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Everything posted by alyctes

  1. No fret wear, little if any finish damage on the neck; neck change?
  2. I've been on the receiving end of this problem (Kramer The Duke, I'm still trying to get rid of it). Short answer, you can't use rounds with it. Whether anything else actually works I am not certain.
  3. Closed. Apparently there was "an error in the listing". (No, I'm not either.)
  4. Wow. I hope it's exactly what someone really, really needs, but I do have my doubts.
  5. Thanks. I wasn't able to justify the risk two years ago, so it's not really an option for me, but I appreciate the thought.
  6. I'm sorry if I'm not being helpful.
  7. "Hey, traded the pink Fender for this. Good innit?"
  8. Hi Yves! Lots to read here (Also lots to spend money on... beware the For Sale section. I spend far too much time there!)
  9. Looks like WW1 German aircraft lozenge camo.
  10. "... a great idea for a project ... " The undamaged thing was bad enough.
  11. Dag nabbit... Cash flow does not permit. Bah, humbug. Good lluck with your sale
  12. I ran across this by accident. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) The guitarists are excessive. The rest of it, bonkers, probably in a good way.
  13. The power of Mordor is growing, young Frodo...
  14. Anyone worried about the poorly-filled hole on the front could just fit a DFA switch - good for answering complaints about volume, tone etc.
  15. I agree. But I'm not the person who wrote the text you attribute to me. That was gapiro, here:
  16. Ahh, so that's where part 2 went! I was confused, I don't usually poke about in here
  17. Dave sold me his Vintage fretless. Nice guy, nice chat, nice bass. Despite my shoddy navigation, it was time well spent. I'd be very happy to trade with him again. Cheers Dave
  18. At least it's not going to have neck-dive issues
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