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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1413999932' post='2584710'] My Dad died from the same kind of cancer last year, I really really hope Wilko can now put this in the past, my Dad had similar op but wasn't successful, would be soooo great to have someone beat this poxy nasty condition. Bit emotional, sorry. [/quote] Every right to be - its 20 years for me with my dad and still hate to hear about it. Great to hear Wilko's news though!
  2. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1413376169' post='2577641'] My personal observation is the average directors wage at most charities is around £800 a day 7 days a week. They never run out of money to pay the board members salaries, so they are not very hard up and my meagre contribution of buying my own fuel and putting in a nights graft wont make much difference and if it does, take a few quid out of the bar takings, the never mention the bar takings do they. [/quote] Charity board members are trustees and are not allowed to be paid (apart from bona-fide expenses) under charity commission rules. My chief exec gets around £130 a day, and if you re-calculate it to take out all the holiday he hasn't taken over the last three years it's probably under £120 a day.
  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1412960231' post='2573714'] One of the many things I like about the Tribute scene is the punning. Oasish? Green Date? Fleetwood Bac? You've got to love it. [/quote] A friend was setting up an Eagles tribute - I suggested Shmeagles which he loved but the rest of the band rejected out of hand
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412796672' post='2572226'] Rather sanctimonious and judgemental if I may say [/quote] Of course you may say, but you're wrong
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412785738' post='2572052'] What's the problem? You hate hate hate it, but it's alright, it's has no musical integrity but that's not what it's about is it. Jesus! Peeps! Get a grip! [/quote] No hate from me just a huge feeling of disappointment that an enormous amount of talent has been wasted by poor treatment of said talent and a great song.
  6. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1412774382' post='2571884'] It's one of my favourite songs begin rant... I watched this BBC auto-tribute earlier...Thankfully, lining up these blink and you'll miss them popstars alongside the venerable greats and getting them to sp**k up the odd line against a horrific, fat headed abortion of a backing track is so anathema to what makes the original a beautiful, delicate, artful thing, it thankfully hasn't tarnished my love of Beach Boys version. But f***ing hell…this is so horrifically overproduced, over thought, over peer-group-researched and broadly inoffensive it makes me ill. And I get the point - It's [i]meant[/i] to be a tribute to music and specifically the music that is recorded for and by the BBC, but really, the deficiencies of this recording are so stark when you compare this banal, please-everyone, rendition against the stellar original. I mean…. how can a song so gloriously personal and affecting be sung by different people, line after line…it's such a STUPID idea. Arrrrgh!!! And really, there are hundreds of other songs that would have been more suitable and less annoying. God Only Knows is one of the few songs that never needs to be recorded ever, ever, repeat ever again because the original is PERFECT. rant over Saying that, it's a very pretty visual treatment. But that doesn't make the choice of song any less ball-achingly annoying... [/quote] Put in a very different style than I would have done but I can't believe how close you have got to how I felt about this, right down to the visual. What a waste of some enormous talent
  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1412526661' post='2569592'] First units should be arriving pretty soon [/quote] Marvellous - always being told what a pain I am for never putting anything on a Christmas list - wonder if I'll get away with one of these!!
  8. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1410470324' post='2549886'] I see snakeskin S112's on the horizon, and black S212's with metal grilles and black 1126's with cloth grilles and . . . And . . . [/quote] [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1412498200' post='2569263'] Failing that...can take trip up to BassGear when they have stock [/quote] Am I reading this correctly - are BG going to be stocking them? Great excuse for going up again
  9. 77 is the only one that sound very different to the others to me, but not really what I would be after. Probably on 100% tone would go Japan, Mexico, USA, 77, but really, with the exception of the 77 as Machines said, I doubt you would notice the difference in a band setting.
  10. Well done Bilbo, I knew if I stuck with you you'd get a win eventually!!
  11. [quote name='thefyst' timestamp='1411553058' post='2560549'] have you got a pic of the damage? there might be other alternatives to covering it with the bridge? [/quote] Will be taking it off this week so will take pics and post. Quite liking the bridge cover idea though.
  12. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1411714159' post='2562083'] Do you travel East young man? [/quote] [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1411715452' post='2562095'] I do, just how far east we talking? [/quote] Gents, I work in Fontwell, live in Burgess Hill and rehearse in Hailsham. Could work out a friendly BassChat relay service if you want.
