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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. Thanks for the advice. I decided to conect the earth cable and it sounds fine. I'm going to treat myself to a wireless system for Christmas as I've had enough of faulty cables recently and have this OCD thing going on that if there is a cable on the floor near me, I have to kick it away.
  2. I've had a good rake round and can't find anything. I am about to install a Bartolini prewired assembly to my gold Warmoth bass. Its a 2 band EQ with stacked bass and treble so as to retain the original look. The problem I have is that it doesn't say whether to connect the earth wire coming from the bridge or not. I have fitted EMGs before and the ones I used advised me not to but there aint nothing here to tell me yay or nae. Anyone fitted as set of these before?
  3. For me I want to go smaller and lighter. I find the Shcroeder 1212L & GK700RB II to be far too much for use as a backline when we have an adequate PA. Need to do a lot more research but the fact i like the GK sound means that I am leaning more towards the new digital amp. also looking into getting a compact single 10" or 12". I like the idea of the Markbass combos but I sit my cab on a stand angled up towards me so that would mean that I would need to lean over the cab to get at the controls. I may rig up something so that the amp is sitting on something just below the bottom of the cab. I would like to make my 2 Warmoth basses my only basses. They are just now but I sometimes get a hankering for something else whereas in reality they do everything I need them to. I also need to diet as well. My basses are beginning to go from usual in front position to BB King, round the side position. I also want to start practicing myself at home. i don't remember the last time I just picked up my bass at home other than to learn a song for a gig. i could improve so much if I kept at it.
  4. That would probably be a lot less if the $ wasn't so bad just now - $599 over in the US. A couple of months ago that equalled £300, now nearer £400
  5. I'm seriously contemplating one of these as well but then again i was seriously contemplating an all valve amp not that long ago. I love how small and light they are. I'm all for reducing how many trips I need to make from the car to the gig so this would get it down to 2 and would be a lot lighter than my GK 700RB II but more powerful (?) I don't suppose you took a picture of the bit that you move to adjust the voltage for anyone else who is looking into getting one early?
  6. We've just begun doing 'Don't Stop me Now'. Keys only needed at the beginning but shouldn't be too difficult to do something between bass and guitar - its been going down well so far
  7. That pink one is a beauty. Remonds me of my Jap shell pink P with maple neck I had a few years back - one of the basses I wished I had never sold. Been looking for another one ever since. Feder Japan may have made '54 reissues as non-export models but I don't recall seeing them. I had a yellow 90s '51 reissue and it was deifinitely slab bodied. That and the 2 tone sunburst one I had last year were the reason for me getting my Warmoth '54s made - loved the basses but the slab body was a killer. Same reason I sold my Ricks
  8. I would say that you'll be selling/trading about now----
  9. One question thats not been asked yet - would it cost more money to operate the site if we were to expand the for sale section? Also, more time to moderate as well? I'm not upon these things. if it wouldn't be too much trouble/cost etc I would like to see the wanted section split just as the for sale section is.
  10. Not sure - I've had a look at some of the other auctions and he gives the impression that he knows what he's talking about. Other questions such as the ones from the PRS auction seem okay. Maybe he's skint like the rest of us? Just like the baker, he kneaded the dough Where's me coat?
  11. This sounds exciting. Like an olympic torch thingy. Let's hope Konnie Huq isn't taking part in this
  12. Bass may only be 4 strings generally but those are [b]man strings[/b] . None of you're tiny, sewing thread thickness, twangy rubbish here.
  13. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='338591' date='Nov 27 2008, 04:11 PM']Why's there a big mushroom in the middle? [/quote] Its magic I'm seriously contemplating one of these now. I'll need to find out if anyone around my way has them or will be getting them in. I wouldn't say I had gas for one but am interested to see how the sound differed to my GK I really like the idea of hardly any controls- Ive just finished wiring the pickup on my newest Warmoth staight to the jack
  14. You could always say you're going out for a pint of milk and bring it up from Leeds. They might wonder why youre trying to claim back £60 in diesel for it right enough.
  15. Have you tried Smack Generator or Crack Converters? didn't a mate of someone here get a Fodera for £80 out of there not that long ago?
  16. I put one of these [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIDEL15LFC&product=Eminence_Delta_15LF_4_ohms&browsemode=category"]http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMI...semode=category[/url] into my cab- sounded really good
  17. [quote name='the_house123' post='336909' date='Nov 26 2008, 01:51 AM']+1 i have a Lakland Jo5 and its just suburb! I get so many tones out of it and with my Gk head, i can set the eq to give it a bit more of an edge. Im not sure i NEED another bass but il still get another one when i have the money [/quote] So you're Lakland JO is just outside the City eh? I get no tones outside my own head, nevermind a Gk one. Have more money dude.
  18. i would like #1 in the lefty/righty club simply because I said so. Check my sig, it says so. Lefty/righty Club Member #1 okay I've been on talkbs maybe once too often
  19. I've always thought that Brian Johnson sounded like he was going to have an accident when he sings with the amount of effort he puts into it. Really like his voice but also like Bon's. Just like Genesis - Phil can't sing Peter's songs as well as Peter used to. Peter probably couldn't sing Phil's stuff either Listening to the album right now: some familiar riffs but some good stuff on there as well.
  20. Hmmm. Both my Warmoth basses took a long time to work out what woods, electronics etc to use. They are both perfect basses to me but sound completely different. They both live next ot each other at home in their cases, I can grab both with one hand - screw you I'm taking both of them.
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