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Oldman last won the day on January 2

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About Oldman

  • Birthday November 13

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  1. Thank you 🤡
  2. Guy’s, it had to end somewhere, I don’t pass away on stage now do I ?
  3. Good grief, that’s a bit ‘orllriite’
  4. Matt bought my TC Spectracomp, straight 5***** deal. Comm’s good, we did have discourse about Aberdeen Music Gigs, very refreshing allowing me full reign on my experiences in the ‘90’s when Aberdeen was alive with Music Venue’s Thanks Matt. ✅
  5. 120 cm length, can be adjusted longer Ortega 140cm Length
  6. No, but I can measure then, length is adjustable, width I will measure.
  7. All used on 35” scale Basses. 6 Sets of strings some are 4 over 1, some are 3 over 2. All have had very little use. All are Round Wound. Packets don’t reflect the strings origin. i.e. I haven’t a clue about as to what make the strings are other than I never bought cheap strings. I Put the used strings in the packet the of new string. Please don’t ask me measure them ! They good quality Its a job lot, all or nothing There you have it! 6 sets for the price of 1.
  8. Sold a 6 channel Switcher to, god comms, another 5***** deal, what’s nottolike 👍
  9. Yes, I am relinquishing the Dark Side, slingin my hook, retiring. Ehx Switch Blade + £30.00 bought new never used. REDUCED £20.00 posted SOLD T C Electonics Corona Chorus mini £50.00. REDUCED £45.00 posted SOLD T C Electonics Spectracomp mini £50.00 REDUCED £45.00 posted SOLD Mooer Thunderball Distortion/Fuzz £15 posted pendingSOLD Donner mini pitch shifter £20.00}Sold I bought these pedals earlier this year before I had come to terms with the stroke I had October 23, that my Palliative health status. Any 2 pedals 10% off Thanks for lookin’
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