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  2. Although it's not finished, I've strung this one up to see whether the top was going to implode. It's been a couple of days, so I'm definitely pretty relieved. There's still quite a bit to do - the bridge is a temporary one, the nut is just a piece of scrap, the heel cap needs to be glued on, everything needs to be sanded properly, and of course it needs some finish applied. There's still set up and fret leveling and installing the pickup etc etc. However, I know you lot haven't been sleeping with the anticipation of it all, so here's a sneak low-res preview.
  3. No idea. It had a dead spot on the G string and WAL didn't want to know anything about it even tho i bought it new from them as a custom order. Put me right of WAL. Dave
  4. Excuse my stupidity…..so I could get Designacable, for example, to make a cable, 2 pole one end and 4 pole the other? That would be ok?
  5. It’s the best headless solution in my opinion. I’m using the system on a current build, and I’ll be using on a 10 string fretless upcoming build.
  6. Do you know where the Wal is now? I often wonder where mine got to. Do you know its Serial Number?
  7. Ive just done a deal with @Pestieand it'll be in my hands tomorrow Happy father's day to myself 😆 Thanks Mike for being accommodating All the best Ben
  8. It's cheap but it's what I paid for it so I'll pass it on at no loss
  9. Yep, ditched Spotify years ago and have been using Apple Music since then.
  10. I bought this on here a week ago but have since bought a Tech 21 Steve Harris which is a bit more to my taste, so this has to go! It's the latest version with two mid switches. Excellent condition with original box, manuals, sticker and the legendary Darkglass plectrum! £155 inc. postage, or collection from Dartford.
  11. Absolute bloomin' bargain. If I didn't have a 210 and a 112 already I'd be biting your hand off! Good luck!
  12. Today
  13. Not bothered if you like the song or the format or hate jazz etc. His skill and dexterity as a player is incredible.
  14. Found a recent clip where the hipshot is in use on 'If I Ever Lose My Faith". Pretty much sings all his songs now not in the original key. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Oa8oWt9j6/?igsh=aWxpcmxheDU4a2Rh
  15. Hi, Not heavy, made in Korea and full scale.
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