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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. I want a bicycle! fantastic. Overnight I've managed to receive enough information to decide to keep my existing cab. Thanks for everyone's help. I think I'll just get the lightweight amp which comes in at about 20% of the weight of my current one (excluding rack & rack tuner) and see if Jorg can do me one of those telescopic dollies that attach to the cab so I can wheel it around
  2. I plan on going seriously ultra light next year. I love my Schroeder 1212L but it is far too much for what i need it for. I was using it out front with my rock band but we're not playing so it only gets used as a monitor. I have the input volume on my GK 700RB II at 11 o'clock and the output at 9, sometimes 10 o'clock. Not sure exactly how much power I'm chucking out the amp with these settings. The cab is a 4 ohm fellow. The plan is to go lighter and possibly smaller. I like the idea of the Omni 10.5 with the smaller size and light weight but also like the idea of the DR250 as they seem to be more efficient than the omni cabs are. My plan was also to make them from 9mm rather than 12mm ply to reduce the weight further. I don't have a problem with the construction. I like a challenge so either one is possible. I have read a lot about these cabs here, finnbass & on Bill's own forum as well as a few other sites where they get compared to other cabs in terms of efficiency. I can't find any efficiency specs on the omnis. Does anyone know how they compare to the Schroeder cabs since they are pretty efficient themselves? I've seen the DR250 in the for sale section but its too far away and I know these things are expensive to ship properly or I'd have snapped it up to try it out myself. I think I've checked everything I could before posting this thread but if I've missed anything then feel free to point me in the right direction.
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  4. What amp do you have? I have my rack tuner coming out of the tuner output on my GK700RB II and mute the signal with the tuner mute button. If you didn't have this then there should be an in and an out on the tuner(?) I've never had a good look at one before. If you plug your bass into the tuner input and then run a patch lead from the output to the amp then pressing the mute button on the tuner should mute anything from coming out of your backline and the PA and enable you to tune up in silence
  5. Amended price to include delivery - details in the first post.
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='350080' date='Dec 9 2008, 07:00 PM']Needs to be painted blue now [/quote] With matching chequerboard scratchplate? :brow:
  7. I was bored one day so tried out different Photoshop filters and like this one. So yes, its the same bass
  8. Don't see why not. I just thought about selling someone the complete package but it could be done. I won't have any use for the tuner or the rack so they will still be getting sold anyway.
  9. I forgot to say that the neck has Jazz nut width rather than Precision. The neck's really fast but as I've mentioned before, I played 5 & 6 string basses for quite a few years before coming back to the 4 so any neck is slim to me. I forgot to say that when I was drilling the holes for the bridge cover, I drilled one in the wrong place. You can't see it as it is but would if you took the cover off.
  10. I've now decided to definitely sell this bass. Pictures are below It is a phenomenal bass, very fat, almost tubey sound through my GK and amazing to play. The specs are as follows: Swamp ash body finished in butterscotch blonde maple neck with vintage satin laquer and vintage Fender sized fret wire and Jazz width neck Gotoh Resolite lightweight reverse action tuners Tusq nut Lollar '51 pickup Gotoh 201 bridge CTS pots, vintage wiring, Fender US jack, paper in oil cap. Chrome pickup and bridge covers Maple single screw tugbar Black single ply scratchplate Schaller straplocks Optima chrome plated strings The specs are exactly as per a '57 pre-facelift single coil P bass would be except where I have had to substitute for parts no longer available, such as CTS pots instead of the original Stackpole ones. I use this bass with a GK 700RB II and Schroeder 1212L and it produces are really big, fat, warm, growly sounds but remains very clear. it has really good balance and the action is pretty low on it as well. Being on a couple of months old it is in excellent condition. the only visible marks are cracking of the laquer round the jack socket when I was building it. The marks are very small and you have to look very carefully to be able to see them. Despite drilling pilot holes, I still managed to snap 3 of the screws for the machineheads. Luckily there was only one snappage per machine so it doesn't affect their ability to do their job. i was going to glue the heads back on but didn't get round to it. I think I still have the heads somewhere it comes complete with a non-Fender tweed case as seen in the above pictures which finishes the look nicely. At today's exchange rate, this bass would cost you over £800 to buy which is the cost for the parts alone. This doesn't include the time taken to assemble, take the laquer off the frets and set the bass up. What you are getting here is a made in USA bass but far better quality than a similar US made Fender IMO. There are no rough edges, bad finish or poorly put togeher components. it may not have the Fender name on it but it is twice the bass a regular USA made Fender is IMO. Make no mistake,you will be getting an extremely well put together bass that sounds absolutely fantastic. Not to mention that you cannot buy anything of this spec in any shop Bearing all this in mind and considering that there isn't anything else like this available off the shelf I have decided a price of £600. This price includes delivery to mainland UK,excluding the usual postcodes that attract a supplement.
