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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. when bon jovi played gateshead stadium sometime back in the 90's (?) they were so loud i could hear them from my house about 2 miles away... so i got out my bass and played along... now i can say that i've jammed with bon jovi, but they didn't know it at the time good luck with the band
  2. it seems to be intended for slappaz and poppaz... would it be that much use for a fingerer or picker ?
  3. i thin if you too of all the ghastly tinware it might look better.
  4. [quote name='Wil' post='688404' date='Dec 18 2009, 02:49 PM']I like these. As far as I'm concerned that is the best way round to put a P pickup. I wish they had a better looking pickguard - where the jazz control plate would sit looks plain wrong. Love the seafoam green, though.[/quote] plus the one... if it had a more traditional metal jazz control plate... and i know the p-pickup may sound better the 'wrong' way round...but it just looks odd to me !
  5. i've been listening to PIL for the first time over the last couple of weeks...very much enjoying it. glad the gig was fun
  6. hail fellow well met ! and happy xmas to you too !
  7. good luck ! and don't forget to eat - you may be nervous, and it's easy to get caught up in the giggage, but remember that you need to be ready for a bit of hard work.... so once you've soundchecked, don't hit the bar, hit the food - you'll be ready for the gig and it's a good way to relax
  8. [quote name='Higgie' post='687941' date='Dec 18 2009, 01:43 AM']Also please excuse the sync issue, the sh*te playing, and intonation issues. On second thought, why the hell did I even post this video? [/quote] rubbish...sounds like a damn fine bit of playing to me ! and yes...nice sock pile in the background
  9. then i suggest you rock it. rock it hard !
  10. as of tuesday i'm going to be up in newcastle for xmas (well...in gosforth anyway - that bit of newcastle that will be forever surrey ) i may just have to pop into some of the aforementioned shops !
  11. valves don't always glow - when i was swapping round valves in the dha pedal i had a while back, some would light up, some wouldn't. if it sounds ok, i wouldn't worry about it.
  12. iirc it was played on a fretless musicman sabre, with mutes i may be wrong...i may be right.
  13. that's one of my favourite play-along songs... but i think he actually gets it right ...but then i do play it on fretless.
  14. ahpook


    how much do you want to spend is prolly a pertinent question.
  15. nice bit o'wood. always fancied one of those myself !
  16. i've got one. what would you like to know ?
  17. many years ago i took the stage at the darlington arts centre and managed to play the chorus bassline over the verse, and the verse part over the chorus. [i]luckily[/i] the song had a drone-based military feel, both parts worked...in a odd way. drugs are baaad, hmmm...ok ?
  18. that's a beautiful bass. good luck !
  19. [quote name='Lorne' post='683568' date='Dec 14 2009, 12:01 AM']I try and look after them,but don't cry to myself if I do manage to ding one[/quote] plus the one. basses are tools and they get the odd scar, but as long as it's nothing that affects the instrument then i'm not bothered.
  20. i've only ever used them in parctise studios, but i've always been very impressed by how easy it is to get a good sound. those tiny little fusion 'video-tape-sized' units look very neat.
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