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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. If you say you want something different then go for a fretless acoustic - that should get the creative juices flowing! You'll soon find somewhere to anchor your thumb. Personally never really noticed a problem with the shorter scal length, just noticed that the Crafter I used to play is only 32". Mike
  2. Black ARIA SWB Lite One BIS (with the extra magnetic pick-up), in very good condition but missing the metal support (which I could never use anyway)! Last one on here that I could find was up at £700. Bearing in mind the missing part, and probably a bit more use, I'm putting this one out there at [s]£600[/s]. Dropped to £550 to sell before the credit card bill for the MOT comes through Now also considering trades (to hell with the credit card bill) for nice amp w.h.y? Here's the full details from MB Music's site: [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/Aria_SWB_LITE_BIS_Upright_Bass_Guitar.html"]http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog...ass_Guitar.html[/url] Thanks, Mike Sorry about the quality of pictures - no natural light today and if you thought photographing bass guitars was hard..... [attachment=63689:EUB_014.JPG] [attachment=63691:EUB_015.JPG] [attachment=63690:EUB_021.JPG]
  3. Did include £149 hard case but even so.....
  4. Just discovered (yes, I know I'm slow) Joe Osborn - he's on so many great recordings. Duck Dunn (and I've met him) Tommy Cogbill - just for that line on Son of a Preacher Man.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='1018547' date='Nov 10 2010, 10:59 AM']Paul Simon significantly upped the bar for singer songwriters with the Bookends album. The production values, playing and songs were miles ahead of anything else at the time. Plus he could write for Art Garfunkel’s fantastic voice.[/quote] Great writer and musician - I love the One Trick Pony soundtrack.
  6. [quote name='chaypup' post='1018541' date='Nov 10 2010, 10:59 AM']He's a great player - I had a shock once when I came to play bass on Mrs Robinson once...... [/quote] I looked at his credits list on All Music Guide - WOW!!
  7. Listening to the album at last - hearing stuff in some old favourites that I hadn't really noticed before - especially some really intricate runs on America.
  8. [quote name='Musky' post='1017003' date='Nov 8 2010, 10:49 PM']I researched Nolan a few years back after seeing a few go on ebay fairly cheaply. Although they relocated to Ireland (where they were still making PA cabs at the time I was researching), they started off in Holloway before moving to Forest Hill. [attachment=63416:Nolan_Ad.jpg][/quote] Talk about memory lane - I used to go to their Forest Hill shop as a kid, had one of their Twin Reverb clone amps - great but huge, think my dad got a bit fed up helping me cart it around!
  9. Fair enough - worth a ponder, but I think I'm with you, the real thing is out there on my ultimate wish list (somewhere just after a new house with room for it to go in)!
  10. I'll see your hanker and raise it with a ponder - Aria SWB EUB (the one with the piezo and magnetic p/up), missing the funny little piece that is supposed to support it against your body but never made much sense to me when I played it. I just can't get on with anything without a low B, but as I say, it's very much a ponder at the moment!
  11. Sorry, but anyone know what a law-suite is? A legal sofa and two armchairs perhaps?
  12. "Time consuming and expensive hobbies (photography)" - not exactly on show in these pictures!!
  13. This thread is getting so long it needs an index! Sorry if this is already on here - had a Stax compilation on in the car today and this is just great:
  14. The added adreneline of a live performance will probably be what they need to add that last bit of sparkle - either that or it will kill them off completely! Give them a go and enjoy them.
  15. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1014591' date='Nov 6 2010, 06:19 PM']You will get X.[/quote] Thanks (but that means my rig is not loud enough )
  16. Welcome to the forum - but Earthlings? You'll only find bass players on here! Better get some pics up of that collection as well.
  17. If I can ask an additional, related question, if an amp with two speaker outputs runs at X at 4 ohms or Y at 8 ohms, if you run one 4 ohm speaker will you get x or do you need to run two 8 ohm speakers?
  18. "got lots of fingering pluck tone" and this from a drummer
  19. [quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1011581' date='Nov 4 2010, 04:54 AM']You really need a friend there in Glasgow - is that near Wandsworth? Wandsworth is the only place other than London I know in the UK. Well - there's Shropshire too - but that's a very long and involved story. [center][font="Century Gothic"] [size=4][i][color="#8B0000"]WILL TUNE BASS GUITARS FOR BEER. [/color][/i][/size][/font][/center][/quote] Why Wandsworth - worked there for 4 years and can't see what the attraction is (apart from the now departed Youngs Brewery)?
  20. Welcome. Nothing strange about Metal & Blues, just don't try and combine them!! Plenty of Oxford area guys on here - they should be able to point you in the right direction for a bass repair man. Mike
  21. No, but chance to revive a very amusing thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78634&hl=gearstalker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...;hl=gearstalker[/url]
  22. Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey - will get on to the dub version later.
  23. so has anyone got any suggestions as to what i should get? Dangerous question to ask on here! Start looking in the for sale section for some second hand goodness, and welcome to the site. Mike
  24. Thanks for that - my usual sources for that sort of info let me down this time.
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