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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. never seen one but it sounds sh*t hot. I like white basses and maple fretboards
  2. I don't think any do but there's an American website that sell something you add in-line with your active circuit that has an LED that you can surface mount to your bass. The LED comes on when the battery begins to go.
  3. £25 some pocket fluff and last weekend's Sunday Jugs
  4. What about this? Its a Giraffe stand. It folds completely flat when you're not using it. When I play in my rock band with no PA support, I point it at the crowd and angle it up the first 'click'. That way I hear it and so does the audience. It can and has taken a Trace Elliot 4x10" so its tough as they come. Failing that, I am a big GK fan so what about one of the RB combos? Wedge shaped so that you can tilt them back and come complete with built in trolley so you can wheel it around. The backline combos are a similar shape but don't have the wheels built in.
  5. Just spotted this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-VBA400-and-VBC-4x12-Cabinet_W0QQitemZ130276038967QQihZ003QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-VBA400-and-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I this had been a month ago I'd have jumped on it. The last VBA400 went for about £460 so effectively £140 for one of the good cabs (as opposed to the cheap MBC ones) seems like a really good deal.
  6. How about giving them away to promoters & pubs that have live music? That way when they are looking at the callendar wondering what band to get in, its staring them in the face. actually that's a good idea. copyright 2008. I'll have to charge you if you want to use that idea
  7. Last Saturday was the first time I've ever taken a picture of my gear. I always take loads of pictures of basses (normally when I'm selling them) but never of the stuff that makes the noise. nice and compact. Next year I'll be replacing my amp with a smaller digital one. I'm looking into how to attach it so that it sits just below the bottom of the cab. A tuner pedal will replace the rack one and that frees up a lot of space that would normally be taken up by the rack. I'm going to invest in one of those proper music stands to sit in its place and attach the lighting controller and a small clip on light to it And, yes, those lights shine right in my eyes when they're on.
  8. fire a bit of 8'x4' on it and you've got yourself a wallpaper pasting table See, so many uses
  9. I was using gold Optima strings until I broke one. I went into my bag and found the set of strings that came with my '51 reisue P bass that i sold over a year ago and put them on. Surprisingly they were really good but lower tension than the Optimas. May have a look at the Fender website to see what goes on these and then order a gauge up from there
  10. Ricks are beautiful basses. i went through a phase of buying basses that looked good only to find out they were a pig to play. the most amazing one i have ever seen was actually one of mine: It is actually the 2004 colour of the year - Blue Boy. the first batch of these was actually a nice pale blue but as they went on they got more and more green until some of them appeared minty green. Phenomenal looking bass but the design meant that after a gig I felt like I had arthritis in my right hand. One day I will get round to trying a 4003S with the contoured body. There are so many famous players have used Ricks - Queen's John Deacon originally played one although I believe he had already began using Precisions by the time 'Queen' the album was recorded. Rodger Glover from Deep Purple used one for years. Roger Waters from the Floyd had what I believe was a 1999 model in the early days In the right colour they are amazing basses visually but I could never get a good sound out of any of mine - I've had the Blue Boy, a MID 4003 with the famous bleeding paintwork, a Jetglo 4003 and a 1979 4000. Always fancied trying a 4004 as they look a lot more comfortable to play.
  11. This is my one. I had it for sale in the for sale section, funnily enough, but have decided to put it on ebay. I've not asked for the other one to be deleted as I may bring it back over here or I may not. I have noted in the title that it is now on ebay though to keep everything right or did I. I didn't not want to decide to not list the bass neither for fear of not confusing none of the people wot aren't not disinterested in not buying this bass. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140288917694&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=004"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=004[/url]
  12. I went through a hell of a lot of basses before coming back to the original P bass. I went through about 8 Stingrays and 4 Ricks before I realised that they were not for me. Modulus, Warwick, other stuff that i can't even remember. 5, 6, 8 & 12 string basses. Fretless and fretted. Acoustic & semi acoustic. A very basic bass but the only one for me. I've had the gold one now for over a year which is the longest I've owned a bass apart from my 'none blacker' Musicman SR5 that I had for 4 years.
  13. I believe that Tom Petersson from Cheap Trick is using these now
  14. I couldn't get mine to sound anything like the Rick you hear on recordings. It seemed to sound more like a Stingray. Conversely my Stingrays seemed to sound like Jazz basses, my Warmoth '57 sounds like a Rick and my gold Warmoth sounds like a Stingray since I made it active. You'd probably be surprised at Chris Squire though. You'll probably find that a lot of stuff you believed was played on a Rick was actually his Mouradian or one of his other squillion basses that he uses live.
  15. Yip, I bought said Boss GT6-B and have just sold it. Utterly fantastic effects (don't even think about it) but I found myself using them on about half a dozen songs meaing that the rest of the time it was as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Every so often I buy effects, probably just to remond myself how I don't need them and that my direct sound is so much better. Same reason I get myself a fretless bass every now and then.
  16. Boss GT6-B happily now with its new owner despite DHLs finest efforts to the contrary
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='352396' date='Dec 12 2008, 08:33 AM']Good idea! (And I presume you'll be deracking and getting rid of the big flashy tuner too! I had one of those in my rack for years because it looked cool but I started to notice it was never getting used - probably a lot more useful if you play a dodgy 'vintage' bass that doesn't hold its tuning well and you have roadies...) Alex[/quote] My plan is to sell the amp, rack & tuner - yes it is flashy, does the knightrider sweep with the LEDs when its not being used! Me likey flashy lights. I use the cab on a Giraffe cab stand pointing up at me and plan on making something so that I can have the new amp sitting just below the cab attached to the stand with a really short speakon-speakon cable going to the cab. I'm also going to bring my Korg pedal tuner out of retirement and use this on the floor right underneath the cab. Another reason for looking into the BFM cab was that I could modify the design to accomodate the amp. This will free up the space where my rack normally sits on a keyboard stand so that i can get myself a sturdy music stand instead of those floppy ones that fall over when you breathe on them. I'm going to have a light on there so i can actually read my music and position the band's lighting controller on this as well.
  18. There are a fair few of us north of the border. I know that I wouldn't have a problem going round to check something for someone living further away for the cost of the train/bus/petrol. I know there are guys on here who have done the same. Actually that might be a good thing to have somewhere. A list of people who would be willing to go and check out something, where they live and the area they are willing to travel in. That could also pose a problem in that what if the person checked the item and when it got to the buyer it didn't work or wasn't exactly the same. I suppose as long as the seller asked specific questions, the fact finder could answer them and possibly take certain pictures requested by the seller. we could have a disclaimer of some sort to cover this. We could work something out. Would certainly come in handy if I wanted to buy something from 'that London' but wasn't 100% convinced that it was what i thought it was.
  19. I'm going to fire this on Ebay tomorrow and if it doesn't sell there I'll keep it. If anyone's interested then PM me before it goes. I am open to offers as well.
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