  11. As the title says, the amp is a GK700RB II. Bought new in August 2006. it is in perfect condition as it has been racked since day 1. I look after my gear so as soon as i have finished a gig, the lid goes on the rack. Its currently at the hotel where my band is doing the Chirstmas party nights so I won't be able to look at it until next Friday but it may be possible that there may be a tiny amount of paint scrape round about where the screw go into the rack as I have had various set ups in the last couple of years so it has been in 4u, 6u & 8u racks. I haven't noticed any but that's not to say that there won't be any. The tuner is a Fender RT1000 and is also in perfect condition and is linked to the amp permanently with a Planet Waves patch cable. It has blue LEDs and if you're in tune you light up the big Fender 'F' in the middle. If there is no signal going through it for a few minutes, it starts doing the Knightrider sweep thing. The rack is an IMG Stageline which is also in excellent condition. Being the part that protects what's inside it, there will probably be a couple of very superficial marks on it but nothing else. On the back of the rack I have zip tied a 4 way extension to a blank rack panel so that both components are plugged in permanently with shortened kettle leads meaning that you only need to connect to 1 socket. It also means that you can connect other stuff to the extension as well. Everything I own is in excellent condition. Nothing is touched by anyone except me. I never loan out any of my equipment. You get the idea. I'd prefer to sell this as a complete unit as it will be easier and safer to post in its rack. Given the great condition of this equipment I am looking for £350 plus postage. For the Scottish contingent- I could probably deliver this to you this week within reasonable distance for the cost of petrol there and back.
  12. [quote name='lozbass' post='347755' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:47 AM'][b]I came across an Alembic Series II a few months ago[/b]...my other basses are certainly not 'in the bin', but there's an absolute chasm in tone and playability[/quote] You like them that much? :brow:
  13. I don't recall the prices coming down when the interest rates improved but they're putting them up now they've got worse. I smell sh*te
  14. South Side of the Sky is one of my favourites on that album. Possibly one of the easiest to grasp as well. Don't know how many times I've listened to that album. Must be in the hundreds anyway. I used to listen to at last a good bit of it every day for a while
  15. First of the Christmas party nights for us tonight. About 160 people there, 140ish of whom were attractive women. We set up before the guests start arriving then sit down and have a 3 course dinner as part of our contract. By the time Christmas comes, I've already had half a dozen turkey dinners. Due to start at 9.30 but a bit later tonight due to their being a bit more people than normal. Started with 'Mama Mia'. 140 women, the movie out recently, can't go wrong really. From the first bar of the first song until the end of the night, the dancefloor was packed. At the break I checked my phone and the singer from my rock band had text me to say that the gig tomorrow was cancelled. disappointed at losing out on a rock gig and the associated cash that goes with it but I can now go hell for leather since i don't have to save my fingers for another gig. Second set was the bollocks. Had one of the best gigs in a long time. Played a good few requests we'd never done before but we'll try anything. 'Come on Eileen' wasn't bad but the one that stood out was 'Town Called Malice'. i wouldn't say that i was a huge Jam fan but I like this one. I seem to be going back to my old sound since I installed the active circuit. Bit like Duff McKagan live. Very growly, clicky sound. totally different to the sound I was getting with the gold warmoth passive. I play with my fingers but still manage to get that clicky thing going on. Had a good look at my setup during the gig. more and more I'm planning on selling my GK 700RB II when the digital GKs make their way over here. It'll take up much less room as well. Come that time I'll fire the GK and Fender rack tuner in a 4u rack in the for sale section.
  16. Why does this look familiar? Wasn't someone selling basses like these on Ebay a few months ago with a unknown (or no) name on them? I think someone on here bought one or was going to buy one.
  17. And that was this weekend's drunken poster.
  18. The thing with Nathan East from what I've read is that he likes to take advantage of his high profile by taking the mickey and blagging loads of free stuff. Fantastic player though. I believe Sting has a special Custom Shop Fender to replicate his old '57 single coil, as does Andy Summers and David Glimour.
  19. Played a wedding tonight 5 minutes from my house so a nice short drive and an easy load in as well. Sound was fantastic and we played a lot of new stuff as well. I fitted a Bartolini 2 band EQ wiring harness to the gold bass this afternoon and it sounded fantastic. First active bass I've had in a long time. Very subtle changes but definitely a more powerful sound. i always felt that before it sounded clear but had no real defining quality about it but this just brings out the best of the bass. Had a couple of very strong coffees and a couple of bits of wedding cake that were laden with alcohol at the break. Very nice. Finished at one, were overpaid by £100 and now I'm sitting relaxing with a large dark rum Tomorrow morning (or is that this morning?) I'm going to fire a set of power slinkies onto it.
  20. You would probably find more people interested over on Talkbs. More of them go for those than probably would here. I've voted no. I watched a lot of Billy Sheehan videos a while back and what he does is jack the pickups really high and wedge stuff between them so they are solid. When he plays a string, his finger comes to rest on the pickup. I used to do that, in fact before I watched the videos come to mention it. It was really good in that, I felt it helped me play faster due to the fingers traveling a shorter distance but I could not get the same attack that I like. I am a very heavy player, so much so that I have to use the active pad switch on my amp. Even though it helped me play faster, I wouldn't have one as it hindered me achieving my trademark sound. Are you actually planning on doing this or is it all hypothetical?
  21. Try touching the string where it goes over the nut. I had a problem with that on my first Warmoth when I made an arse of fitting my Warwick JAN III. Don't know what caused it but a quick visit to jimmy moon had is sorted.
  22. Thanks for the advice. I decided to conect the earth cable and it sounds fine. I'm going to treat myself to a wireless system for Christmas as I've had enough of faulty cables recently and have this OCD thing going on that if there is a cable on the floor near me, I have to kick it away.
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