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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. hmmm are these the same american parts that were supposed to go onto the JV's 3 years previously too? Easy way to find out really, if the screws and fittings are metric or imperial! Thing is you say about them making it with "better build quality" and that's bit's rubbish- it's a japanese fender- of course it's got better build quality! My guess on price, on basschat about the same as any other MIJ/CIJ P bass, in the wider world you might find someone who has a thing for fender japan E series.
  2. they are cool.... why did they make these? I've seen similar 60's vox ones before too
  3. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1336516111' post='1646996'] While this is true I'd never buy a new Warwick given the re sale value. [/quote]got there first
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1336514933' post='1646953'] There's a decent selection of 4-string Warwicks in your price range. They do a nice line in understated natural finishes rather than coffee-table tops. [/quote] or secondhand he could get one of every model warwick has ever produced! Apart from maybe the fortress flashback 'cos you don't see them often
  5. well you could always piss people off and then reduce the piss in increments until someone bites. JV and SQ go for differing money depending on age and where in the range it is. So a JV fender will be different to a JV squier and if you are lucky like me you have a JV squier that says fender. I *think* SQ was just squier range while E series could be squier or fender? different specs mind. My advice would be look what Japanese fender P basses go for recently and start from there- then work out if the fact it's an E series adds to it's value and by how much. Also I didn't know the E series had USA pups in them?
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1336514083' post='1646920'] *facepalm* I'm taking it you can't see the image i posted! [/quote] nope. I have a feeling I should be glad!
  7. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1336513296' post='1646887'] Yes [/quote] really?! I wouldn't of thought people would bother. Part of me thinks a fake bad ass is just a big high mass bridge with a fake stamping of the word badass on it.
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1336475752' post='1646043'] They may be the new Aspiration Standard and Aspiration Standard Plus models. They've been added to this page: [url="http://overwaterbasses.com/basses/overwater-by-tanglewood/"]http://overwaterbass...-by-tanglewood/[/url], plus some online retailers are stocking them. [/quote] ahh cheers, I just found them!
  9. new aspirations too! I knew it!
  10. given that he's said the neck is a replacement I can't see why not- 70's position jazz bodies aren't that common and you can't really fake a badass (can you?)
  11. theres an alembic in the edinburgh guitar guitar in your budget. It's quite nice.
  12. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1336470935' post='1645947'] You're all so bloody extravagant! My 4 string cost me £50, the 5 was £100, and the 6 was a whopping £250! [/quote] fifty pounds, you have fifty pounds, ooh you lucky thing, in my day we would have killed for a £50 bass, all we had was a cardboard box a rubber band and a jelly piece aw mam made us. you lucky so and so ((etc))
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1336472339' post='1645971'] I think that's it too. Too many people are just unsuited to their jobs and just end up wanting to do as little as possible in order to pick up a cheque at the end of the month - again I point the finger at management for not being as good with the selection process as they are being paid to be. Also there isn't enough careers advice to help people find the job that's perfect for them and certainly not enough encouragement for an early age or as a nation to become self employed (nation of shopkeepers?... er I don't think so Mr Napoleon) .... although I dare say that if every teenager got major careers help based on their likes and dislike we would end up with some fantastic bar staff... but 50 tattoo parlours and suntan shops in the every high street. [/quote] we DO have 50 tattoo parlours and suntan shops in every high street.
  14. I like MEC pups. I had some in my streamer. I now have Barts. Both are good, like very good- but I prefer the sound of the barts slightly better- other folk would defenatly prefer the MEC's. Also it depends on the bass, the barts are 'darker' but this fits with very bright all maple streamer. If I had something Warwick that wasn't all maple I would stick with the MEC One thing to think about too is the preamp has very distinctive warwick Eq points. Thats not bad but it does shape the tone a fair bit. I also realise I don't have a clue if the OP's bass have active MEC's (which I've used) or passive (which I've not)
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  16. To add to the brilliant shops list in the central belt: GuitarGuitar Glasgow - stunning service- really really good guys- may not be the most knowledgeable about basses if you don't get the 'bass expert' but they don't pretend to be. Red Dog Music, Edinburgh. - also a brillaint wee independent shop- for some reason from the owner down they all have smiles on their faces and have goos advice too- they will talk about what's best rather than 'having' to make a sale. Their bass stock is ok, and they have a lot of amps, including Mark Bass last time I was in. Live Music, Edinburgh - I've bought very little from them but, unlike their sister shop around the corner, they are a good bunch and very helpful. Red Dog is pretty much the ultimate in what I think a music shop should be in terms of service. The odd thing has happened, as my hair line has gone back I obviously look older and therefore more likely to buy, the amount of shops that I'll walk in and be offered to play things I'm looking at rather than having to ask.
  17. These early Fender japan necks are some of the best. good luck with the sale. I have a similar looking and slightly earlier fender japan build and if it's anything like in the slightest it's a killer bass
  18. my wick and the JV together cost me about £1000- average of £500 each init? not sure that counts as cheap but i would have to spend a lot more to replace with similar.
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1336423071' post='1645497'] TBF with my limited Fender knowledge even I would spot the cheapo single ply pick guard [/quote] ah yes, that bit's not original, it was taken off another P bass made in 1957.
  20. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1336134375' post='1641370'] Most of the stuff I buy is old, and rarely seen, which is different, I can't go to Thomann or similar, so if I want it, and the price is sensible, get it bought. A reserve wouldnt put me off at all. If I bid, and the reserve is higher, then I don't get it, simple. Often the seller contacts the high bidder anyway, and a compromise deal is done. [/quote] ebays funny, some things go for big prices as there is a bigger group of potential customers- specialist stuff like vintage fender and the like Other things go for less as a locally rare item is not so rare. it changes the way we buy things. I recon there is a fair difference between vintage stuff (of anything) and new second-hand Personally if people know how much the thing is worth and don't go over, and the seller knows how much the thing is worth and oesnt go much under then both are happy. shill bids or no shill bids. for me, I have a load of the vintage star wars figures in my parents loft that I used to collect (secondhand, I wasn't born when they first came out.) they used to have a reasonable value- now easier availability due to ebay moves the price down. I should probably sell them but not sure it's worth my effort! shill or otherwise on the otherhand the bush 1961 bush phono gramme I picked up serviced and working from the local secondhand shop I think would probably go for more on ebay. but there you go
  21. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1336424328' post='1645520'] Drop an email to Overwater and ask about them. I'm sure Chris or Lawrence will be happy to fill you in on the details. I suspect they're too busy with getting the new models out to get their website updated with the info on them. [/quote] may do that, I think ill go and have a look in the shop again tomorrow.
  22. you are mad to sell this. Let me get this right.... You have a bass you like and has a emotional value for you. You don't 'have' to sell you have a rig that "Blows your mind" and your rig isn't exactly a rubbish one- lots of folk on here would swear that that is an amp that punches way above it's weight for the price range. You have a jazz that you like and gets more play time. so what do you want to do? you want to sell the P bass.... and get a more flexible amp.... flexible... your amp already had two preamps and a ten band EQ section plus bass and treble..... what more are you looking for? You then list some amps so vastly different in terms of tone, design idea and 'flexibility' that i'm thinking you possibly don't really know what you want. Keep the bass, if it's got rounds on it try flats, maybe save up a bit, sell your cab and buy something lightweight if you want but keep the bass!
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  25. and we wonder why our economy is in freefall and germany's isn't....
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