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  2. I was reading something on line recently about Trevor Bolder and it mentioned he had used Seymour Duncan pick ups for the last 25 yrs. It also mention they were even fitted to his custom Sandberg bass. Anyone know anything about it ? I've searched Sandberg website and don't see any mention of it and can't find any pics on line anywhere. Dave
  3. Would not bother Stig - he cannot read
  4. If we were to create a foot-operated device that took BC comments about purchases on this thead, and forced them through some sort of distortion, compression and other manipulation so that the purchase could conceivably be valid under these rules, would that be a pedant board?
  5. If you genuinely believe that then I'd suggest that you aren't listening widely enough now and were not doing so back then. Or, as noted above, the rose-tint of retrospect has filtered out a lot of the dross that the charts/radio/TV have ever been full of. Just in case you're open to having your mind changed, here's some recentish tuneful stuff that tells stories and has interesting compositional quirks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1qlK5dF5s4 - The Weather Station https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqXSfHO-7f0 - Jesca Hoop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY7MIqZ6Bvo - BC Camplight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OHfnY_ZE_4 - Carwyn Ellis/Rio 18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFu5wYMflSI - Mick Head
  6. Most of us are probably adults. We're all extremely thankful you're not our Mum. I mean - just imagine the press coverage 😲
  7. Maybe I’m being picky but that still lacks something, as good as it is. One thing I’ve learned with the NS is the way the low notes decay. It’s very pronounced compared to a fretless bass guitar where they tend to ring longer and I think that’s what I’m hearing here even with the IR loaded. That said, it’s the type of sound that would confuse your average audience member.
  8. I was going to suggest Faith too. However, you’d do a lot worse than a Vintage Gordon Giltrap acoustic which go in your price range second hand… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226051019651?itmmeta=01HZHYD99151FBKBRFR83QAVHD&hash=item34a1b0d383:g:HCwAAOSwv7Fl9046&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0DezQo0Jmo4Ir85XQ3h8OAjwCqriIzfE04NaPLthexLpMMLNZUAMqlcLeIUwpAXy4WC52nLEmNkN5qvi44yXPbnVB7zqGlHBM41CtvaUK20d7ugWU007HumRYTIlgsb0qG3hBav%2FNA7nWvCqJzmi2D1XVxhd1veawss7d7JSbWDRay0sLi9V8FtdvnYPsTnvakgdjb32ZAqSechxY1CzwR2pgUA8OkxgmJsGY9ZfthVMEtsg6tNyOFQEOqMExYfAdZu5%2FSJnhTP1HJii80Ls0uw%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR86Utb78Yw https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=vintage+gordon+giltrap+guitar&_sacat=0
  9. What do you make of this? Demo using an IR loader and an IR file of a German double bass from 3 Sigma Audio, comes in at about 30 seconds in.
  10. Oh, sorry to hear about your singer that sounds terrible. If you ever decide to sell the octave again, please let me know as I might well want to buy it back. (I am now totally without an analogue octaver for the first time in many years. Not missing it as yet as I’m busy with other things but I imagine I’ll yearn for one again sometime in the not-too-distant future.)
  11. I trust the BC massive to put the kybosh on frivolity such as this. By the same token, I can sometimes be a meanie and a stickler when I offer my opinion on justifications and I appreciate the moderating force that they represent when I get a bit too "rule-y". The twisting and turning, the "generous" interpretations of the rules are all par for the course, and I find them all amusing. But it's not rocket science, you all know how it works, deep down, and this is as much an exercise in honesty as anything else. Never mind honesty with the BC collective, honesty with yourself. I'm out - I straight up reported it, no point in twisting around the whole "not bass specific" thing regarding the pedal I bought (don't get me wrong, the thought crossed my mind - but it would be supremely hypocritical of me as your opinionated thread watcher/tracker/dogsbody/gofer). I bought a pedal, I did buy it for a useful purpose (and to make my life easier) but I didn't have to buy it, I'm going to use it with basses (as I don't own any other instruments) ergo it's bass gear therefore I'm done. I've since gone wireless and already had huge fun with it at a gig, and I'm already making plans to shuffle my bass pack. It wasn't meant to be this year. Oh well, maybe next year! If someone wants to cheat, no-one can stop them, and maybe the only person who'll ever know is themselves. It's your life, you live it how you want to. As I've said countless times, it's just a bit of fun at the end of the day. The only prize on offer is your own sense of satisfaction that you made a promise and stuck to it, and the cash in your bank account that you didn't spend on gear. You'll have neither of those if you cheat, regardless of whether or not it's reported. You're all adults here, I'm not your mum!
  12. Any generic USB to MIDI will work. I have a spare I could post out to you (though am in hospital tomorrow so it might take a few days to sort it out). Think you might well be the first one; you’ve narrowly pipped @andybassdoyle.
  13. I know you've bought one, but if anyone else is interested... I use the Subzero guitar bug https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/SubZero-Pocket-Guitar-Bug-Digital-Wireless-System/33F7 It works with my active Basses (MM StingRays and Sterling), it's 5.8GHz so hopefully no interference, 4 switchable channels (with different coloured lights!), USB charging, worked a treat at many gigs and rehearsals, highly reccomended.
  14. Ok folks .. I’ve sent my NUX unit back as I’m going to stick for now with cables. It’s a lovely little bit of kit but I think a little easy to break as all plastic and I’m on the fence about needing wireless at all for gigging. Amazon were excellent and free returns and full refund immediately
  15. Today
  16. A longer cable is a low-cost consumable alternative, and it isn’t like-for-like
  17. My rule was always keep a board and PSU which could only take X amount of pedals/ power a specific number of pedals… which was tricky as my old and new preamp units were big and my old comp was a big box Cali😳 I might have piggy backed a few things back then! This way both space and power were factors. If I want to try a new pedal I really need it to do more or significantly different/ better than what it replaces. I had a bit of flourish trying some new pieces of gear out about 18 months ago but the core board has remained pretty stable for as long if not longer. Latest addition has been an octave pedal but my singers had a stroke so not sure when I’ll really get much chance to use it!
  18. Just beware that this doesn't presage a slippery slope - "I had to buy a wireless as if I walked 10 metres from my amp with my 3 metre lead, I couldn't be heard".
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