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How was Your rehearsal last morning or night ?


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  • nilorius changed the title to How was Your rehearsal last morning or night ?

Had a good one today... Bit too loud, as usual but I can't get the drummer to be quieter!

Still, polished up some endings in our existing set, And worked out structures for 3 new songs - one of which is my offering in this month's Composition Challenge (though the singer has completely jettisoned all my lyrics, so it's only the "music" wot I wrote).

Need to be tight as for our Rebellion debut!

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The drummer was on vacation in the Caribbean. Two rehearsals this weekend , one with the core band and another with the two trumpet players. Next one is Saturday , and then one last one before the first gig. Then the bandleader is off to Quebec for six weeks , and then we start up rehearsals again. 

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Afternoon jazz quartet(piano, vibes, drums, and me on EUB). We have played together in other bands and we are just having some fun running through some charts and might play a few low key gigs at some point.

This evening was the seven piece swing band and we were working on some new charts for a gig at the end of April, haven't had a gig for a couple of months so we decided to add some different material and had a good time with a few of the more challenging arrangements. 


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Good rehearsal yesterday evening with the psychobilly band The Spacewasters. We’re going to be on a shared EP so ran through the songs for that including learning a new (cover) one. Sounded great. Best of all it was 4-7 so was home in time for Married At First Sight Australia!

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  • 6 months later...

Reviving this thread. 


We practice in the live room of a studio. We're recording there next weekend and I took my cab (a Zilla Bass Fatboy 212), so I can leave it there with my amp to make logistics next week a bit easier. There's an Ashdown 810 that lives in the room, so I don't normally take my cab. 


Might need to start bringing mine more regularly...

I love that thing. Sounded loads better. Deeper, more detailed, more focused - just better all round. 


Shame the vocalist/second guitarist hasn't been able to make it for the last three weeks though. He's had all sorts of illnesses from his kids going back to school. Not the most helpful time for him to be missing practices, but at the same time, I don't really want what he's had!

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Our old drummer is actually one of the better bass players in this region , and he snagged a gig he could not turn down. So we went looking for a new drummer. This is a project doing Mexican music. So the material is not the standard stuff. Beautiful material.
You’ll never have a great band unless you have a great drummer.

Did some auditions and one guy was it. Thankfully he signed up and we’re getting back up to speed. We have a December gig so there’s lots of time , we have a bunch of new material to add as well so I’m looking forward to the upcoming rehearsals.

And in another project we do , one guitar player has returned to Boston to finish the degree at Berklee. We’ve got a replacement and he should be the perfect fit. We’ll simply get a list of tunes to learn and then have at’em. Next gig is mid next month. The rhythm section has been in the house band at the local blue dive’s Sunday jam for the last twenty years. And some young ones asked us to do the gig , we have a good number down now. It’s called 2Young 2Old and it’s the perfect name. So no full rehearsal but we’re expected to know the material , and be ready for anything.

Should be fun.

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We're on a holiday break, rehearsal this Friday afternoon; I've not played a note since the last one, nearly a month ago.


To be honest, I prefer not rehearsing every week, losing the desire in that, it's absolutely zero fun.  We all know the material backwards and I see little point in it.  Frontman uninterested in doing new stuff and pretty much forbids jamming.

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Great rehearsal last night and a little different to normal. We got ourselves a drum pad and we've been programming in various sounds, pads and layers that our drummer can active during a song. So this week we decided to have a stripped back rehearsal which was a nice change as its usually always too loud. No effects, just an acoustic guitar, voice, fretless bass and drums with brushes. We also wrote a new song which was sounding pretty good so far.

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We’re celebrating being together 40yrs this year. Rehearsals are going well, my voice (I’m also the frontman, we’re a 3pce) is warming up, and I thought I’d blow the dust of the old Squier Frank Bello jazz instead of the usual Thunderbird. Sounding good, via the Ashdown Mark King combo behind me. Not your normal combination?


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Had to have a rehearsal last night because our singiste had mistakenly booked a gig in for this Saturday which she can’t make cos she’d forgotten that she’s going on a cruise on Friday ... ho hum. So one of her pals is depping instead. Bit of a PITA for the rest of us as we had to run through a load of our normal stuff that we can play in our sleep, only to find that instead of her adapting to our arrangements, it was her way or no way. Just for one gig. And key changes. All accomplished with fairly good grace and minimal eye-rolling between the rest of us. Oh well, it’ll all be ok on the night and I don’t suppose the punters will know even if it isn’t...

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First rehearsal for a while for the three piece (The Rip) and once the flakes of rust had fallen off it wasn't too bad. We're about ready to gig now, all that is needed is the edges to be polished and a few rough starts and finishes to be sorted. You always know when the serious rehearsing is over when the conversation switches from the arrangements to which guitars/basses are going to be used. 😃


I've played in trios for years but this is the first time I've been singing as much as I am (still mostly backing) and it's the first time I've taken more of a band leader role (personally I prefer a guided consensus approach but the other two are always looking to me for the lead on decisions).

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Rehearsed this afternoon with Eddie Roxy & The Adjacent Kings.  We're going to get another one in next Friday (13th), then we're at The Night Owl, Finsbury that night (https://www.fatsoma.com/e/v35rh1z0/lost-kitten-presents-desperate-fun-eddie-roxy-and-the-adjacent-kings-high-functioning) and doing a punk lunch upstairs at The Prince Alfred, Brighton from 2.15pm Sunday afternoon (15th).

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New drummer is great, and comes prepared for rehearsal. We postponed the first gig with him until December. We had a great rehearsal last night. Both trumpet players were there! Band is sounding really good.


And the other 2Young 2Old will do the first gig with the new guitar player nine two weeks. I just got the set lists today , there will not be rehearsal , we’re simply expected to know the material. I’ll be camped out with the headphones this weekend. 

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Not a rehearsal but an audition on Thursday for the backing band of a young lady singer songwriter.

The songs I was given to learn were demos, so the band were still kicking them into shape during the audition. I played fine and contributed the creative process, which seemed to be well received. Haven't heard back yet though.

I've got another audition with a covers band week after next.

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