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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. I'm out tonight. 1am finish. Next Christmas & New Year are already confirmed for gigs at the same place as this year. Next New Year is nearly fully booked already. Really looking forward to it tonight as well. Just listening to my usual pre gig music of Red Hot Chili Peppers DVD 'Off the Map'
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  3. Someone has a spare for sale here [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Spare_W0QQitemZ200292827846QQihZ010QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Spare_W0QQitemZ20029...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  4. Got an email back saying that the reason they do not supply the saddle is that they don't know if someone will attach it to a beast of a cab and try and lift it using the handle which would end up in tears. I have discovered that the thread size is 10/32. I'm now trying to find the specs for the Fender piggyback screws as I have a feeling that they are the same. I've found them on US Amazon but they come in at £14 odds for a couple of screws. Screw that
  5. Until a few days ago i was a very happy GK user. I personally like a good, dirty rock tone and the GK is the dogs in that respect as it has the valve emulator built in - The Fusion has the real valve dealy. It also has the motorised knobs so with the press of a footswitch you can change the EQ to something else which is ideal as you have different basses. Plus GKs are reliable as hell. I think there's a guy on Talkbs that got one of the first ones so there should be a review over there. I am now using a Genz Shuttle as the GK was too heavy (Probably still lighter than the 'Orange' logo on your amp). I bought it because it was light, small and sounded good based on the reviews I read. I'm very surprised to say that it can produce an even better rock tone than the GK. I've only used it for one gig so far so only time will tell but so far I am very impressed with it. I'll reserve final judgement on it until after I've had it for at least 6 months. I also use a Schroeder cab; mine is the 1212L which comes in at 42lbs. That's nothing for a 2x12" cab that can produce a phenomenal amount of volume, so much so that i use it in my rock band without a PA.
  6. I've just emailed Jeff Genzler to ask about the saddle that attaches the Shuttle to the combos. I asked him last week if they were available and he said they weren't. I've been on Talkbass and there's a load of guys there looking for them as well. The screws that go into the side of the Shuttle are a really unusual size and the only ones I could get to fit were ones I took out of a Behringer cab that blew up. I managed to pick up a bracket and some bits and bobs to attach the amp to my cab stand but it looks sh*te. I'm going off my head trying to find something to fit so I've emailed Jeff again to find out if there is any special reason why the saddles aren't sold separately and where i can get screws, more specifically thumb screws, to fit the amp as i want to be able to attach the amp to my stand without having use a screwdriver which is what I'm having to do now. Fitting my new kitchen was more straightforward than this. I'm off for a lie down to calm down.
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  8. I don't need this but its probably one of the last basses on my list of basses I've always wanted but never owned, The other being a Yamaha BB5000a. I'm playing tonight. I'll tally up the readies tomorrow and see if I can stretch to this
  9. The Schroeder is 4 ohms to allow me to get the full whack out of the amp but I think I would like to use either another 4 ohm cab in place of the 1212L with more drivers for more oomph when there is no PA or 2 8 ohm cabs. I'e had a look at the Eden Nemesis N410RS and it does look really good on paper: 600w, choice of 4 or 8 ohm versions, SPL of 104dB, only 10lbs more than my 1212L and £355 + shipping from the Bass Centre I'll see if I can find out anything else about them and also have a look at some other lightweight cabs to see what else is out there.
  10. The Gallien Krueger backline stuff is all made in China but unlike other brands which have suffered when they've been moved overseas for whatever reason, Bob Gallien actually oversees a lot of the production so what you get are very good Chinese versions of the American stuff. eg a Backline 600 is merely a 400RB. For your budget you're probably going to be looking at the GK backline range, possibly Artist series second hand, Hartke, a Warwick combo? Markbass, Genz Benz, Schroeder etc do make a lot of high quality, light gear but will be out of your price bracket for now. There may be others out there that I haven't thought about
  11. That's interesting about the limiter coming on at about 150w. Just shows how good my Schroeder 1212L really is. I think I'll try my next rock gig with the cab on the floor but I have to stand really close to it on the small stage so may not hear it well.
