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  2. I think I might have asked you this before Jazzyvee, but doesn't the super-filter just duplicate the onboard parametrics in an Alembic Series Bass?
  3. Thomanns, Beatbass gig bag. Just right for my Mexican-made Mustang with P-J pick-up configuration.
  4. Managed it on the FI with relative ease.
  5. I don't understand purposely buying a "cheap" bass just incase I worry or it gets damaged bit, it's a tool for the job. Do you purposely by 'cheap' tools if you're a mechanic or plumber etc incase they get damaged or misplaced? do you purposely buy the 'cheapest' car incase it gets dirty and worn? do you live in a purposely 'cheap' house with no possessions incase you worry when you're out? This is called not living your life well and been ruled by fear. Life is very short, so aspire to have the best and live life to the full, it's just a bass (a tool) get the best one you can afford in the present, and ride that snake all the way to Valhalla 😁 Real poverty is nothing to do with money, it's a mindset!
  6. Having had a number of TE amps, cabs, and combos in my time, The last 4x10 combo I had (Think kit was while they were still owned by Kamen/Gibson at the time) had this Harmonic Emphasis switch. It was great for when my strings were passed their sell by date....made them sound new. However, I liked the sound for some other things too. A quick google tells me that, according to TE, this was produced more by an exciter type fx than EQ. Any ideas on how to recreate it live ? I think I may have an old Aphex Bass Xciter pedal somewhere, but wondered if there any other options ? It's a pity that it couldn't be recreated by EQ, as I have a few options in that direction. TIA
  7. Hello! I thought it might be time to revisit the age-old question of gigbags for the Mustang bass. It seems a near impossible problem to solve to full satisfaction, and I don’t understand why Fender won’t simply… make one. What is the bass community’s current take on this issue? Hit me, internet! /Patrik
  8. Seen, but in their defence they got a lot of royalties paid to the composers of the songs they covered. Many of them were skint, having been ripped off by the original producers. Labour of Love, cheesy as it was in my (our) opinion was just that.
  9. It got him better hardware, better pickups and electronics, a better finish, a real rosewood fretboard with rolled edges and vintage tall frets, a bone nut, carbon fibre rods in the neck for increased stability, a more consistant weight, a sculpted neck heel, and a fender deluxe hardcase with tools and an American auth certificate in a zip wallet. 🙂👍
  10. I've been ampless/IEM in the main band for 18 months now and I like the simplicity of carry-in/out (although I no longer have an excuse for not helping carry the PA gear now 😃) but I miss the sound of the bass behind me. The IEM set up gives me much better sound clarity, particularly with the backing vocals, and as we have a permanent sound man, I know I'm getting a good and consistent sound out front. I still have an amp and speakers for depping and any other band work I do.
  11. Caveman Audio BC1 Compressor - £500 delivered in UK. Caveman Audio BP1 Compact Preamp - £450 delivered in UK. Buy both for £900 and save £50. I will include a custom Designacable XLR interconnect. Bought from Bass Direct only two months ago. I love these as they give me my perfect tone but have concluded they aren't practical for my pedalboard due to size and weight. My pedalboard is now the heaviest thing I need to transport, even heavier than my cab! Both in brand new condition and boxed. Full details here: https://caveman-audio.com/bc1-bass-compressor/ https://caveman-audio.com/bp1-compact-bass-preamp/ No trades and prices are firm.
  12. 8.45lbs (luggage digi-scales) & 41mm (digi-caliper)
  13. That Sire looks great. They are great basses for the price. I bought a P8 at Christmas and I’m playing it more than my custom-made 5s at the moment!
  14. My Tecamp Puma 110 combo has developed an annoying buzz from the hi-mid 4" driver, so I think it is on the way to complete failure. There are no identifying marks on the driver and nothing useful except '8Ohms' . I can't find a specification for the existing driver apart from some marketing speak: "The combos feature the new NTM-1 middle-high cone speaker with a Neodymium double magnet system. Working in a sealed enclosure it impresses with a low roll-off frequency and a very flat frequency response, thus delivering a smooth top end far beyond 10 kHz at astounding sound pressure levels." I've tried a couple of emails to [email protected] but haven't had a response, so I don't have high hopes of either a replacement NTM-1 or the CT1 which they now fit. I have found this B&C driver, which has a range of 110 - 8000 Hz which seems to be in the right range. https://www.bcspeakers.com/en/products/lf-driver/4/8/4NDF34 Would this be a suitable replacement driver, or can someone propose something better?
  15. Some of us are happy to do so. Over the last few years, I've bought two US made bass amps, a German PA, British accessories (DI boxes, mic's), a Czech bass and other non-Far-East-made odds and ends. I acknowledge I'm fortunate in that I can afford to do this.
  16. In the early years of my career, while I hadn't been saved and was still a geetard, the bass player and keyboard player in the band were managing to wind each other up passively - each found things the other did annoying and/or frustrating but nothing was said out loud. We gigged and rehearsed and since they were on opposite sides of the stage the gigs were ok. But then we went into the studio to record a demo (in the days of cassette tape demos) and the keyboardist took charge, mainly because he was on a Music Tech course and he'd managed to blag studio time at the college he was attending. The bassist kept changing his arrangements (to me it seemed it was on a whim). The whole band was getting frustrated at what should have been a simple evening's recording of songs we'd been playing and rehearsing for a year as it turned into a two day event. There were mutterings but it was at the next rehearsal, in a cramped and sweaty basement studio, where the detonation occurred as the keyboardist, fed up with another 'if I play this line instead' moment from the bassist, hurled a large metal bar stool across the room at him. There was an impact, fortunately not full on and somehow it missed the kit lying around. There was a shocked silence from the rest of the band, some swear words that wouldn't be allowed on here and the bassist left. We got a dep in to fulfill the gigs that had been booked, spent some time looking for a permanent replacement and slowly the band faded away.
  17. Considering I’ve just paid £175 on here for one with knackered finish and the standard pre, this is a blooming bargain. I’m refinishing mine but would have snapped this up if I didn’t have one!
  18. Excellent condition. Sound fantastic. They come with covers which are a bit grubby but do the job. Any questions let me know. Thanks. Steve
  19. We lost a great keyboard and bass player last month and held a memorial gig last night. Barry Cooke. He’s been an institution in our little blues scene. So our favourite old dive was jammed , and just about everybody that wasn’t out gigging was there. Some even flew in from Ottawa. Players from all over the province. We managed to get most everybody up. Stage was packed. Wonderful night.
  20. Today
  21. I'd have one decent bass over several cheap crap ones. That's just my preference, and I respect other people may make different choices and have different priorities in their lives. Each to their own, but I'm often surprised by how many folks seem to acquire lots of entry level basses rather than progress to better quality instruments. It's the opposite of my own sensibilities. For a long time I only had one bass, or two at the most, but they were always pretty good ones and sufficient for my needs. Whatever held me back, it wasn't the bass.
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