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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. I like to go there from time to time and tell them Jaco was crap just to wind them up as they seem to think that everyone in the world is influenced by his playing. They weren't even allowed to talk about their own election. There's a lot of religion but science books in america contain a paragraph that states even though science has proven the theory of evolution, the story of adam and eve is still true. Or words to that effect. I've just been on there just now to see if anyone had one of those spare thingys that hold the Genz Shuttle to the cabinet as I'm trying to figure out a way to attach it to my cab stand
  2. why not get a set of those fret fx stick on thingys? They're not meant to damage the wood and can be removed when you sell the bass. There's a couple of people on here have or had them fitted.
  3. Most singlecut basses, no, all of them. they look too weird. I hate Jazz basses. Could be because I've never been able to get a good sound and it seems that every new mainstream bass that comes out is a clone of the Jazz. Both could be because I used to frequent Talkbs all the time and it seemed that every topic was about one or the other. Anything with more than 6 strings. Nothing to do with what they are used for or the people that play them; with more than 6 strings I think that the body begins to look out of proportion to the gargantuan neck. Any shape that has Darkstars fitted. I'm sure they are the tits but they don't look like they belong in anything other than a semi-acoustic.
  4. I think it may be older and in Guitarist instead.
  5. One of if not the most impressive things I have ever heard is that after the Ox bought the farm whilst out his tits on drugs, Pino played with the Who in Las Vegas 4 days later. Assuming that there was chaos for at least a day after this, he had maybe 2 or 3 days at the most to learn the Who's set. Now that's talent
  6. Online I've bought from fendershop, guitarbargains & Thomann but as the Euro is very low just now, they're not cheaper anymore. Had good service from Blue Aran when the drivers in my Behringer 4x10" tried to leave the cab and I've ordered some speaker components from them with no hickups. My latest purchase is from Darren at the Bass Merchant. Answered every email and it should be with me today. Mentioned on a thread here that I would email him to find out when it would be coming, he must've read it and emailed me before I was even up the next morning. Most of my purchases are on Ebay. I've ordered stuff from basspartsresource from time to time but they never answer emails. I ordered something by mistake and wanted to change it literally seconds after ordering as I realised that I had made a mistake but never received a reply. The dollar's going the same direction as the Euro but bassguitarstrings.us are good when the rates are better.
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  9. Jings crivvens help ma boab. I've wanted one of these for years but never had the doh ray mees. That's a great price. Unless you want a trade with my '57 spec single coil Warmoth P bass then this is another one that'll pass me by.
  10. Just me then? I'll just amuse myself until someone comes along with information.
  11. My soundman is our guitarist. It will be used in the wedding band. We were thinking about it a few years ago but there is very rarely enough room to run a snake to the back of the hall and find a space for anyone to mix the sound. I normally run my amp post-eq as it sounds better but I'll see how the Shuttle sounds pre when I set up on Monday night. Its mainly the mics that use the XLRs on the desk so I think I'll try it set at Mic first and then switch to see what gives me the best sound. I was forever overdriving the signal going into the desk with the GK but the Genz doesn't have a level control so that may be the deciding factor on the night - whatever option doesn't send the signal meters off the scale will be the right one.
  12. I had the pickguardian thingy in all of my Ricks as my natural playing position is right over the pickup I never get tired of this picture
  13. You can get the proper Fender replacement ones from Basspartsresource.com. I've got an SD 1/4 pounder in my gold bass and its a very powerful pickup, moreso than the original. I've got a Lollar one in my '57 single coil bass and its very growly and warm.
  14. I gave my gold bass a Winter check up at the weekend. It has an ebony board so I just went straight over the lot with 000 grade steel wool. I did get some of the metal on the pickup but I had the strings off so was able to get right in and get it out. I also use it on my Wenge neck when it gets a bit gunky. Couple of rubs and its as smooth as the proverbial
  15. I've had my differences with Bass Ferret in the past but he was right on the money there. I can't get a Rick to sound like Rick, a Stingray to sound like a Stingray. If I'd actually tried them out before buying I wouldn't have bought them. FWIW The GK Backline 600 is GKs biggest selling amp and is literally a 400RB made in China. As confirmed by Bob Gallien.
  16. Fantastic. Now that I know there are other people here who have them, what should the last switch below the DI marked line/mic be set to when running it into the PA and what is the other one for? The manual isn't too clear. Should be getting my amp through today
  17. What's missing are songs that I've actually heard of. I haven't heard of most of these songs which is strange considering I have 162GB of music on my PC. These lists are always pissoir and about as useful as tits on a boar. My 100 greatest whatever is going to be different to your 100 whatever. There's always sh*te in there as well like when Meatloaf is in the top 10, the guys albums are f***ing corny musicals. Then someone could come along and say that they think that Meatloaf is the tits.
  18. Its no wonder that social clubs are dying on their arses. They've been stuck in the 18th century since, eh, the 18th century Most of the committees are made up of nobodies who want to be big men with power so make it their job to f*** up as much as they can. Is there another free room at the club? I don't think it would be too difficult to set up a makeshift creche for the youngsters and a party for the older kids so that they're out of the way. The parents could take turns looking after them. That way everyone gets to go. Surely not everyone who is going doesn't have kids and therefore the same problem as you? Personally, if I was playing hogmanay and my wife couldn't come, I'd tell them to shove it up their arses. Regardless of the money.
  19. How about an EQ pedal? Set your amp up for one of the basses then switch basses, put the pedal on and then adjust the settings on the pedal to suit that bass
  20. Aye its a bit of a pain in the bum to put them on. Just watch that the springs don't ping away when you're putting it together.
  21. One of the guys that used to write in Bassist magazine had one. If I remember rightly it was the first one made.
  22. I've now sold my Gk head and bought a Genz Shuttle 6.0 so that rules out the amp options. To elaborate on what basses I would consider: Anything with more than 4 strings, possibly fretless, active or passive, headed or headless. excluding what I didn't want in the post above.
  23. I've just sold my GK head on Ebay so had to organise my new amp as I have a gig on 29th and there are too many non delivering days between now and then. The prerequisites were that it had to be: 1 - Small enough to be able to fit into my cable bag 2 - Light enough to be able to attach it to the stand my cab sits on. 3 - At least as powerful as my GK 700RB II 4 - Have a tuning mute facility I then began searching for all possiblities and narrowed it down to: 1 - Gallien Krueger MB2-500 2 - Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 3 - Mark Bass LM II I then had to make a decision on which one. After reading a lot of information about all 3 I came to the conclusion that they were all seriously sh*t hot amps. I've had 2 GK heads now and I'm finding that my sound is changing so I ruled the GK head out. I've tried a Markbass combo in a shop before and wasn't that impressed by it So I've gone with the Genz Benz. I've already asked several questions and had them answered by Mr Genzler himself. Plus it has a 3 year warranty and if I happen to get called over to LA to record a new Chilis album due to Flea breaking something, I can switch the voltage to US on the back of the amp instead of having to open it up. I'll email Darren in the morning to find out when I'll get it. My next gig is on the 29th so I'll report back here after then. Really looking forward to getting it.
  24. For some reason this just came into my head the other day. I vaguely remember reading an article in Guitarist (I think) with a picture of a big stack that looked identicle to Trace Elliot but with red lights on the amp instead of green. I think they were a digital offshoot of Trace. Does anyone have any information on them? I'm not looking to buy one, just curious to find out more about them and why they disappeared as i don't remember ever seeing them in a guitar shop.
  25. I had 2 of these cabs about 2 or 3 years ago. I would say vintage was something over about 25 years old so it would have to have been made in 1983 and Ashdown weren't around then.
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