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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Who was the bass player on this?
  2. Well the neck is of to Mr Shuker this week for a lovely new unlined ebony board - will post pic's when it returns. One day I'll have a whole Shuker, in the meantime, in the words of Johnny Cash - "I got it one piece at a time" !!
  3. Really easy deal, pleasure doing business with you Tim. Mike
  4. High Society - Frank, Bing and Louis!!
  5. [quote name='Tony Goggle' post='980719' date='Oct 7 2010, 04:54 PM']I am Mark King [/quote] But you're Tony Goggle - how did you get away with it? Oh, and as an ex-local, whereabouts in Penge? Wish I had known when I lived there!!
  6. Mmmmm, Dave.... Dave31KDrums any relation to Dave74200????
  7. This used to be a much sought after Aria in the 80's.
  8. Far enough away from Seymour Duncan Villas - I hear it has become a real pick-up joint.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. Beautiful chord progression and lovely tones. Nice stuff.
  11. I recently got this selling Xbox stuff for my son - seems certain brands must get flagged all the time. Just click on the agree button and it should all be fine.
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='989716' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:17 PM']I have no grades at all nor can I read music (the same for many musicians if we are still allowed to call ourselves that?) and recently spent an evening with a very fine classical player who came to a blues jam with me a couple of years ago and said he wished he could do that,I thought he was taking the piss at first but he wasnt and he got me to go and show him the basics of the 12 bar and a few simple licks to get him started. I was amazed at what he could play if it was in front of him and literally nothing without! It was like some kind of comedy sketch. You cant teach rock its not possible ,Look at cold play and all that stuff,Middle class mushy rockers cant do a full on Metallica thing,They think they can and I have played with some top notch drummers that read symbols and all sorts of stuff but when it comes to the final rock out at the end,Nothing.....its not on the page.[/quote] A guy I knew came across a similar problem, depped for a function band that was all reading. He said they were amazing until a punter asked for some rock & roll. He spent the break trying to teach them C'mon Everybody but they couldn't get it in time for the second set.
  13. I bought a couple of shirts at a music festival once but who spends over a grand at one? Imagine stashing that in the tent overnight! Strangely though, I quite like it.
  14. There's something about the Faces that always makes me wish I was involved - even on record they just sound like they are really enjoying themselves.
  15. [quote name='leschirons' post='971873' date='Sep 29 2010, 05:05 PM']Bad or great is all a matter of opinion. I suppose if you mean technically bad, there's probably loads of famous ones.[/quote] Beat m eto it - What makes a bad bass player? Other people's opinions.
  16. Just a thought, but if you're spending all that money on some amazing exotic wood, beautifully crafted and finished by a top luthier, perhaps they are fining you for having the audacity to spoil their artistry by sticking on a pickgaurd
  17. [quote name='Johnston' post='969183' date='Sep 27 2010, 09:57 AM']Just to add to that I went for an audition for a blues band. Was a last minute thing just got talking to a guy in a shed and got invited along. Pulled out my T-bird and one of the first things the guitard said was "oh I thought you would have a Precision" . There was also a few other snide remarks made after that .[/quote] Similar happened to me - took my Cort GB75 to a blues audition and there were mutterings about it not being a Fender and why the 5th string! (I only use the 5th string as I'm not too comfortable playing in open position and hate playing too far up when in D but I guess they read something else into it).
  18. [quote name='dood' post='968921' date='Sep 26 2010, 10:20 PM']Awww - and whilst I am at it, my good friend and ex-band mate, Matt Goom played with Glenn for the last three years or so - here's some pics, doing what he does best! [url="http://www.glennhughes.com/tourpix_liveinbrazil2009.html"]http://www.glennhughes.com/tourpix_liveinbrazil2009.html[/url][/quote] Matt's a great drummer - had the pleasure of jamming with him a couple of times - I'm good mates with Webby, his mate that helped him with a lot of his clinics at NDA.
  19. [quote name='tino' post='968854' date='Sep 26 2010, 09:30 PM']She said """ Can it be done up in pink flock" to match her jukebox...lol[/quote] Sounds like a job for WaynePD!
  20. [quote name='Musky' post='968356' date='Sep 26 2010, 01:52 PM']Bid for a gig! I especially like the listing category and the condition description. Bid away! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380272566330&afsrc=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...330&afsrc=1[/url][/quote] Hesitate to ask what you were doing in that category
  21. These things are pretty amazing: [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/"]http://www.tc-helicon.com/[/url]
  22. [quote name='WalMan' post='964515' date='Sep 22 2010, 02:32 PM']But which version of JPJ's lines would you play? There's the rub.[/quote] WalMan beat me to it - all these great bands put on different shows every night - part of what made them so thrilling to see live (otherwise stay at home and put the album on, nice comfy sofa, no-one in front of you swaying drunkenly and spilling his pint, no ticket costs, no worrying about missing the last bus home). Also, using your Led Zep/Joe Cocker analogy, I'm sure most people in the audience wouldn't notice if you hadn't nailed JPJ's exact lines. Sure the singer and the guitarist would have there work cut out, maybe a handful of air drummers would know all the exact drum patterns, but, just like the BBC "I'm In A Rock & Roll Band", no-one cares about us so enjoy yourself!
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' post='964667' date='Sep 22 2010, 05:08 PM']Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200 An extended version on Moondance? That is a crime against humanity.[/quote] Not enough work in the day job Bilbo
  24. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='964832' date='Sep 22 2010, 07:51 PM']Bb (never, ever heard it called A#)[/quote] Has to be A# if you are in the key of B. I know what you mean though, having played for years with horn players I am more comfortable thinking in flats rather than sharps, but most guitarists I know always refer to sharps.
  25. Aztec Caera Waterboys Lloyd Cole Nice spot BigRedX on Furniture - their bass played went on to becom features editor for Mojo - struggling to remember his name, but shame on you sir, Nik Kershaw great writer, great performer and decent bloke!
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