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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. it's supposed to be a 'clean' sounding preamp. It might just not be able to do what you want it too/be too subtle.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1336308820' post='1643748'] Hi Garry! Your retro fat bass sound will largely be a result of which strings/pickup/electrics you go for. There are many threads on here about body wood, and how it makes very little difference to 'tone'. And, oh yes... [/quote] what he says. But you will want to go for maple neck and alder body for the trad fender tone (or just look)
  3. are the pot values the same? and can you not just adjust the gain on your amp?
  4. [quote name='funkypenguin' timestamp='1336241924' post='1643067'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd349Df1Ows[/media] [/quote] forget how many strings is being played, it's almost irrelevant - that is quite outstanding from all 3 of them.
  5. did anyone else also feel that he's wasted on guitar? Give the fella a bass!
  6. I have a wee wait at newcastle station, if only I had the $ in my pocket I would come see ya and get a later train. Still think you are a wee bit mad to sell this.
  7. Well I would be willing to pit my p bass against any p bass made by fender since 1980 and know it would come out favourably. Its not a regular squirrel though Back OT if you sent me out to get a p or jazz and hadn't given me enough for the american vintage range then i think that the Mexican classic range and some new pickups could be a winner. Though there's little in the squirrel range that couldn't be sorted out with a bit of work. For the money though the tanglewood overwater passive jazz thing is awesome in a way fender isnt
  8. I play 4 strings, but every so often while playing will want to play notes that would be easy if I had a b string. So a 5 string would be nice, I have. Realised though that a good 5 is more expensive than a good 4 so one day ill be able to afford one, but not yet. Not that i don't have a mental list of 5ers I would want to try.
  9. I have found that the. tension in the neck and the relief is one of the main things that controls playability, feel and to a certain extent tone. My advice would be do more than go following advice on a quarter turn here or a quarter there- more being learning what the optimum is for a setup and learning to diagnose problems yourself and overcome them.
  10. Oh i missed this, and can't even see drool worthy photos anymore
  11. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1336184148' post='1642300'] I believe 'Tempest' was a Tokai imprint. [/quote] interesting, my guesses were leading towards tokai but had no proof. Looks great nevertheless
  12. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1335916583' post='1638167'] I have a few basses and they are all so different. I love them all but they all have something that bugs me about them. This is what I love and hate about them all. [b]Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 2EQ 2008 in Teal Green and Maple Neck - [/b] [b]Fender Precision MIA 2008 in Olympic White and Rosewood Board [/b] [b]Fender Jazz MIA 2011 in Olympic White with Rosewood Board[/b] [b]Warwick Streamer LX4 2012 in Natural Oil [/b] [b]Warwick Streamer Jazzman Fretless 2006 in Natural Oil[/b] [b]ESP 400 Series Jazz 1998 in Black[/b] [b]with Rosewood Board[/b] [/quote] slightly odd question here... you know how some folk on here have basses that you just think 'wow, really beautiful and just look great and they obviously love them. Think Wateroftyne with a sunburst '71, or Warwickhunt's Infinity, Gafbass's blue jazz with the stripes or Wazoo's dingwal.... well in my head when I see your posts I think of the ESP. Now I can get why you would have and use a precision, great basses- but why if you have the ESP did you go buy another jazz bass?
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1335916836' post='1638173'] I don't know if they changed anything else when they changed the name, but the Lakland JO was an exact copy of Joe Osborne's 1960 Fender Jazz. [/quote] would make sense. (except the bridge!) I think if it had been 1kg lighter it would have been the best
  14. depends what fretboard you want. To be honest it's the first time I've heard much negative about fender japan. Personally I would go japanese
  15. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1335268833' post='1628288'] Just got mine in and wired up yesterday (And Working) Not 100% the finished article yet needs some "Engineering"to physically fix the pots to the bass. History. Dean 6 string two soap bars. Elixer strings that are nearly 10 years old by now but very little use. The bass was active but a pot on the pre went and I have not yet been able to source another. Some of the tracks were lifting too so I would doubt it could be fixed anyway. Went Passive with pots lifted from my epi T-bird but it was ultra bright. With the neck Pup which in around the P position with the tone rolled off I would say comparable to My Labella flatwound P with the tone just off slightly. Just no chance of any "Thud" it wasn't going to happen. So very "zingy" with lots of finger noise too. I know thats what a lot of people like (Going by youtube) But it's not me. Even if I had reason too I would never gig it in that state it would be last resort. . So the objective was to tone it down AND put it back to active again. Searching for the original Pre came to nothing, I looked at the Artec. The one that has 4 pots mounted on the PCB in like a LP configuration wasn't going to fit and for some of the others, Price was more than the bass or cheap ones were comparable to a DIY one any way so I thought nothing to lose might as well get busy. After a few Mis-starts (My mistakes) Got it sorted. First impressions. It has totally toned down the brightness, which was the aim. With the treble turned up you can get alot of it back but it is nowhere near where it was as a passive bass. For me a lot more favourable. I had thought the bright switch would have brought that all back but on my bass the bright switch doesn't do much (Stock cap) it really depends on Pick up and eq setting to whether there is anything, even then it's not an in your face change more akin to changing your plucking position slightly. Bass and Treble give a good sweep AND it handles the low B with no problems. Different tone to the original one though. It's more Nasally a bit more rasp or growl to it than the stock pre. Not very good at describing things but a bit more aggressive sounding. Between the harshness of Passive and the Relitvely blander stock pre it's a nice in betweener. For a MK2 version. Personal preference but I would go Linear pots over the stock Audio/log ones. Like I say nothing more than personal preference I have swapped from Log to lin tone on other basses too. I might also swap the bright switch for a three way and put two higher cap values on it. All in All a decent does what it says on the tin pre-amp for not a lot of coinage. Definitaly one worth considering if you want to play about with the electrics on a bass. [/quote] i've looked at the schematics for these pre's - did you use tant. caps like the very first, or electrolytic like the slightly later early Musicmans?
