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  1. Past hour
  2. Some newer Hardcore from 1997. His Hero Is Gone, "Monument To Thieves" from 1997.
  3. Looks pretty much the same to me, it's ok. Then again I don't like the bulbous Fender headstock really. Much better implementation here:
  4. Yesterday
  5. Looks the same as it always has to me, maybe a little shorter & broader but barely a redesign. It's still gopping.
  6. For anyone who missed this great show, it is currently on iPlayer after being shown on BBC4 last night. ( Much better than the footie…)
  7. Probably not. Me, I quite like the headstock of the D5 - with its cheeky nod to the '51 P headstock
  8. You were already senile, though possibly not yet mad, when you joined
  9. Ouch! If I can offer any advice it would be to make sure you get a proper amount of physio when it is healed enough to start. I had an operation on my shoulder where they effectively cut the collar bone away at the joint. I didn't get any physio, and it has never worked properly since. Shoulders are very complicated and you need to get it working properly not just working. Good luck.
  10. i just got my old ibanez out of storage. it definitely doesnt sit as well in the sdgr strat type jack
  11. Everyone chooses their right way on their own. Let's give them a time to decide.
  12. Oh, You called up? yes you most definitely need to call up as they don’t update site tbh.
  13. Already sold. Their stock on their site is never up to date- stuff can be sold months ago.
  14. I relate regarding to responses tbh. I have posted loads about certain pick ups but no response.
  15. https://thebassgallery.com/collections/heads/products/head-aguilar
  16. Am I the only one who prefers the newly designed headstock of the Z series? Honestly, this headstock should be on all the other models!
  17. I’m sure the bass gallery has one or the 750 for sale. I check their site daily.
  18. DR strings like the low riders are a bit stoffer. Gauge has very little to do with it, the shape of the core of the string however is relevant. A hex core string feels different than a round core even though they are identical on the outside. Any strings that have something like "higher stiffness" in the description will work nicely.
  19. It does - just. Need to have it at a funny angle to do so, but it does fit. I picked one up at the weekend, first impressions are that it sounds great but seems a bit flimsy. I am worried about putting it in the Ibanez at the funny angle, that it will eventually snap. it goes into my jazz bass special and Ibanez guitar ok though
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  21. As long as you are using the pa to do the main sound out front and are using the Headrush as a monitor, it will be fine. I haven`t used the Boss or Zoom but I imagine it will do the job. I think it is/was @gafbass02 that used a similar set up? Could be wrong though.
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