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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. 3 or 4 ply... read here http://www.21frets.com/squier_jv/jvprecisionbass.htm both can be correct then, but 3 seems to be correct for the early ones.
  2. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1336780931' post='1651157'] It surprises me that the original Fenders were red rather than brown - every one I've ever seen is brown rather than red (unless it's been replaced). I am 100% sure the 62 was 4 ply though. It is on every reissue Fender (as opposed to Squier - I am well aware of the CV having 3ply) have ever made and I am surprised that the Squier JV 62s ever came with a 3ply as that is such a basic error. Mine was definitely manufactured with a 4ply plate. The one in your pic in the left looks 4ply to me I can see a black line splitting the white. - or am I seeing things? [/quote] I think the one on the left is actually an original from 1962, like actually from 1962
  3. Well we are all getting a little hot under the collar on here, breath people..... calm..... [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1336756248' post='1650658'] As I've been mentioned in this thread I thought I should give my take on the debate about decals. Fitting a decal to a non-Fender bass with the [i]express intent[/i] of selling it to an unsuspecting buyer, it is to be frowned upon. The fact is these decals are 'out there' so I could perhaps understand some vitriol being directed towards the printers thereof. As it happens, Fender themselves produced decals as an official spare part in the 70's ( I have one to prove it) until some bright spark in the company pointed out that people were fitting them to copies...duh. Now It would be safe to assume that Fender spares are a lucrative part of their business and no-one could possibly imagine that these are only sold to replace items on original models so Fender themselves are indirectly benefitting from the custom build trade. The fact that Fender license Allparts, WD, Mighty Mite et al suggests to me at any rate that Fender have adopted the attitude that 'If we can't stop them let them do it and charge money'. In the case of Discreet's bass I used official USA Fender parts for the bridge, control plate, knobs, pots as well as the Allparts 'Licensed by Fender' neck. So compared to say a Squier it has more in common with the 'real thing'. The bass in question is built to a high standard and, should Discreet ever sell it, anyone buying at what would be a relatively high price really should be able to do their homework whereupon the dirty great stamp burned into the heel of the neck would be revealed as an Allparts item. Also the specs used do not coincide with a stock model Fender so it should be fairly obvious to a prospective buyer. I'm sure Discreet himself will give full disclosure as and when any sale may happen and, ok, I appreciate that no-one can budget for what subsequent owners may try on, but I maintain it's not on the same level as re-badging a Squier. Compare my effort to allow full disclosure of the Allparts brand (literally burned in) to examples where serial numbers are used, artificial distress wear imposed and (with apologies to Rick's Fine '58) pencilled dates are added. Much more likely to fool someone one day. [/quote] good post. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1336773274' post='1651025'] Interesting thread, the intelligent parts anyway! Do people really think the added neck date will fool anyone. I know my onions when it comes to vintage Fenders, and I don't know anyone that I have ever met, who, when spending £10k+ on a bass, would be fooled by that?? There's 1001 reasons why my replica bass isn't a genuine £10k bass, and no-one would be fooled, no-one, or try and pretend otherwise. I made it as a replica to my own original, for my own use. Sadly its time to move it on. The neck is original Fender, so no issue there regarding the decal. Personally, I've never added a Fender decal to something that wasn't a Fender, I have however, removed a Fender decal, refinished and aged a neck, and re-applied a Fender decal, which I don't believe is a crime, even on basschat? I think people get far too hung up on stuff like this. I'm not pretending its something it isn't, much like the seller of the squier referenced in the OP. I have seen, as we all have, some pretty terrible copies and re-badged things around though, which, right or wrong is gonna happen, thats life....sadly. Fake watches, fake clothes, fake guitars, been going on for yonks, doesn't make it right though. It's also, to me anyway, different if someone's making a replica, and clearly advertising it as a replica, to someone blatantly trying to mislead though. Oh, and for the record, the first 'Squier' guitars, were branded as 'Fender-Squier Series' instruments in April 1982, not 'Squier by Fender', that came much later. [/quote] I think your bass is given away by the radius on the edge of the body, and to a lesser extent the finish on the body. But ultimately it's a very nice bitsa which you've scribbled on with pencil! I guess the thing is, and with all 3 basses that have been talked about (the one on ebay, the one made by BassDoc and the one made by Rick) is that in and of itself sticking something on the headstock of your bass isn't a bad thing. Daft maybe- in my mind if you play a squier who cares?- but meh, it's not much of an issue. When it does become an issue is if you sell it maliciously, or, and probably more pertinently where it goes after you sell it honestly. personally if I had a fender replica made that was top quality and with the logo I would ask for a signature of the maker on the back of the headstock under the laquar but thats just me!
  4. ..... does the E on the B string sound good? just don't play that open e......
