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Would You Want Your Own Signature Model?


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Assuming that you were famous enough to be offered a signature model and you would not benefit financially from it, would you want one?

I can quite see why people would want a custom bass made to their own specifications, but don't really see the attraction of flogging copies of it to all and sundry. There are a lot of signature models available; many from people I've never heard of. Would there be so many if the signatories didn't make money out of it?

If you did want your own 'sig' how would you make it different from the many already out there?

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[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1401450154' post='2463738']
I can quite see why people would want a custom bass made to their own specifications, but don't really see the attraction of flogging copies of it to all and sundry. There are a lot of signature models available; many from people I've never heard of. Would there be so many if the signatories didn't make money out of it?

It's pure marketing. No-one would bother if there was no profit to be had.

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Well it's a multi-faceted question really.

1. I kind of do have my own 'signature' version of most of the instruments I play - purely because I personally don't get along with the V-V-T setup that most of my basses came with. So I have a circuit that I put into most of my basses with a rotary switch. Also, i like a thin neck (small hands fat fingers you see), I like blocks and binding partly for cosmetics, partly because I can see the frets and dots along the side on a poorly lit stage with them.

2. If I was in a hugely (or even moderately) successful touring and recording band, I probably would not have time to tinker away at each bass that came my way until i was happy with it. And if I did have enough power and influence with a manufacturer to just make the thing to my spec in the first place I probably would. And it would be quite different from the 'standard' model too.

3. If the manufacturer then turned around to me and said "Hey can we make some copies of the instrument we've just made to your spec and sell them?" I'd probably say "Yeah sure, if someone else appreciates the same modifications I'd be happy for them to make use of it"

4. If the manufacturer said "great, and can we put your name on it too?" I think I'd be pretty happy about it - after all, it's made to my spec. (I'm sure they'd only do this to make sales by association though - i.e. to fans of said successful band) otherwise they could call it the "Custom model"

5. If they said, "well we'll probably make some cheap knock offs in the far east, it will only look like your bass, but it won't be anywhere near as good to play" I'd say "woah, hang on a minute"

6. If they offered me enough money to support my family until the next royalty cheque arrived in exchange for my name, on my own spec instrument, with certain QC and Price points agreed though - Yeah I'd do that in a shot

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[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1401450154' post='2463738']
Assuming that you were famous enough to be offered a signature model and you would not benefit financially from it, would you want one?


Yeah, I probably would...shallow as it sounds, I think the recognition and massage-of-ego would be enough motivation for me. Whether Gibson would be willing to make the odd SG/Thunderbird hybrid I have in mind is a different matter!

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Why are you stipulating no financial benefit?

I'd put my name to one for a fee (if I was famous) but not for free.

In terms of what I'd have; depends who makes it - if fender it's have to be a jazz with the current CS60 pickups & a dark wood neck (wenge etc... like a warwick one). Anyone else; as above but neck through & with whatever their best pickups are.

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These days anyone with a spare £2-3k can get the instrument of their dreams made.

The advantage of a "signature" model from a big name is being able to do some serious beta testing on various ideas before settling on the final spec rather than just hoping for the best from a single instrument.

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I'd probably want an amp rather than a bass. Despite the gorgeous fabulousness of my flying V, sound wise i get on better with a pretty standard P-bass, its just more controllable for the sounds i like!

Amp though, ooh, lets see, split channel with a nice valvey overdrive channel and a super-clean subwoofer, and not too big! :D And possibly in silver sparkle. With my big red 451 across the front... :D

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If a company wanted to make a bass that offered something different (p with a j profile neck or upgraded pickups etc) at a price that didn't stray into custom pricing then I'd be happy to be involved. As BigRedX says, there's no point in signature models that cost a small fortune as you could just get a custom build and confirm the same specifications as someone else's bass that you liked.

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If we're fantasising about our hypothetical signature basses... mine would be a Fender Jazz with a P neck and twin humbuckers. [size=4]Vintage white, mint (or black) pickguard, maple neck, black dots. Status Hot Wires. And a spiffy pre-amp. Instead of a Fender decal there would be the legend 'Stamp Out Bourgeois Revisionism!'. £1200 (including Hiscox hard case, VAT and delivery). :D[/size]

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401461191' post='2463878']
What is your name, anyway - Kardashian?? :P

I would happily endorse my own range of beauty products... and for the appropriate fee... I would also feature scantily clad in the advertising campaign in a series of provocative poses.

and they'd have to pay me less than if they wanted me to endorse this...

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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1401461742' post='2463887']
...and they'd have to pay me less than if they wanted me to endorse this...

I'd have to be ripped to the tits on drink and drugs to appear in public with that. But then I usually am, so...

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In my idle moments ( there are many) I quite often think about what features I would have on my own signature bass, and which manufacturer I would allow to approach me about such a venture. That sounds quite egotistical doesn't it? Now that U2 are pulling the strings at Fender ( no pun intended) , that means they are no longer an option, that is for sure.

At the moment in my twilight fantasy world , I am favouring the idea of a Musicman Bongo HH with a graphite neck and maybe series/parallel switching and / or selectable coils . That would do nicely. I would certainly want it to be sufficiently expensive enough to ensure that most ordinary people couldn't have one. Also, we wouldn't sell them to fat people.

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I would only want a signature model bass if it was something that I had personally specced up, used a lot, became famous and if the manufacturer turned up with a wheelbarrow full of cash!

However if a 5-string Jaguar with Jazz neck in black with matching headstock and scratchplate and ebony unlined fretless fingerboard becomes available I will happily sign it for a free one (and the aforementioned garden soil transporter full of cash of course :D )

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I'd do it, but only if the result was going to be something interesting. An otherwise off-the-shelf bass with no added features other than a different finish or something equally trivial wouldn't interest me. So basically it would depend on what my "bass of choice" at the time was!

Edited by uncle psychosis
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