  13. Not quite up there with a mandolin in the compost, but my wife had some clothes delivered yesterday by DX (new to me this bunch). My wife was in but they didn't seem to make much effort to let her know they were there. The toilet window that faces the road was open very slightly so the driver opened it a bit more and chucked the package through the window. Good job we're a toilet seat down family
  14. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1411038958' post='2555790'] have you considered swapping to the traditional BBOT bridge and then fitting a bridge cover? that might cover up the damaged finish pretty well (and i think it looks ace! as can be seen by my profile pic.) Matt [/quote] Funnily enough, yes, I have! May go for that rather than the slightly odd looking one that I've been looking at.
  15. Thanks Howie - the existing bridge is high mass, but has the old rollers.
  16. Putting together a P Bass from BYO Guitars as a bit of a project plus I really fancied a Seafoam Green P! Must say I'm not knocked out by the quality of either the finish - looked nice but cracked and splintered like mad despite using masking tape when I drilled it. Also, the supplied screws were very poor, broke two putting the bridge on and stripped the heads on quite a few of them, All that aside, looking like quite a nice bass, and it has been fun bringing it all together, however I have made one cock-up - I have got the bridge about 2.5mm out. The trouble is, the cracked finish means I can't simply move it - that will reveal a bit of damage. I have spent ages looking for a bridge with a slightly larger baseplate - all I can find is this one which doesn't look brilliant: [url="http://www.chguitars.co.uk/bridges/bass-bridges/b18-four-string-hardtail-fixed-bass-guitar-bridge.html"]http://www.chguitars.co.uk/bridges/bass-bridges/b18-four-string-hardtail-fixed-bass-guitar-bridge.html[/url] Anyone used one of these and have any opinion or anyone got any other suggestions - needs to be a little bigger than the standard 80mmx53mm. Many thanks, Mike
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1410793219' post='2553190'] Abba - Waterloo [/quote] I was struck by what a great Glam Rock track "Does Your Mother Know" was. Also, Geordie might be a good bet for something a little less well known.
  18. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1409998934' post='2545247'] I now have something to share, my newly arrived Rob Allen MB-2 five string It is a thing of beauty to play, hear and look at IMO. [/quote] That's lovely. Got my heart set on a Shuker Artist which has a very similar vibe to it, but need some much better gigs before I can justify it!
  19. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1409830880' post='2543701'] Which shop is this, out of interest? [/quote] Bedrock Music in Burgess Hill. Do you know the area?
  20. [quote name='Rebinterleave' timestamp='1409731163' post='2542640'] Thanks to all for the welcome: I tried the Amberley Folk Club: very friendly and a great atmosphere. [/quote] Glad to hear that - must make it sometime. Drummer in my blues band was involved in booking some acts for it some time back.
  21. My local shop stocks SX - only tried the guitars, not basses, and they are very good for the money - even recommended one to a friend who bought one and has been very happy with it.
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1409738877' post='2542756'] But in-store performances are not really part of traditional record shop nostalgia are they? At least, none of the record shops I ever visited as a lad. So that's new thing (well, Virgin was doing it years ago wasn't it?) in an attempt to revitalise flagging sales. [/quote] Ah, more nostalgia - I remember bunking off school to see Nine Below Zero at the original Virgin Megastore - 1981 - just checked the original vinyl copy of the album they were launching! Sorry, I'm off now to get a bit more up to date
  23. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1409728397' post='2542589'] I can't see the need for CDs / DVDs in this day and age... They just take up space on a shelf. With spotify etc you have instant access to pretty much anything ever released. CDs are an obsolete format, things have moved on and I think its for the better... I never had any interest in album artwork / lyrics or any of that prephiery stuff, it's always been about the sound of the music for me. [/quote] I don't think the physical format is anywhere near obsolete yet - personally I find there is a different discipline between listening to music from something like Spotify, which often comes with other distractions such as social media, or just the fact that you are logged into a computer, with actually going to the hi-fi, switching it on, selecting a CD/LP, putting it on, sitting down and listening to it. Don't get me wrong, I think that the amount of online music available is amazing, it just isn't the same as stopping and dedicating the time to an album.
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