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Everything posted by alyctes

  1. Any Morphine fans out there? This would be handy for that sort of thing. (I'm quite annoyed it's taken me this long to work that out.)
  2. That's interesting. I only spent five years doing it.
  3. A quick search gives £175 plus VAT, one day; plus the cost of the test equipment. Completing it successfully would provide a certificate of competence. I have no idea how representative that cost is. Not going to happen for most amateur bands, I guess.
  4. Understood. It's a long time since I did it; how much does it cost to get a tester's qualification nowadays? The course I did was a one-day one, organised by my employer. That seems as if it might be a way forward.
  5. IMO you can argue about the legalities of PAT testing as much as you like, but if your kit burns the venue down and someone gets seriously hurt then you are liable to wind up on the front page of the Daily Star. That is not the sort of publicity anyone needs.
  6. Are you sure? He hasn't moved the tuners AFAICT.
  7. To be fair to him, the Mazeti headstock does look like that. AFAICT he's only changed the electrics.
  8. Okay, thanks Marc. Sounds as if someone out there is missing a trick
  9. Anyhow... change of plan. The harp will be going elsewhere, and it's no longer my problem. Which is a relief. Thank you, folks.
  10. I bought music books from Paul. All went well. I am happy (with the transaction, not with my lack of musical aptitude ). I'd be pleased to deal with him again. Thanks Paul!
  11. I'm guessing its insured value would be £3000, maybe more. It has sentimental value as well - we are selling mum's house and it's going to my sister..
  12. There was, and it doesn't. We used it a lot, back in the day.
  13. Yes. We did that with a smaller harp once. It just fit in the car (which is not small). It was no fun at all, and it's a long drive.
  14. I have no doubt. Just to add expense and difficulty, it has no hard case.
  15. I would be grateful for advice on professionally shipping a harp from the UK to Norway. Who would you use to do this? Thanks
  16. Or maybe boot polish. (Couldn't possibly be anything so wimpy as shoe polish, not for this guy...)
  17. Bought a pedal from Will. All went well, good packaging. Happy to trade with him again. Cheers!
  18. I have more than I know what to do with. That's too many. I have enough that they take up too much space. That's definitely too many.
  19. Can someone remind me what the import duty is, now that we're in Brexitland? Thanks.
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