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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Great to see another fan on board! (you may have a point about the thread title though)
  2. I sometimes sound like a stuck record banging on about Cort but my mate in the local music shop has one of these (the P90 version) - it's a beaut! [url="http://www.cortguitars.com/en/product/m520"]http://www.cortguitars.com/en/product/m520[/url]
  3. [quote name='Hot Rod (Wizard) Pickups' timestamp='1400087353' post='2450643'] Hi Guys, We are the lucky folk who are continuing Andys Legacy, Please check out below, Full forum launch to follow: [url="https://www.facebook.com/hotrodguitarparts?ref=hl"]https://www.facebook...tarparts?ref=hl[/url] [/quote] Dangerously close to my office.....
  4. [quote name='bassix' timestamp='1397828087' post='2427742'] I'm a little [s]scared[/s] apprehensive about putting this up given the number of talented bass players in these parts but here goes! [/quote] No need to be - bass playing is absolutely spot on. It's all about playing the right basslines for the material and you certainly do that. Great punk tone as well.
  5. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1399302526' post='2442892'] Nooooooooo ! not all the high notes at the end ! [/quote] Never mind, still impressed you tackled it!
  6. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1399283045' post='2442648'] I sang 'Always and Forever' for a couple's wedding dance last year. Lovely song [/quote] Including the high notes? Impressive! Great and underrated band.
  7. Big fan of Wunjo and great to hear that their attitude may be contagious!
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1399238849' post='2442401'] You're more than right. It still has 12 strings over body and neck! Impressive technology that, with only six tuners and stuff. [/quote] Your right, my dodgy eyes didn't spot that - makes it look all the more ridiculous!
  9. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1399213372' post='2442116'] @TheGreek - it's not just Washburn Taurus T24 basses that don't get mentioned much. I've noted that ESP/LTD basses aren't discussed much here. Personally I believe that there are just too many brands (and models) of basses for all of them to get the attention they deserve. [/quote] Agreed, the ESP/LTD basses and guitars are excellent at all price points.I just think that not enough people know about them beyond the more dramatic designs.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1399159094' post='2441716'] Probably for the best. [/quote] That looks like one of their 12 string headstocks - looks like a well known Ebay luthier has been at work converting it
  11. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1399094656' post='2440933'] strange how when you are cheaper than the net no-one ever asks you to price match. Steve [/quote] Love this - going to share it with my music shop owning mate
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1399045304' post='2440441'] IME it can take several days. What does the tracking say? [/quote] It is in UK customs since 08:00 on the 29th. Guess I need a little more patience!
  13. Anyone here have experience of how long it should take a bass to get through UK customs? Just bought a Mighty Mite kit from the US and getting impatient!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399031796' post='2440189'] Each to his own, I say. Some people get precious about glass paperweights, but it doesn't bother me. Good luck to 'em. [/quote] You been trawling some very old threads? I'm not precious about my paperweight, I've been trying to identify it to reunite it with the family it originally belonged to (and knew there would be some Italian speakers on here)
  15. Now I love a very wide cross section of music so I'll never criticise variety, however, you do seem to have a lot of big strong songs from very different eras/genres, and to me they are not sitting easily with one another - Pump it Up and Alright Now for one example - Burning Down The House, Boys Are Back in Town, Wanted Dead or Alive as another. Now I like four out of five of those, but put it this way, I'd never dream of putting them together on a mix tape.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399031358' post='2440181'] I wouldn't say it's 'nonsense' - you're just not into antiques, are you? Some people like to collect objects for reasons other than that of their actual purpose. They made some good basses in the 70s too. The 76P I had for many years was excellent. [/quote] Yes, of course they did, which is probably why a lot that survived were/are the good ones, but surely they are nothing to get precious about?
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1399030922' post='2440169'] What is this "40 year old piece of history" nonsense? I'm sorry but it's just an old bass that was probably in a battered/worn condition and has certainly been IMO been visually improved by the finish. [/quote] Big +1 to this. I keep seeing this with cars now being classed as classic - Granada, early Range Rovers, all sorts of things that were just piles of junk in the first place. This bass now looks great but may well still be a pup.
  18. Sorry if this is too obvious, but have you given him a whole stack of relevant music to listen to? Partly beaten to it by JapanAxe!
  19. Because it was a rubbish bass in the first place? Somehow 70's Fenders now have collectable status, but they did make an awful lot of junk for many years.
  20. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1398939081' post='2439150'] I love my Carvin. It's the closest thing I've found to an all-valve amp without being all-valve! Oh, and it's VERY loud! [/quote] Glad to read this post - I thought I'd seen you had cooled your opinion of it and was worried I'd given some bad advice!
  21. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1398623900' post='2435923'] Bernard Edwards did a gig back at the Budokhan while suffering from...as he put it...the 'Tokyo Flu'. Turned out it was actually pneumonia and he died a day or two later. [/quote] You still there Pete?....Pete?.......PETE?!
  22. I think if I was in the same position with a band the calibre of yours, I too would be just as stupid! Glad to hear the gigs went well and you are on the mend.
  23. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1398607182' post='2435659'] No need to be sorry...hope my post didn't come across as critical! [/quote] Not at all - I thought I was the one who may have caused offence!
  24. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1398589775' post='2435449'] to make room for more inadequately clad young ladies of the opposite sex [/quote] So blokes then?!
  25. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1398597168' post='2435561'] Nothing oddball about it. I really admire musicians that have the courage to break outwith the standard formula. Music is art...there are no rules. [/quote] Sorry, I was using odball as in a little off the beaten track - not trad folk or even folk/rock, and odball is always good in my book!!
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