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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. i'd be on for it, if i could get over the fear of meeting a roomful of bass players.
  2. [quote name='DHA' post='700991' date='Jan 4 2010, 09:22 PM']yes, but open to suggestions if there is a better way[/quote] i was wondering about being able to hit the front of a valve amp with a bit more gusto, and to add some eq as well, or not. might be useful in the mild overdrive stakes, or balancing two different basses.
  3. sounds interesting...will the eq and boost be controlled by the same footswitch ?
  4. i'm going to give this a lot of thought... i reckon if i don't do something constructive with bass, i feel i may be hanging up my bass for good this year.
  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='700731' date='Jan 4 2010, 06:00 PM']Plus the one.[/quote] what pinback said
  6. [quote name='steve-soar' post='699965' date='Jan 3 2010, 08:54 PM']I am NOT Dan O'Bannon. AKA Squarepusher.[/quote]
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' post='699962' date='Jan 3 2010, 08:49 PM']My drummer took this and made me feel a combination of wanting to punch him and wanting to smile, he is a consummate twat.[/quote] darn...i really was hoping when i saw the new avatar...
  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='699264' date='Jan 3 2010, 09:00 AM']It's not a race They're both great but Joss really does nail it.[/quote] think we'll have to agree to differ on that one.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='699195' date='Jan 2 2010, 11:50 PM']Bass Player transcribed 'Son of a preacher man' in,I think Feb '06. It's a great bass line by Tommy Cogbill.[/quote] thanks - i'll use my library connections to dig that out if i can. and as a aside...joss stone vs. dusty ? i find it hard to see why anyone rate joss stone over dusty's version, but there you go.
  10. hang on... has nobody mentioned 'clank' ?
  11. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='698869' date='Jan 2 2010, 05:27 PM']The tHe ? spelling optional.. [/quote] well, that's who sprung to mind....but i wasn't sure.
  12. firstly...who's matt johnson ? secondly...gloss[b]a[/b]ry
  13. [quote name='rjb' post='698546' date='Jan 2 2010, 08:48 AM']The current fashion for vintage designs must be having an effect, I guess. I wonder if the pendulum will swing back in the next decade? Will we see skinny guys in indie bands playing Warwicks and Statii? [/quote] skinny guys form laptop bands these days, don't they ?
  14. heheh that's a lot of fun ! home !!!
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  17. @rse - i was up in newcastle over xmas and could have done with being cheered up... if i'd have remembered i'd have treated myself to the blue 'un. grrr.
  18. very niiiice crow-san. i didn't get anything musical, but i did get mario kart for the wii with 4 steering wheel controllers
  19. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='690930' date='Dec 21 2009, 07:37 PM']Black Sabbath- Paranoid.[/quote] plus the one
  20. equal parts 'did i leave the gas on' and 'what's going on' i've been told i sway a bit, but mainly just look worried. although the last festival i played i had a foot on a monitor and was givin' it rave fists to the crowd. i blame the brandy....well, it [i]was[/i] cold !!
  21. [quote name='BassJase' post='685322' date='Dec 15 2009, 03:51 PM']Got the Jar Wobbly book through in the post this morning thanks my good man, and as soon as I've vread it I'll get it passed on to the next worthy applicant. Cheers matey, you are a scholar and a gentleman. [/quote] hey - glad it arrived ok...sorry for the delay in getting it to you - xmas got well and truly in the way. i hope you enjoy it
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