part of me thinks I'm not sure I can be bothered to/don't really want to. It's an odd thing, not sure what to do.
  5. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1335308199' post='1629233'] Hi guys, just bought 2 Chrome pickup covers for my two J-Style basses. I had a MM Jazz years ago, and just really got used to them, and have fitted covers to everything Fender styled since; I fully understand that these covers are an aquired taste... One has a Pickguard, and as expected the Chrome cover fits wonderfully. The problem is my fretted one has no Pickguard, isn't drilled for one and I'd like to keep it that way. The strings are resting against the cover on this bass...I was pondering on my options, and wondered what the concencus was. 1. Shave the neck heel; effectively lowering the neck down to accommodate the cover - bothered this may be the most stupid option. 2. Use Pickguard material between the point of contact - I'm sure Gibson did this under the covers seen on Thunderbirds in the 60's to accommodate for the central raised area - if so, does anyone know of a manafacturer on eBay or similar so I don't have to make them myself (and get a cleaner look)? 3. Get a clear Pickguard made? I'd really rathe avoid this if possible... I've already made some crude spacers with some scraps of wood, and shaping them won't be hard...but I just fancied asking what you lot would do while I wait for 'The Shining' to come on... Interested to hear your thoughts... Trav x [/quote] 1- is daft, it's going to mess up your break angles at the bridge 2- works 3- works but not as good. 4- could you make a better cover yourself with a bit of metal (or get someone too)? or do the atelier z (?) basses not use covers with no pick guard?
  6. So, well this is an odd question.... playing bass, playing the acoustic (that I'm still learning too) and playing this electric a bit..... and I'm really excited about bass and learning more stuff and getting better. and love the sound of acoustic guitar and the fun of playing it.... but after I got over the 'oooo' it goes loud of the electric I well..... I dunno. And then listening to more electric guitar in music I'm listening too.... and.... I love playing with great electric guitarists, gives a real buzz. But listening to them with an ear to 'ok how would i do that, what's he/she doing' - and i find I don't care. Like I hear a great bass player and I want to pick up my bass and practice to my hands bleed.... I hear a great guitarist, it's hard to explain, Love hearing it, but I just get this real negative vibe about the idea of learning to play that piece, or that way. I dunno if that makes sense? Is this something I need to push on through? Or do I just not fundamentally have any interest in learning electric guitar?
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1335286340' post='1628679'] Trb [/quote] +1
  9. [quote name='James Stathatos' timestamp='1335260937' post='1628016'] Thanks Eubassix. As you can see I am not hiding anything. I ve posted my pic, you ve got my full name etc. If I was bogus I wouldn't be doing this. I'd might as well keep the bass if its going to be so much trouble. I never got ur message. I allowed 3 days to click buy and felt that was sufficient time. The bass has been on ebay as collection only. The person saying "I won the bass" is obviously the person you refer to as being the possible "bogus bidder". Otherwise how could he have won? Yes he did so for £809. Reasons I got spooked with the person claiming to be the original owner is that he wanted to originally settle for a price outside the auction and I was concerned when he mentioned that he wanted to meet at a train station with a friend. He'd pay a deposit to secure the bass. Once he won the auction we finally agree he collect the bass from my place. Then he said he didn't want the case because he couldn't be bothered to carry it... I'm not sure if he is the original owner. He claimed he sold it to the bass gallery in london needing to sell as he's amp gave up - needed to get a new one. I bought it in Brighton in GAK around the same time. The guy that sold it to GAK exchanged it for a fender bass (so the staff told me). I'm a self employed musician and teacher struggling to make ends meet so the last thing I want is trouble selling a very much loved bass and expensive bass - which I need to to cover other expenses at the moment. I played it safe. To conclude this story. I rang him the following day having slept on these thoughts, and I said the bass is his if he wants it. I could keep the case etc if he didn't want that. Based on his good ebay feedback I'd be happy to - seemed a nice guy etc. We agreed, invoiced him. He texted saying he changed his mind and didn't want it after all. I did a second chance offer - sorry I didn't get your message. I stuck it on ebay again. I placed it at a price just shy of what it was won for. My own recent experience with Ebay and considering all of this palava you dont get a lot more than the initial bidding price as everyone bids right at the last moment. Hope this clarifies everything. [/quote] Hello- it sounds like a lot of good people getting wires crossed to me. just a thought. Have you thought of selling it on here? Might be easier
  10. similar to warmoth - played a neck they made and it blew me away
  11. If I were doing a build I would order the neck/body from USACA.... thats my thought
  12. anything with 4 knobs? I guess it has a glockenklang? East make a 2 band one that looks quite nice
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1335150060' post='1626373'] Btw as we are being so hot on peoples facts here, what is this "lawsuit" you speak of? [/quote] behave!
  14. [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1335143651' post='1626363'] My only reason for offering this for trade is the simple fact that I want something with a faster neck and i'm really after an Ibanez SR series, but i'm definitely open to offers.[b] I mainly play faster progressive things and realise that while i'm a new-ish player, i'll want something with a neck that is smaller[/b]. [/quote] may I suggest, as a new player, speed will also come for you with practice, and good technique- and that technique IMO is more important than neck skinniness. If I were you I would stick with this bass. EDIT: looking at the photos, a setup may also work for you
  15. [quote name='uke' timestamp='1335133415' post='1626297'] Sorry Luke, that wasn't a hint, just a notice to folk that, just like Fender, some were amazing players! and some were not! I've had enough of both now to know that. [/quote] I have a list of things to do after hand in, email you is one of them (though you'll notice I'm managing to waste enough time on basschat already)
  16. [quote name='uke' timestamp='1335131533' post='1626266'] Too true Luke, told you about my blue one! [/quote] ah still need to get back to you about the red one- currently pulling all nighters for uni....
  17. Away from the intricate nature of sunburst finishes on ply and wood (whip the control plate out for a photo if there is still questions) I think the far more interesting thing is the neck- I can't remember seeing a japcrap jazz with a maple neck with pearloid blocks (and no binding) anyone else? And the tuners look similar to the tuners you would get on tokai jazz sounds? Quite exciting I think, I want to try it but too far (and these observations are made by someone who regrets selling a japcrap jazz and if I were closer would be asking to come around and try it)
  18. amazing bass. interested in trades at all? I don't think I have anything you'll want but worth asking
  19. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1335093258' post='1625543'] This is too many... [url="http://12stringbassist.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://12stringbassist.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] I should cull a few. [/quote] that is a lot. In my opinion once you are hiring storage units for your basses you maybe have too many. Nice jazz btw, actually nice collection full stop
  20. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1335040142' post='1625180'] vax2002 You're posting a lot on this forum and slagging Rick prices; you have also slagged off the condition of this bass without seeing it. Please don't post on any of my threads again, fella: I'm trying to sell this bass without a troll f***ing it up. [/quote] +1 what are you on vax2002? I just ask because Stacker is a good and trusted guy around here - and I'm pretty sure I can trust his descriptions and the care he takes of his basses. Also he has an item, he's asking an amount for it- which isn't much, if you want to pay that do so. If you don't why don't you piss off and use ebay and buy whatever your £650 will get you there? Beyond that I don't give a monkeys about you opinion on ricks, I have no idea who you are and if I wanted someone on here to have a look at some photos of a bass in another country to myself and give a valuation based on that there are plenty of great people on here who are rickenbacker experts- hey I know for a fact Stacker knows his stuff too, and hell he even has the bass at hand to look at. As we would say up here, hold yer whesht
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