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1335900161' post='1637815'] Luke those Geddy's have japanese pups.. really dont like them at all... The MIJ 75 jazz i have, with 70's position.... the US pups have a really thick tone to them... play one of them and you will want a one....imo did they have any of the Suhr Jazz basses in Edinburgh? [/quote] No no Suhr jazzes- actually quite limited selection of basses by guitarguitar standards- but it is out of town and not that busy as other branches. It sounded fairly similar to the US '75 RI's Ive tried- my FSR sounded thicker but had alder body too... I had one and sold it! I think maybe Jazzes aren't for me... [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1335901628' post='1637855'] Dawsons have those Roland cubes for trying out basses on too, they're rubbish. [/quote] yep. daft selling technique!
  17. edit- they are selling it for £2500 not £3000
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1335898723' post='1637787'] Formerly Lakland Joe Osborn, now Lakland 44-60. [/quote] cheers, it was an odd bass. I think I maybe just tried a bad version of it. It seemed well designed enough
  19. So- I keep being attracted by the look and idea of jazz basses... and been thinking about selling something to buy one. So having finished my uni hand ins I headed down to guitarguitar to try a few things. well first of I played everything through some roland cube amp- which while good at what it does sounds nothing like a real amp! So I tried... in order.... USA standard Jazz, Lakland Jazz (does it have a real name?) Geddie Lee Jazz Squier Jag (the one with stacked knobs) Fender (MiM) 60's reissue and finally the Alembic they have in at the moment (new it was over 4.5k, they have it for 3k or so) I suppose I could give a brief review... of them while I'm here... USA standard Jazz- well built, ok sounding- actually nicer than others I've played. Lakland Jazz (does it have a real name?)- big heavy thing, really heavy in a unwieldy way. My old T40 was heavier just but better balanced- hotter signal and quite bassy. Really did not like, not much refinement- very narrow neck though which was nice if you like that sort of thing. Geddie Lee Jazz- ah the 70's position! much like a thinner funky sounding version of the USA standard- nice though felt good. Squier Jag (the one with stacked knobs) - felt cheap but sounded good. stacked knobs are not for me as easy to knock Squier VM 70's jazz - cheap feeling again, nothing to get excited about but I can't answer the question if the USA is really that much better.... Fender (MiM) 60's reissue- actually very nice. sounded pretty awesome and finally the Alembic they have in at the moment (new it was over 4.5k, they have it for 3k or so) and yeah... pretty heavy but woo so well built- and nice to play- I found myself just playing random stuff cos it sounded so nice. Active blend I guess based on the way it blended together- and my guess is I got my first play with a filter based preamp- which was fun. A really really really cool bass. But, and the good news for me, is that nothing I played bettered the two basses I have currently (though the alembic was about on a level)
  20. I think they have been looking at the ricky-copy-but-with two-humbuckers adverts on basschat
  21. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1335867630' post='1637088'] bump...still looking for a GB Rumour Any other offers/trades?? [/quote] two tins of asda smart price chopped tomatoes, 1 bulb of garlic, 3 assorted USB cables, one wooden elephant, one 1960's sony transistor radio and 4 small citrus fruit that could be satsumas except they are really hard to peel. And I could make guesses as who will be in the olympic football team which could count as a GB rumour. Failing that have a bump
  22. Years back John sold me a Warwick streamer, last week I sold him the pickups from a warwick streamer. From a different bass but I like the idea that I would be selling his bass back to him in parts! In the middle of my uni hand ins and all the stress of that John is brilliant and an effortless sale to someone you can trust completely. Cheers!
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  24. upside down didn't work. red plectrum rather than purple did!
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