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Everything posted by Delberthot

  1. Bicycle race is on YouTube and it is thoroughly mental. I was actually laughing listening to it because it is such a crazy and incredible bassline
  2. I've managed to fit Spirit of the Radio into the verse of Don't Stop Believing. I haven't tried this one but I think I can make Killing in the Name Of fit into Beyonce's Crazy In Love
  3. relax, you're all wrong. There's only one drummer that could replace Charlie and that man is Steve Moore What? It's been a good 5 minutes since this video was posted on the forum 😀
  4. Doug's done a few with MIck including my favourite solo track
  5. Yeah with their long tails and beady eyes. Tasty though
  6. The Fenders are a more vibrant green than the D'addarios if I remember correctly
  7. Delberthot


    Sometimes like with basses etc the only way is to try some and find out what suits you best. I went through most of the ones listed when I first got my QSC Q12.2 but settled on the Radial Tonebone Bassbone as it gave me exactly the sound that I needed, well nearly exactly what I needed. It only took a cheap Behringer CS400 to complete my sound. Lots of control from this pedal plus it has a DI, A/B, effects loop, high pass filter, boost, tuner out, piezo setting and so on. It's big and it uses an awkward voltage if you prefer a single multi power supply but it's worth it for me to get what I want
  8. So that probably means that most of us on the forum who change string tension/brand/roundwound/flatwound/tapewound with the weather are all screwed then and shouldn't bother 😀 I for one have never bought a bass and kept the same string gauge as was fitted. The closest I got was a bass fitted with EXL170 and I tend to use EXL165 when I'm using nickel roundwounds
  9. It doesn't look like strings matter. If the neck is under tension then the neck is under tension. It means that when you adjust the truss rod to a specific bow regardless of the gauge of strings used everything will be level. That's my take on what it looks like to me although I have been known to talk utter sloblock from time to time 🥴
  10. Always make sure I wash my hands before playing and never wipe the strings with anything
  11. Genuinely gutted to hear this. My brother and I drove 6 hours down to Birmingham to see them around 2016 at the O2.
  12. I also have a red one for when I need a 5 string. It must have been around this time last year when there were a few of us all trying to get the same bass. I didn't but managed to find one locally. Surprised that this is still here. They're fantastic basses for very little money
  13. Nutbush? Man that would be good to hear 😀
  14. If the frets are tarnished then I usually tape off the fretboard with Frog Tape (not made from actual frogs) as it comes off easy without leaving a residue. I then lightly use 000 grade steel wool to go over the frets and shine them up. Make sure that you either cover the magnets for the pickups or stay well away from them with the steel wool otherwise they'll end up covered in the little metal filings from the steel wool. Alternatively you can buy a little template that goes over each individual fret but I prefer to do the whole fretboard at the same time
  15. If you like the D'addarios then have a look at their tension chart and buy the corresponding single strings for your chosen tuning. This is what I do but for standard tuning. Mine are 45,60,80,110
  16. I always hold onto the pot/jack underneath while I am undoing the corresponding nut in case the whole thing turns and loosens one of the wires. Same applies when I'm putting it back together
  17. Surely Tormato if we're talking about Rics?
  18. They wouldn't want to mess with you in the first place if you could throw one of those. 😀 I still remember the sheer force required to get a Trace v-type 4x12" in and out of the car. Had the matching 2x15" as well. 46kg each. Everything I take to a gig comes in at about half of that, maybe less
  19. One song that I use to keep the stength up on my left thumb behind the neck is When The World is Running Down by the Police. It's virtually the same riff from start to finish. For co-ordination I use Killers by Iron Maiden - during the intro you're playing open notes in between each fretted note then the rest of the song keeps changing between staight bits and funny sections (you know what I mean 😀) When I'm practicing octaves then it's either Everybody Dance by Chic or Right on Time by the Chilis For right hand speed it's usually The Trooper by Maiden For both hands, co-ordination, octaves, pretty much the whole shooting match it's this version of What is Hip from 05:08 These are the songs I play to keep things moving between gigs and have been playing them as often as possible over the last year and a bit to keep the strength and dexterity up until we can get back out gigging again They're all uncomfortable to play in that each one tests different parts of the hands and the brain to keep things moving. The Police song can be a killer if you're not relaxed enough
  20. Thanks I also emailed Rob Green and have decided to go with a Jazz neck
  21. I'm looking to build something special and would like a Status neck for it. There aren't any dimensions on the website for the necks so can anyone tell me if the jazz necks are 37mm, precision 41mm and if they would correspond to Fender necks - eg modern C, shallow C etc? or are they completely different? I can go between different necks no problem but struggle with super slim Ibanez necks so just want to get a feel for what they are like before picking.
  22. These bridges are fantastic and being on a rail I'm sure that you can also remove one of the bridge sections for a wide 5 string or two for a super wide 4 string
  23. I tried about half a dozen websites but couldn't find anything for 13th August
  24. The closest I can find is that one of my favourite basketball players of all time, Magic Johnson, has his birthday the day after me. On Mother's Milk by the Chilis there is a song called Magic Johnson which features a bass player of some description
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