  12. Should've gone to Specavers - still can't see them on the axes-r-us website though
  13. In: Carlo Robelli 12 string bass Tennessee 12 string bass 1973 Fender Telecaster bass Warmoth '57 single coil P bass Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 Boss GT6-B Trace Elliot TVT9 guitar combo Musicman Stingray Rickenbacker 4000 Out: Carlo Robelli 12 string bass Tennessee 12 string bass 1973 Fender Telecaster bass Boss GT6-B Musicman Stingray Rickenbacker 4000 Owen Bass Gremlin Jazz bass copy Gallien 700RB II Most of my ins became my outs indicating that I am already happy with what I have. didn't stop me buying them and won't stop me from buying more stuff I don't need in the new year
  14. had my first gig with it last night. Took a while to get the sound sorted, not that there are many controls. I was very disappointed at first as I had it at the same level that i would have had the GK at but the limiter light kept coming on. I used to have the pad button pressed in on the GK as if it were an active bass but this one doesn't have it. I'm assuming that it was only the limiter kicking in as there was no distortion and it only blinked as opposed to staying on. i thought this was strange as this amp is rated at 600w and the GK was 480w so I thought I'd be able to run it at the same volume or maybe a bit higher. After another few songs, I dropped the height of the pickup, increased the preamp volume and now it only does it if I attack the bass really hard. The preamp o/d light comes on with every note I play after I did this indicating that the valve is overdriving and it sounds fantastic. Not sure if that reduces the life span of the valve or not or whether it would be worth changing it for another one as it doesn't affect the warranty doing this. I'm not entirely sure that it will be loud enough for my pub band with no PA support so may look into getting another efficient cab like my Schroeder 1212L but with more drivers to push more air. Overall, i love the sound. I have it running post EQ into the desk and it sounds amazing through the PA. Very clear
  15. Buy one and gig it. That's my advice. But buy second hand so you don't lose much/anything if you decide to sell it. I wouldn't have the basses i do now if I hadn't tried lots of other basses in [b]gig[/b] situations. That's the most important thing, how it sounds when you play it live. I bought a Flea & and a Thumb NT5; used them for one gig and then sold both of them. Back to the original question - I've had 7 Stingrays but only one Flea. The Flea sounded light and brittle compared to the warmth of the Stingrays but I had the strings about 2mm off the fretboard and it played like a dream
  16. I used LaBella rounds on mine. I'm sure that Stringbusters do their flats in shortscale as well
  17. I'm planning an overhaul of the wiring on my gold bass at the beginning of the year. It curently has 500k long shaft pots which are very easy to get as that is what Les Paul's use. Since I have a single coil pickup, I wanted to change this for the more conventional 250k pots. The bass is rear routed so I need long shaft pots but cannot find any. I've searched the sticky at the top and have found that Basspartsresource do them but since the exchange rate isn't too good, I thought I'd see if any UK companies are doing them. I can't find anything so i thought I'd ask here. Also, does anyone know where I could have a wiring harness to my own specification done? I have conceded the fact that I cannot solder and would prefer to have someone else do this for me. If there are any basschatters who are good with a soldering iron and live fairly close, I would be happy to come to you to have it done as I'd rather have it done properly.
  18. Queen's 'Another One Bites the Dust' was the first song I played on Christmas morning 1987. I had a Marlin Slammer P bass copy, a yellow curly guitar cable and a Squier 15w guitar amp
  19. Maybe JE is an also ran due the fact that he successfully threw a 7? Paul McCartney's a bass player? Who's Tom Jenkinson? etc?
  20. From Kilburn no less. Home of Kilburn & the High Roads. Otherwise known as?
  21. Woah. What a tug boat. Face like a bag of spanners
  22. John lennon was asked if he thought that Ringo was the best drummer in the world. he replied saying "he's not the best drummer in the beatles" I am confident in my abilities. i haven't heard anyone better than me in any pub or band setting ever. i don't believe that this is showing off, I simply believe that there aren't any decent players near where I live. Its been a help and a hindrance. Its given me all the work I need but its stopped me from becoming better than I am now. I love playing but am not big headed; leave that to the guitarists.
  23. It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get a hold of the saddle that comes with the shuttle combo so I'm going to have to rig up something myself to attach it to my cab stand. How far do the screws go into the amp? i don't want to get ones that are too long and end up poking something that i shouldn't
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