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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1481104635' post='3189668'] Sometimes a badge has a lot of influence. You'd be a liar if you told me you'd rather have a car with a Noble badge in your garage than a Ferrari badge. [/quote] I'd have the Noble. No way would I want people thinking I was a footballer.
  2. I've been using the EBMM Cobalt flats. The low b is very good. Very pleased with it
  3. If this topic bakes your noodle, wait until you start thinking why transposing instruments haven't just renamed the keys to be in the "right" place...
  4. I'm not sure how it would be worth it to do as a hobby business on the side. You'd still have to have proper insurance while other people's pedals are in your possession and if they can't bring them round to you, you'll need some sort of courier arrangement. If you are going to charge somewhere between £10 and £20 per hour and it takes you 2 hours to wire up a chunky board properly, then you'll either be paying the courier out of your money or asking the client to pay it. Either that leaves you with no profit or it gets expensive to the client very quickly.
  5. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1479727193' post='3178713'] Cheers. Now I just need to decide on the cab configuration... Another 2 x 10 probably. [/quote] If you like your sound and just want more of it - get another of the same.
  6. My Ray is loaded with EMGs and I don't have this problem.
  7. First ding is painful but inevitable. After that first one I'm more relaxed. Ultimately they are tools that get used and will suffer wear and tear.
  8. [quote name='Mr Fudge' timestamp='1479335304' post='3175830'] Attenuation earplugs. I have must google them. Will I find tartan paint and left handed hammers in the same search?�� [/quote] No - because some ear plugs are treble reducing muddy sound inducing, and some have a flat attenuation that pretty much keeps the sound you want to hear, but at a lower volume. There's a world of difference between the yellow roll up ear protection things, and a proper set of ear plugs that are custom made for your ears. You can get them fitted in many branches of Boots.
  9. Exchange rates I bet. I doubt very much DG have raised their price so soon after release.
  10. I solved it with my old one by not caring whether they turned on or not. Seemed to be the easiest and cheapest approach!
  11. Doug thought the internet was the work of Satan and thought it would never last. Blockbuster were already in the sh*t by then. The world changed.
  12. Just seem on the fretboard forum that Dan Coggins, the original designer of Lovetone pedals has teamed up with ThorpyFX Apparently they are going to be releasing analogue modulations, octave fuzz, ring mods etc etc I am a fan of Thorpy pedals, but this has me extra excited - I'd love an updated Meatball!
  13. I'd love to try that. I love my Consat Custom
  14. I had a wood neck 6 string about 10 years ago. It was a very fine bass.
  15. I just did my first rehearsal with EBMM Cobalt Flats. Sounded brilliant this morning- loads of fundamental with a lively bite at the top. Very happy!
  16. the Bass Gallery are listed on the Dingwall site as being dealers but I've never seen one in there. BD claims to be the biggest holder of stock in Europe so I don't think you'll find a better selection elsewhere.
  17. SRMachine Sight reading practice for lots of instruments.
  18. I've been using them for a couple of weeks and I'm impressed. They feel great after being played in a bit and the stickiness has gone. The low B is nice and clear. All I need now is for them to last a few years and they'll be perfect!
  19. I learn every note by memory even if it is a reading gig. If I can't play it all from memory, solo, then I'm not ready. I'll still perform it of course but I won't be happy that I'm under prepared.
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