  5. that seems about right. It's been up on ebay for a while- eventually it will sell. All I know is I'm very fortunate to have mine- a cracking bass and worth every penny as a player even if the collectors value of it is a bit lost on me. Let me put it this way- if I did sell mine for £1200 (which I couldn't as I don't have the original pup - anyone got one they want to sell me?) even secondhand I can't think of a bass that would come close on playability and tone for that kind of money. If I had the money both of Rick's JV would have been mine within 5 min of him posting his ad.
  6. oh actually which one? the top one or the bottom?
  7. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1336767116' post='1650902'] Yes got one myself. Shark Pro-active. Killer action [/quote] just a question... does it look like my old one? Just only a handful about, and it could be the same one!
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1336754691' post='1650604'] Ah, but after 416 pints (not including nuts/crisps) what would you have..?? Alcohol poisoning/the worst hangover ever/ Cirrhosisof the liver/ a failed relationship...where as if you saved the money you would have, what is, a serious contender for one of the best Jazz Basses you're ever likely to play... Sorry..I've just realised that you live in Scotland..416 pints is probably just a good weekend out with the lads( )( )( ) [/quote] nah, that takes us up to about 5am on sunday morning. btw, stunning bass. If I did have the money to buy 416 pints I would go for your bass first. As it is nothing is going to come in till something goes out so for now I'll just look at pretty pictures
  9. obviously I didn't factor in nuts/crisps there
  10. if your pint costs you £3 this is only 416 pints worth of bass!
  11. yeah, apparently the E sounds better or something. Bass player from Jamiroqui told me
  12. get the peavey or whatever people/you suggest. then stick the valve amps in your office and if a guitarist after a year or so can demonstrate they can take care of their gear they get to borrow the valve amp for their practice and stick it back afterwards.
  13. actaully, we should stop bumping this, ill PM you my last reply
  14. [quote name='chrkelly' timestamp='1336691931' post='1649747'] I know exactly what he means. If you've really played on a truly incredible vintage Fender 4 string you'll know. I can't describe the physics, on a 5 it somehow compresses & evens out the sound. It takes that extra special something away from the money zone on the E and spreads it over the bottom 2 strings. That extra mass in the neck must have something to do with it. I've noticed this with all the best 5's I've owned (MTD 535, Stingray & my current main bass, a Celinder update). It's particularly evident with double basses, I've never played a 5 string with a good E. The 4 string with C extension rules in that area. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions to this but it seems to be a general trend. Will it stop me playing 5's? No. [/quote] interesting. Now you say it, and without your experience I kinda know what you are talking about.
  15. [quote name='vax2002' timestamp='1336640722' post='1648666'] Having viewed the pictures. The Neckplate has a stamp job The finish is chipped, which is slightly worse than worn 6/10 grade the neck has chinks The bridge is non OEM, if you still have the real one, it will add to value. In its present condition your bass has a value of [b]£375[/b] [b]The value is not the same as Worth[/b], The Worth is what someone will pay, given todays giddy buyers who confuse old with vintage and vintage with collectable , it could easily fetch £450 So Here is my Valuation: Actual value £375 Worth £450 private sale Dealer will buy at £225 Collectable asset increase value 8% per year Hope this helps [/quote] given that you can guess an 8% increase year on year, you must be able to read the future during this recession, please please go work for the treasury!
  16. did you find one? I've not got one, just a simple one built into my amp.
  17. I for the life of me can't think what difference it would made, unless a very thin neck as fundamental to the sound somehow
  18. [quote name='KevinJazzBass' timestamp='1336688906' post='1649697'] Great bass but I'm really looking for a fiesta red one. Have a bump on me anyway! [/quote]garath has a fiesta red jazz one
  19. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1336685395' post='1649634'] You're right, I do, their quite common though, but despite that, I'll give you £250 for yours?? [/quote] well that's £50 more than the price I think they were new..... so maybe I should think about it.....
  20. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1336684563' post='1649617'] NOOOOOOO must resist!! Bought a wicked JV P/J off Ash last year, already paid for itself several times with gig money. Top guy to deal with! [/quote] how many he have?
  21. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1336596707' post='1648294'] [/quote] need a JV one of them too
  22. [quote name='lynxus69' timestamp='1336681443' post='1649560'] I know a good luthier at the Bass Gallery So I thought to butcher a little my Precision... Kinda fretted Tony Franklin: [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0190086805"]http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0190086805[/url] [/quote] that would be a lot of butchering- you'ld have to fit a battery in there too!
  23. [quote name='lynxus69' timestamp='1336681565' post='1649563'] By the way... what's happening with your Warwick? Not for sale? [/quote] no way jose! Finally realised what a great bass it is. Took the preamp and pots and pickups out at christmas and stuck barts in it and a glockenklang pre. Well the glockenklang pre I didn't get on with so going to get a new pre sometime. The pickup and pre were just sat beside my desk for months before I thought someone (warwickhunt) might make use of the pups and the barts aren't ever coming out soon. I have the preamp if anyone desperate but kinda think it might be worth hanging onto, at least until I find a new pre I like.
  24. I sent a bass to barcelona insured up to £1200 or so for £50 last year- interparcel are your friends.
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