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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. Opposite to what Fionn said I'd say my thumb bass is the best balancing bass I've used! Although it isnt the heavier bubinga ones so that may have something to do with it? Worst balancing bass I've used was the Spectorcore 5 string. Probably would have added a new strap button to it but I got rid of it before I had the chance
  2. As an avid metal listener, it completely relies on that band and their sound. I mean there are bands like Rammstein where for the most part bass is inaudable. Then there are bands like Tesseract, Mudvayne, Protest the Hero, The Faceless and Dillinger Escape Plan where the bass actually plays a pretty big role and sometimes is even the actual focal point of the song at times.
  3. Trading my Sterling Ray for Lee's Lakland 5501. Got the Lakland yesterday, speedy postage etc Great guy to deal with
  4. reminded me of this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVQ9UO3EJKk&sns=fb"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVQ9UO3EJKk&sns=fb[/url]
  5. bump. Is the price too high or is the market just dry? Or does nobody want one of these?
  6. Bump for price reduction
  7. Looking to sell my Sterling Ray 34 which was bought from new in March (from GuitarGuitar) Looking for £480 and it will come with a Warwick Flightcase. Will post at buyers expense. This has only been used in the house and 4 times in a studio and was re-strung a few days ago with D'addario Pro-steels. Could only find one blemish on it and I've tried to take a photo of it. Happy to meet in Glasgow and Edinburgh (Edinburgh provided I can get a lift!) Everything is in working order as the day I got it, it's just had no use at all since I got a Warwick 2 months ago. If I've left anything out just let me know, happy to answer questions etc
  8. Bought a Rattlesnake Cable Company lead from Kev no problems whatsoever. Really speedy and well packaged! Cheers
  9. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1381788385' post='2243924'] Ask someone here who lives near there to check it out. [/quote] +1 on this. Find someone you trust on here, send them the money, they go check it out and buy if legit then send to you. Done this a while ago for someone on here who was buying a pedal from Gumtree
  10. [quote name='Captain Bass' timestamp='1381430148' post='2239088'] Hopefully I can inspire younger aspiring musicians to NOT pick up drums or guitar as their first instrument and give Bass a good go! :-) Cheers, Andy [/quote] You were definetly one of the people who made me say "I want to be able to do that!" And your videos were the decider for me splashing out on that dirty blonde Warwick!
  11. Can honestly say the worst bass I've played is was a MIM Fender P bass. Everything about it just felt and sounded wrong to me. Body felt clunky and the neck felt really overly chunky and actually uncomfortable to play.
  12. Can honestly say the worst bass I've played is was a MIM Fender P bass. Everything about it just felt and sounded wrong to me. Body felt clunky and the neck felt really overly chunky and actually uncomfortable to play.
  13. I love them. They just have a very specific sound that I love (especially on the thumb bass). I know the looks are very marmite but I love the shape of the thumb basses, the small body makes it feel extremely comfy to play and mine actually weighs about half of my ray.
  14. I'm always wary of shipping a bass. Only done it once and despite packing it very well (if anything I went to excess!) There was an issue in transit that somehow managed to knock the jack out of place I think. I would always rather do it in person even if buying. Went to manchester (500 mile round trip) a month or so back to buy a bass.
  15. Don't change strings too often (would be changed every 2 months if they didnt cost so much) but both basses will be getting restrung soon. Shall donate them. Also shared the website to wherever I can find is relevant
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  17. It was Les Claypool who made me decide "I'm going to to buy a bass". Since then I get some form of influence (more enjoyment than influence really) from so many bass players and artists.
  18. Not a huge fan of how it sounds but technique wise the guys way better than I will ever be and I can appreciate that.
  19. Bought from a fellow basschatter a few weeks ago. Warwick Thumb B.O Ltd 2006 Dirty Blonde. Weighs less than most guitars I've held nevermind basses!
  20. I wouldn't be able to shut up about a new bass. I think everybody is in agreement that we don't or certainly shouldn't hide things like this from our other halves. The way I see it as long as you have enough money to live at the end of it spend as much as you see fit
  21. This worked for me with my recent purchases. Act (or actually be) so excited about this new purchase she just can't bare to ruin the experience.
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